
Mouth Watering Dino

The woman in front of me was exceptionally beautiful. She had large blue eyes, a button nose, a sharp jawline and a set of luscious blue lips that matched her skins complexion. I stared at her face a moment coming up with the right words to say to displace the unease that was creeping upon it.

"Well, I have to say. You were right." I said while nodding my head. "About what?" she said raising her eyebrow. "You are way hotter than me." I said, bringing up our first meeting. A pink hue spread on her cheeks before laughing aloud, the stress from the reveal being expelled with it.

After I moment I decided to ask some questions. "So, I take it you are a Sepiidan correct? Forgive me, but I don't understand why you would be killed if that information got out."