

I woke up and the rest of the morning went by in a blur. The Mercenaries did a thorough job overnight and the dig sight was now fully filled back in. Kathrine's tent was being taken back into the ship by her staff while she sat on a sunchair drinking a tea to soothe her throat , something she had taken up doing relatively recently.

It was another hour before all ships were ready to take off to the next set of coordinates. I did not see Mindy before we set off and I just assumed she was still asleep to a hangover. The next set of coordinates were 3000 miles away and by exiting and re-entering the atmosphere, we were there in no time.

Exiting the Thanatos, I was immediately glad I decided to wear my armour. Sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Fortunately My armour is pressurised so no desert dust will be getting inside.