
Mission Objective

In his personal quarters, Caleb was watching the ships surveillance network. He was supposed to use it to stop his rowdy mercs from hitting on the hired cleaners Kathrine brought with her, But his attention was currently stuck watching A purple haired man in the training room wielding a sword like a man possessed.

Possessed by the sprit of war that is. Caleb had many years of advanced fencing and swordsman ship under his belt. However this young'un could rival him, possibly even beat him. "Nah, I'm too great to be beaten by someone younger than me." Caleb gloated to himself.

With his feet up on the table, Caleb continued to not creepily watch the man train with his sword until someone entered his quarters unannounced. "Hey! Hey! Do you not knock? I could be jerking it over here for all you know. What? Do you not respect your capta- Oh Kathrine its you, what's up buttercup?"