
Breaking Beds

I was pacing back and forth in the room while Nerissa watched my form curiously. For the past hour, she kept on dropping very juicy snippets of information, that not only were fascinating, but inadvertently could help me grow stronger when the time comes and I needed time to process.

Not long later I turned to ask her. "So you and your 'kin.' You are all stronger than almost all human Psionic wielders correct?" So why do you still serve what is basically your gods de-evolved children? What do you get out of this ordeal?"

Nerissa took no time to answer, like she had already prepared the answer. "Simple, Our directives. Since we are created from emotions and energy, we are usually given directives to follow. Apollo was a powerful healer and enjoyed a simpler life compared to most of the others of the Olympian council, When I manifested In her Garden, She was in the midst of composing a song as she liked to do in her free time."