
The Hidden Disciple

Samuel Lestrange was trained to kill from an early age, raised to be a Death Eater, the perfect pureblood. Kept hidden for most of his younger life because of who his mother and father are. However, when Samuel turns eleven, he comes out of hiding and makes his debut in the magical world. What will happen to Samuel, when, against expectations, he is sorted into Gryffindor? AU!

TheRealestWangLin · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

Ch. 6

(Samuel Lestrange POV)


Samuel woke up, and sat up quickly, his leg was bound tightly in a cast, and burns and cuts were wrapped tightly. He looked down at his bare scarred torso. Deep scars crisscrossed across his chest creating what he thought to be a beautiful pattern on his chest. When he was in his regular clothes, you could not see the hidden scars given to him by Greyback and the rest of them. He never really needed to hide them. For the most part, he was always in wizard robes or long sleeves. When he was at home, it was no secret who he dealt with on a daily basis.

Whelp, just add those to the collection, I guess. Hopefully, the burn isn't permanent, it's quite ugly.

It was late in the afternoon, a pale orange light fell through the windows and poured into the hospital wing as the sun set outside of the castle. Fuzziness overwhelmed Sam, the room was spinning. He felt a deep warmth run through his entire body. He felt incredibly good and euphoric. He did not feel a single ounce of pain from his broken bones, cuts, or injuries.

He giggled loudly.

Then he noticed a figure standing next to him. He was having trouble making out who it was.

He pulled up his finger and pointed at what seemed to be an old man with twinkling blue eyes, dressed in flamboyant purple robes.

He pointed a finger at him, but began to nod off, "Who are you? Whatds has you donst to me. Imperiousness?" he slurred

"Oh, nothing my dear boy I merely just came to check on you once I heard you had been attacked on your first night here at Hogwarts. I certainly have not placed you under the Imperius curse if that's what you are implying. I believe it's just the potions Madam Pompfrey gave you for the pain, they should wear off in a few hours." The strange old man said.

Sam looked at the old man, but his vision was hazy, he could hardly stay awake. His lids were heavy, "Are you szuuree, Its fells like the Imperiousness." Sam once again slurred out giggling

"Yes my boy, I am sure it is not the Imperious curse. It is quite regrettable for me to discover you have been placed under such a dark curse at such a young age, my boy." The old man said with a frown across his face.

"Nah, Nah, Shhhhhhhhhhh, ze ooters are worst my friend." Samuel said smiling and giggling

"This is quite concerning indeed, also have you by chance never had any pain medicine before?" The old man said in a fatherly tone, chuckling a bit.

"NO never, Not allowed. SHhhhhhhhhhh you can't tell" Samuel slurred laughing, he felt his inhibitions slipping away the longer he stayed awake.

He wobbled a bit in his bed and tried to catch himself, "Whoah, Whoah!"

The old man chuckled lightly at his antics and popped something into his mouth.

"Lemon Drop, want one young Samuel." The old man said smiling, blue eyes sparkling with a strange light.

"Nezer heard of it. Sure, not like anyone else will be sending me anything." Samuel said as he began to get accustomed to the intense feeling of intoxication from the pain meds. His lids were heavy, he was having a hard time staying awake. Fading in and out of consciousness sitting up.

He felt someone place something small in his non-broken hand, Sam quickly popped it into his mouth and felt an intense citrus flavor cover his tongue. He smacked on it loudly.

"Wow, man dats goot. Where do I get some of these from." He said

"Oh, the muggles make them!" The old man said happily

Samuel had a sick feeling come over him in a wave, "My GAWD MUGGLES! OH NO! I'm really a blood Traitor now!" He exclaimed as tears began to fall from his face.

"Samuel, Sam, it's okay, you are fine. Eating a muggle candy does not make you a blood traitor." The old man said hastily, trying to comfort the boy.

"I need Severus, I don't know what to do. I am so confused." he said nodding in and out of consciousness. Small streams of tears fell down his face. In the back of his eyelids, he saw the image of his mother's hideous appearance.

What would my mother think of me!

Images of Sam slaughtering the mudblood with a knife flew through his mind. The blood spraying his face, the feeling of pressing the blade into his chest. The feeling of power and happiness when Lucius and them said he did well. He felt a twinge of something he'd never really felt before about it. For some reason, it was like he had always just shoved it to the back of his mind and stuffed it down. He was beginning to realize, maybe it wasn't exactly a good thing to have slaughtered someone at his age.

No they aren't even people, it was a mudblood not a person!…..

Sam didn't exactly seem convinced. He remembered the sorting hat calling him a monster.

"A-Am I a monster?" He wondered for the first time before falling into a blissful sleep.

(Albus Dumbledore Pov)


Dumbledore watched the poor and horribly scarred young man fall asleep, eyes glistening in the afternoon light.

Hmmmmm, Severus has long since told me about this boy and his situation, but I was unaware it was so bad. The boy has been raised to become a powerful weapon for darkness. However, we can't just pull him out of his current situation. I fear that he is currently far too brainwashed to willingly come to the light.

Dumbledore frowned and stroked the long white beard on his face as he watched the scarred young boy sleep soundly in the hospital bed. His black hair, a stark contrast to the white sheets covering the bed.

For one first-year boy to take on five fifth-year students at once and come out the victor… I shudder to think about what he could become if left in the hands of Voldemort. Perhaps I could have Severus secretly guide the boy to the right side of things. He could become a valuable asset or a horrible enemy for Harry and his friends. I must guide this boy in the right direction, or he could end up lost forever!

A resolute expression crossed Dumbledore's face as he watched the boy sleep soundly. He quickly turned to leave the hospital wing, vowing to speak to Severus.

(Alyssum Potter Pov)

A few days later, Ally's shoes clicked down the stone halls of Hogwarts as she carried a stack of papers in her arms. She felt incredibly frustrated, she of all people was picked for this job. She wanted to hang out with her new friends right now.

Ugh why did they assign me to help that twat Lestrange. He's not even been around, and he's still causing problems.

A mischievous smirk spread across her face as she continued down the hallway to the hospital wing.

Since he hasn't been around things have been a bit quiet though. A lot of people are scared of him now.

It didn't take long for the Gryffindor fifth year who was struck with the eye bleeding curse to come out of the hospital wing and tell someone what had happened.

He defeated five fifth year Gryffindors as a first year! Even though he won, a lot of the upperclassmen are still angry at him. There are quite a few who respect him for blaming the attack on Slytherin, and not ratting out his fellow house-mates. Either way he's in for it, once he gets out of the Hospital Wing.

She frowned at that thought. She felt worried for him, as she turned down a different corridor. The hospital wing was at the end of the hall.

His brown eyes flashed through her mind as she made her way closer to the large wooden doors at the end of the hall. A wave of anxiety crashed through her body.

Shit, what do I say to him!

She paused in front of the doors, her hand feeling the rough wood under her slender fingertips.

Alyssum took a deep breath and quickly attempted to calm herself.

Μ-maybe I should have brought Harry or my new friend Katie! Okay- phew calm down Ally, just bring him his homework and go he isn't that intimidating. You even slapped him once!

Alyssum closed her eyes and pushed hard on the two large oak doors. They creaked as she opened them. She stepped through the threshold into the dimly lit hospital wing. Since it was the first week she saw a couple first years that had come in with minor injuries speaking with Madame Pomfrey, likely from the staircases. The only upperclassmen in here were passed out asleep in full body casts. There seemed to be around four of them.

Jeez! He really messed them up!

She looked around and saw a young boy with his nose pressed into a book. His face was no longer swollen, he was back to his normal handsome self. The only blemish on his face was that scar that ran down the side of his face.

Merlin! Why is he so pretty it's outrageous! I wish I had skin like that! Even, his scar looks good it adds something mysterious to him.

She shook her head as felt her face heat up once again. Another wave of nervousness washed over her body. Her bright green eyes darted to the floor, then back to the mysterious boy sitting there reading a book.

She slowly stepped towards him, trying to seem as confident as possible. Her eyes roamed his shirtless wrapped up body, and she noticed the scars that littered his body like a painting.

Those are very old scars, I wonder how he got them?

She reached his bedside with the stack of papers in her arms and let out a light cough.

She watched as he slowly raised his eyes from the book he was reading. She stared deeply into his dark eyes, they looked restless, and strangely sad.

"What are you here for? I didn't expect anyone to visit me." He said with a confused expression written across his face.

"What do you mean you didn't expect anyone to visit you, what about your death eater buddies like Malfoy?" She replied a cold expression on her face as she tried to settle her nerves

He rolled his big dark brown eyes at that, "HA! You think they'd want to see me after I ended up in the house of blood traitors. An inferior house in their eyes, I'm surprised Lucius hasn't sent a howler. Also there will never be anyone in Gryffindor who would possibly befriend me. I've had to be careful my whole life because of who my parents are, and people always judge me before they even meet me. If they are Death Eater sympathizers they expect me to be the perfect pure blood and just like my mother and father. If they aren't they see me as the spawn of some demon. They either spit on me or insult me without even giving me a chance. It's okay, I'm used to it by now." He said with a high sigh looking down with a sad expression on his face.

Wow! Uh, I never thought it was so bad for him. It's like the exact opposite of my brother Harry!

She felt bad now, and her eyes fell to her feet. She slowly returned her gaze to his body unwilling to look him in the eye. She gazed curiously at the numerous scars that littered his body, even more curious about them than before.

Maybe it's from the people who hated his mother.

"U-Um sorry, I feel bad now. W-were those scars from people who hated your mother?" She asked with a sad expression on her face, pointing a slender finger up and down his body and the crisscrossing scars.

He looked down at his torso with a deadpan expression and sighed as if thinking about something.

"I don't wish to speak about that with you." He said calmly

She felt a twinge of guilt, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked such a personal question." She said

He sighed, "I suppose it's alright, not many eleven-year-olds have so many scars." He said

Maybe he really isn't so bad.

"W-well if you want, maybe we could be friends you know." She said nervously shuffling the stack of papers around in her arms as he watched everything she was doing. It was like he was peeking into her soul, everything was bare before the strange boy.

Urgh! Why does he keep staring at me with such an intense gaze? It's distracting!

He closed his eyes and chuckled lightly, before locking his brown eyes with her bright green ones. "Well, maybe you aren't as bad as I originally thought, honestly. You are all very different from what I expected. I can't be friends with you. If I were, the only people in the world who don't want me dead, would kill me." He said

Crap! I'm such an idiot!

Alyssum became flustered when he said that, and quickly handed him his homework. Turned and left as fast as she could. The feeling of rejection coursed through her body, something she had never felt before. Her eyes began to water as she quickly sprinted out of the dimly lit hospital wing into the long winding halls of Hogwarts.

"What is wrong with me?" She wondered