so, reincarnation huh? "a lot of good... a lot of bad... balanced karma." "good news you get one boon to bring with you to the next life. unfortunately for you though, you don't get to choose. totally random. ready?" join Apollo in his new life where through sheer luck (good or bad?) is raised by an all hungry, all dominant and all loving hivemind who will burn the galaxy just to see him smile. Hi, I hope you enjoy my novel. It is quite the slow burner so I hope you stick with it.
The drive south had been most pleasant. Taking in the scenery thanks to my night vision, I watched as the arid grassland went by in silence. As we arrived closer to the border, The scenery began to change as more and more building appeared and the wild terrain vanished almost instantly.
The buildings we were all driving past now were all sophisticated and looked new and maintained. It was quite the contrast compared to the jungle of skyscrapers that appeared in the distance right on the equators border.
As we passed the sign that signalled the equator I grew confused and wished for clarification. Pushing a button to roll down the privacy barrier, I waited until it was down and asked a question towards the front of the vehicle. "Hey, out of curiosity how come there was no border security or anything like at the airport? I would suspect travelling to and from each side of the equator would be under careful supervision?"