
Carrot and Fail

After falling asleep spooning with Orchid, I was awoken by a heavy whooshing noise. It would seem Jewel had taken notice of what Orchid was doing and decided to rescue me. She had sent a wing ripper to come and pick me up.

I had always found these variant of bio form to be a little odd. They looked like a cross between a pterodactyl and a dragonfly with a dainty thorax and abdomen with a massive wings with sharp edges protruding out the side of the body. They were designed for low Orbit battles where a swarm of over a thousand of them would go from ship to ship and destroy them. The ripper that was laying on the ground in front of me ,as Its legs were to weak for sustained standing on such a high gravity planet, was a wing ripper freethinker by the looks of things with its much larger body and 8m wide wingspan.