
Cryptic Words

After draining my embarrassment away, Kathrine went to find Hank for my clothes before the two of us returned to the living room to find Valerica sat comfortably on a chair she had brought in front of the fire. As she sipped her wine, she noticed us in her peripherals and smiled.

"So I take it you were able to satisfy your urge? I hope so as I was expecting you five minutes ago." Valerica said casually. "Sorry to keep you waiting, It does usually take me a while, but if Kathrine puts on her vacuum extension so to speak, she can pick up the pace quite severely." I said to the mother of my lover as though it was a normal thing to say.

Valerica smiled as she heard this. "That is good to hear. Kathrine always liked putting things in her mouth to suck, even as a baby she would give me heart attacks as she shoved items all the way down her throat. I am glad her problem has become a passion of hers."