so, reincarnation huh? "a lot of good... a lot of bad... balanced karma." "good news you get one boon to bring with you to the next life. unfortunately for you though, you don't get to choose. totally random. ready?" join Apollo in his new life where through sheer luck (good or bad?) is raised by an all hungry, all dominant and all loving hivemind who will burn the galaxy just to see him smile. Hi, I hope you enjoy my novel. It is quite the slow burner so I hope you stick with it.
Orchid looked dejected when I told her neither of them would be getting any 'Apollo love' for the duration of the voyage. Not only as a punishment for their squabble but also for the sake of Ronnie as I did not want him hearing all the sounds while he was by his lonesome.
Onyx also pretended to be saddened as well but she already knew this piece of information. All she said is that she would be next, she did not mention when next was as it was Orchid who jumped to conclusions assuming she meant tonight and helped seal that fate in the near future.
With my supervision, The rest of the ships night cycle went by in a peaceful state. "Its funny how much they do not get along and differ in personalities despite being the same being in technicality." I thought once more about the nature of the hive and how different they are around me compared to other species.