
Big Baby Strikes Again

Emerging from the nest pod liquid, I opened my eyes and stretched. 'Why was I sent to the strange room again? All that was in there was a purple dot and when I touched it, it vanished.'

Deciding not to get frustrated by my abilities being an anomaly to me as I will surely understand them one day, I flexed my arm to test for injury and sure enough, I was right as rain.

As I got out of the pod, I expected Samantha to be staring at me, but she was transfixed to her notepad still continuously writing. I then heated up my body with my Psionics to dry myself off before putting my clothes back on.

Samantha was still not done writing after that so I leant up against the nest pod and waited for her. Ten minutes later, Samantha finished her writing, but stayed completely motionless with her pencil on the page.