
Man vs Machine II

'Crap, definitely cracked a rib with that hit.' I groaned as I stood up to re position myself. The Phobos had already discarded Zircon from his cannon and threw her away. I smiled devilishly at that mistake and aimed to stand my ground a moment as he was now too close to use my minigun.

As I continually dodged his blows, as he struck for my left pauldron, I let it make contact, rending through my armour and creating a large gash into my shoulder. "Urghhh" I grunted in pain while I manipulated gravity on my arm to keep the sword in place.

"You fought well less being, but your lesser brain cannot-" Alexios' radar picked up an object moving towards him at frightening speed. He tried to remove his sword from the shoulder of his foe, but it would not budge, even after using three times the recommended force.