so, reincarnation huh? "a lot of good... a lot of bad... balanced karma." "good news you get one boon to bring with you to the next life. unfortunately for you though, you don't get to choose. totally random. ready?" join Apollo in his new life where through sheer luck (good or bad?) is raised by an all hungry, all dominant and all loving hivemind who will burn the galaxy just to see him smile. Hi, I hope you enjoy my novel. It is quite the slow burner so I hope you stick with it.
As the ship lowered itself towards the ground I took in the sight of the first 'proper' space ship I have seen before. The was roughly 25 meters long and had a white paint job with a triangular shape for its body. It had two thrusters directly underneath its main body that glowed red, which I presumed was to assist with landings and take offs, along with 5 more thrusters all the rear of the ship. The biggest thruster in the middle glowed a hue of purple and is what I assumed had the ships FTL drive installed onto, but I will bother my courier with questions about that later.