
The Hidden Playground Series By Robin Lyn

A dark story that is inspired by many pieces of lore from all around the world. A bit of suspense and mystery are the main ingredients of the stories that tell the tail of the hidden playground. Following the disappearances of children over many centuries we try to understand what is making this happen.

Robin_Lyn · Fantaisie
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/!\ Warning /!\ This story is meant to leave you with the heebeegeebees (Make you feel scared) New story once a month.

A late fall day brisk and bright it was the perfect day to play outside. Danny did not have any new friends in the neighborhood yet. His family had only just finished moving in. There was a trail into the woods behind his house that he had walked with his dad a few times. To pass some time he asked if he could walk the trail by himself today. He knew the way now and it was still early?

His Dad said it would be fine and his mom said to make sure he made it home in time for pizza. With a skip in his step he went along the path. The wind rustled the leaves and the birds were singing their songs. A faint sound to the left of the path made him stop in his tracks. A metal on metal squeak was sounding out through the trees. Every time the wind blew he would hear it *squeak* *squeak*. Curious, he stepped into the bushes and over some thorns. A few more steps around some trees and he found the source of the strange sound.

An old playground with a jungle gym, some swings, a seesaw, tube slides, a teacup spinner, and a fort connected to a tower by a suspended bridge. "What an amazing find!" Thought Danny. He climbed on the jungle gym and hung upside down for a while. He was rather pleased with his find. In the trees he heard some kids giggling. "Hi I'm Danny." he called out as he dropped down inside the jungle gym. "He he he he." More laughter was all he received in response. Danny squinted his eyes looking into the woods. A shadow darted from tree to tree. Then he saw another to his right. The shadows were so fast it was alarming. Danny could feel the hair on his neck stand up as he slipped out from under the jungle gym and ran for the tower. "He he he." more laughter came from the woods all around him. It was getting louder as he was climbing the tower.

Struggling up the ladder he felt he could not do it fast enough. As if someone was right behind him. He dove in the tower turning quickly to see who was there, but no one was on the ladder. Danny looked out the tower windows. The laughter had stopped and there was no one in the playground or the woods. Danny continued to look around, noticing that it was dead quiet. "That's creepy." he whispered to himself whilst tightening his hands on the railing nervously.

"AHHHH!" A scream sounded out from under the tower. Danny jumped so hard he almost hit his head on a beam above him. His heart was racing and every part of him just wanted to get away. He sprinted across the bridge to the fort. Glancing back he didn't see anything. The giggling started all around the playground. "I need to hide!" Danny thought as he looked at the closest tube slide. "I can hold myself still in the middle of the slide." Danny slid into the slide as he heard another scream somewhere off in the woods.

From the inside of the slide he could hear nothing now. Then Suddenly a boy popped out the other end of the slide. He was shorter than Danny and was wearing strange clothes. The boy ran from the slide without looking back. The boy ran through the woods and across a field until he reached an old farmhouse that was his home. The boy went to open the door but it was locked. He shook the door and called out, "Mom, Mom I can't get in!" He heard the familiar click of the deadbolt and the door opened. "Grandma!" Cried out the little boy as he rushed forward and hugged the little old woman. From the old woman's perspective she felt like she was seeing a ghost.

This little boy of only eight years old was infront of her in outdated bell bottom jeans and a tie dye tee-shirt. His round little face was just like she remembered it the day he went missing back in 1971. "Grandma, why are you crying?" the little boy asked as he looked up full of concern. "I'm just so happy it is spilling out of me." Her hands were shaking as she got on her knees and pulled the little boy into her lap. "Where were you all this time?" she asked. "I was at the playground for only a few minutes, did I miss lunch?"

Danny's parents called for him all through the woods the whole night. They even called the police who started search parties that went looking for him for weeks but never found him till months later. One day he just showed up on the back porch asking why all the leaves had fallen off the trees suddenly. He also told his parents that he was chased by things at the old playground he found but he only hid for a little bit before running straight home.



/!\ Warning /!\ this story is meant to leave you with the heebeegeebees (Make you feel scared) New story once a month.

Recommended age 16 and up

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