
Inappropriate Time

As I was working, helping Kathrine sorting out her files, I glanced subtly to my right at Mindy who was doing her report casually. Under the table however, she had removed her boots and was rubbing my calf up and down with her bare foot.

Meanwhile on the left of me, Kathrine was working her foot up and down my left shin. Time seemed to freeze for me a moment. I don't usually get naturally turned on at inappropriate times, but the excitement of the two women showing a discreet intimacy towards me while their peers and in Mindy's case spouse, were present in the room, drove me wild.

The 30 minutes that went by felt like hours as the gentle rubbing from both parties fuelled the constant urge inside of me. "Apollo, can you help me crunch some of these numbers here a moment? You don't mind me borrowing him a second my Lady?" Mindy asked.