so, reincarnation huh? "a lot of good... a lot of bad... balanced karma." "good news you get one boon to bring with you to the next life. unfortunately for you though, you don't get to choose. totally random. ready?" join Apollo in his new life where through sheer luck (good or bad?) is raised by an all hungry, all dominant and all loving hivemind who will burn the galaxy just to see him smile. Hi, I hope you enjoy my novel. It is quite the slow burner so I hope you stick with it.
After making her intentions well known to the scavengers in the room, that she will be the one with Apollo next, Onyx placed down Sophia carefully before looking around the room. "Ugh, fixed points are the worst when they don't revolve around you, my universe." "This was a fixed point? But there did not seem to be anything out of the ordinary?" I asked confused.
"Not this moment exactly Apollo, The face that one over there is making the first time she sees me is the fixed point." Looking in the direction Onyx's tail was pointing, Samantha had her eyes glued upon Onyx's form, her face awash with reverence and worship.
"Oh a stalker gene-caste? Well I did not expect you to bring such an elite and unique bio-form with you my sweet. That being said, I'm not too sure how you are planning to have your way with Daddy~ here as your form has no reproductive organs" Sophia said with a hint of intrigue in her voice.