
The High Priestess & The Silver Alpha

[Mature Content] Lilith is the daughter of the Fae King and the first Witch. She was powerful and beautiful. From the moment the Moon Goddess proclaimed her to be the mate of an alpha wolf, she has been fighting them throughout the centuries. Miguel is a Silver wolf and the Alpha of the Silver Lakes pack. He has been alive for over 250 years, waiting for his mate to finally surrender to him. After finally pin pointing her location, he finds her in New York City. Will Lilith finally stop running and surrender to her mate or will she finally reject him? This is book one of a series that I am currently writing. I have started book two and three. The book "Their Human Goddess" is book Four of this series. ************************************************************************ “I love you Lilith Santana of the Silver Lakes pack.” He said to me with a smile. Then he took a drink from the absinthe bottle. I could feel his sexual energy get stronger as the liquor hit him hard. “I love you too Miguel Santana.” I said to him. We kissed again as I felt him slide his erection up and down my wetness. He teased me with it before taking another shot of the bottle. “I’m ready papi.” I said to him in my anticipation.

Bronx_Lyran718 · Fantaisie
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Chapter 20

Lilith's P.O.V.

After a few minutes, Miguel heads back to the main house to change into something more comfortable. I continued to the single male's house to find the boys waiting for me outside along with Cake, Taylor, and Gloria. I felt bad that Miguel found out about his father and grandfather's secrets but I get tired of being the honest one in these situations.

"Miguel should be coming soon. I am going to open a portal to Beverly Hills." I said to them as I walk over to the group. A few minutes passed when I see Miguel coming down the hill in some blue jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Damn daddy. You look good enough to eat." I said to him via mind link. He smiles as he flash steps to me. That was his gift as a silver wolf, flash step.

"I just wanted to look as comfortable as you." He said as he picks me up with his hands on my ass. I wrap my legs around his waist as we kiss.

"Get a room!" the young Alpha said.

"We will, later." Miguel said with a smile as he puts me down.

"Okay. Anthony, you will take your pack and go with my husband, Jason, and Gary. The girls will go with me. We will meet up to get lunch." I said to them as I opened the portal to an alley way in Beverly Hills.

"I can't go with you?" Miguel asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"No but here." I said as I gave him a black American Express card.

"Anything in particular you want me to get for them?" Miguel asked me.

"Yes. Get them clothes and sneakers. Don't forget underwear and tank tops. You know how to shop for boys." I said to him. He kissed my shoulder where he marked me. I could feel the tingling sensation as he licked it.

"Okay. I love you." Miguel whispered in my ear. This made me feel a sensation between my legs.

"Papi please. I wanna get this done then later we can caress and massage each other." I said to him.

"We can make love too." Carlos said as he purred. I grabbed his hand as we walked through the portal.

We walked over to the main street. From there, we went our separate ways. Miguel, Jason, and Gary looked adorable with those boys following them.

"They are going to be awesome fathers one day." Taylor said as we walked away. A few feet from where we parted we found a sex shop. We excited walked in trying to see what we could find.

"Do you think they have a dragon section?" Cakes asked me excitedly holding my arm.

"Maybe. But dragon toys are a bit extreme for me. I haven't even let Miguel, well you know." All three women looked at me before laughing.

"Didn't ya have a threesome a few nights ago?" Taylor asked me.

"Wow, everyone knows!" I said as my face turned red.

"No, just us. Gary tells me everything. But demon huh? What was that like?" Cakes asked me.

"I enjoyed it even though I felt a bit jealous when I watched Miguel and Carlos fuck her." I said.

"Yup! That's the mate bond!" Cakes said smiling.

"Buy Gary hasn't marked you yet. Why?" I asked Cakes as we walked to the outfit section of the store.

"He still hasn't told his parents." She said as she looked at the nurse outfit.

"We will change that this weekend. You two should be open about your connection. Fuck what anyone has to say! Love is Love!" I said happily. She smiled at me as she picked out the maid outfit and pressed it up against me.

"You should wear this tonight for Miguel." She said smiling.

"I guess." I said smiling.

I grabbed Taylor and took her to the side. I know she was hiding something like the fact that she had found her mate.

"Anthony huh?" I asked Taylor as she looked at the dildos on the shelf. She looked at me with a big smile.

"The Moon Goddess' high priestess would know who my mate would be." Taylor said.

"The moment I laid my eyes on him, I knew he was your mate. Handsome and strong just for you." I said to her with a smile.

"But he is younger than me?" Taylor said.

"Girl, I am so much older than your brother. When I was 250 years old, your ancestors were not even thought about." I said to her. She looked at me and we both started laughing.

"What is going to happen to Gloria?" Taylor asked.

"She will be okay. I don't mind if she wants to stay with us but if she decides to leave with you, you guys will be good." I said to her.

We continued to look through their selection of dildos, vibrators, outfits, and other toys. I picked out some new body warming lube, a few toys, some lingerie, and a few outfits. I'm not gonna be a virgin after this weekend. I wanted to explore more of what pleases Miguel and Carlos and what I like. Surprisedly, they had a dragon selection. I grabbed a few of their books but their toys were a bit too extreme for me.

After that, we headed to buy new outfits for tonight. I found a sexy red lace material body con dress with matching red heels. I bought a set of red bra and booty short to go with it. When we left that store, we headed to get some make-up.

Two hours went by when we finally met up with the guys. They had so many bags with them. Miguel noticed my sex shop bag and took it from me to be nosy. When he saw all the things inside, his face turned red.

"Come on! Let's go get something to eat." I said to them. We walked to this nice restaurant and I put our group on the list.

"She wants to try new things with us." Carlos said happily. I looked over to Miguel and I started to blush.

The boys had never experienced the outside world before. Most packs don't since they stay on their territory most of their lives. The only ones who usually travel out are their leaders. I could tell by the way Anthony hung out with Miguel that they developed a bond because of their alpha energies.

"You can start your own pack. Wolves have been doing it forever. You just need guidance okay." I said to Anthony when I met him. He was destroyed by what Walter did to his mother. What he wanted them to do. I'm grateful that the Moon Goddess chose to give him the strength to be different and stand up for what is right.

"They love Miguel." Taylor said to me as we watch the boys talk to Miguel. They were laughing and carrying on as we waited for our food. Then the scent of a dragon hit us and before I realized it, Cakes and I were standing on our feet.

"What the hell are you doing here Queen of the Witches?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to find the Ice Dragon standing a few feet away by the kitchen. I met West a few centuries ago. I helped him defeat his tyrannical brother and we were friends since.

"Bitch your scent is different!" I said to him as I ran into his arms. He was 6'4, slim but muscular, tan skin, light blue eyes, with long white straight hair.

"Bitch I heard you are getting married! My wife got the invite. How have you been my beautiful sister." He said as he put me down. Miguel was standing behind me.

"Miguel, this is one of my oldest friends, West. He is the king of the Ice Dragons. West, this is my baby, my love, my forever, Miguel. Alpha of the Silver Lakes." I said as I introduced him.

"I picked up on the scent of a witch and some wolves so I came out to see if it was you." West said to me as he shook Miguel's hand. I could tell Carlos wanted to come out by the way his eye colors kept changing.

"Down boy!" I said to both of them.

"We own this restaurant. My wife and I moved out here after our son inherited the kingdom. So we have been living in Los Angeles for a few decades now. I heard you were in New York until I got the invite to your Luna ceremony. I'm glad to see you are with your mate." West said.

"I hope to meet the wife on Sunday." I said to him.

"Of course. Let me see what is the hold up with your food." West said before going into the kitchen.

"Mine!" Carlos said to me. I look up at Miguel as I kiss his hand.

"I know." I said as I lead him back to the table.