
The Hidden Character

Emily has been diagnosed with cancer. It's already been two years, yet there seems to be no sign of her recovery. The only thing she does to pass the time in the hospital, is to read the books that her dads send her. Boy, they send a lot of books! One day, Emily caught her eyes on one particular book, "When the Light shines through the Darkness". It was a typical love story with an obvious ending, which she hated. But no matter how cringey the story was, she couldn't stop reading it. She fell in love with one particular character, which was the Villainess, Crown Princess Amelia. When she reached the happy ending of the story, she felt somewhat dissapointed and angry, because in the end, the Villainess, who suffered a great ordeal of pain, gets banished by the male lead. "I wish I could change this terrible ending. " Emily said as she closed her eyes. When Emily opened her eyes, she somehow ended up in the book she was reading! And even better, she could walk without pain and her body felt as light as a feather! When Emily looked in the mirror, she realized that there was a problem. She became a character who was fated to die before the story even begins! But Emily wasn't one to back down and complain. She died young once, she wasn't going to die young again. This time, she'll make sure she lives a long, healthy life!

Daoist463488 · Fantastique
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16 Chs

Stage Fright

Victoria noticed that Vince and Victor were getting along. She was quite worried, since in the book, they would always fight and disagree about everything.

When they finally reached the school grounds, the three of them noticed something that set them apart from the rest of the school.

All students who went to the School of Light Magic, avoided the students who went to the School of Dark Magic. Despite being next to each other, the division between them is set.

"Noonim, are you really okay with us being around you? What if people talk behind your back? " Victor asked Victoria with worry.

"Hmm? Oh, don't worry about it. But if you don't want to hang out with me, then I'm okay with that as well. "

*Actually, I'm used to it. Since back at the hospital, the nurses would talk behind my back like it was nothing. *

"Of course, we want to be around you! We just don't want you getting hurt. " Victor exclaimed.

"I don't mind getting hurt because of some petty rumors. But what I do mind is the fact that you and Vince will get hurt because of it. Rumors can turn into gossip, and gossip can turn into bullying. I've seen it before and I know how to deal with it, but you two haven't. So, I'm giving you a choice. I want to continue hanging out with you guys, but if you don't want to, then let's separate ways here. "

Though Victoria's voice was firm, in her head she was internally screaming.

*Fuck. I hope you don't choose to leave me! I can't meet the other main characters if you decide to leave! *

"You can do whatever you want Victor. But I'm not gonna give up my time with noona. " Vince said as he held on to Victoria's hand.

*You bastard! Did you forget what we talked about a while ago? Whatever happened to keeping an eye on noona? *

Vince thought.

A streak of jealousy entered Victor, and he felt compelled to stay beside Victoria no matter what.

"Fine, if that's how it is, then I'm staying too! " Victor replied back and grabbed Victoria's other hand and showed it to Vince.

*Idiot! Of course, I didn't forget about the plan! I just wanted to be discreet about it. But if you're playing dirty, then I'm going down with you! *

Victor thought.

Both of Victoria's hands were taken by Victor and Vince. Both of their eyes were darting at each other. She could feel their hands squeezing hers.

Victoria looked past her brothers and noticed that the other students were eyeing on them. Some girls were whispering in front of them and some of the boys were gawking at the sight.

*Well this is uncomfortable. Not to mention, I thought they were getting along fine? Why are they so uptight all of a sudden? *

"Uhh, guys, not to disturb your moment or anything, but my hands are starting sweat. "Victoria spoke.

"Oh, sorry about that noona." Vince apologized.

"Ugh ew, sweaty hands. " Victor said.

"What?! How dare you! You're the one who grabbed my hand you jerk! " Victoria spat back as she lightly slapped Victor on the back.

"Haha, I know! I know! I'm sorry haha, it's just that you easily get embarrassed about these things!" As Victor laughed, his smile was like breath of fresh air to Victoria.

*Looking at him like this, it's hard to remember how serious he is sometimes. Since I've never had siblings before, I feel somewhat relieved that I could have someone to tease me. *

Vince joined in with Victoria on slapping Victor, and somehow their little squabble turned into a game of tag. And the students who were once gawking at them, we're now blushing.

Though Victoria already knew she was beautiful, it wasn't a new experience for her, because in her past life as Emily, she was also quite stunning.

Many people would often judge her because she was part of the fencing club, saying it's a waste of her beauty. Many agents would often come to her and ask her to join a modelling agency, but she's refused all of them. The most hurtful part of her experience was probably the fact that she couldn't trust anyone, since she didn't know whether or not people spoke to her because of her looks, or if they were truly genuine.

When she was diagnosed with cancer, most of her friends block her contact, and the people who truly cared for her, visited her as much as they could. It was a dark time for Emily, but it was also a time of growth. So now that Emily has become Victoria, she no longer cares for the opinions of those who do not love her.

*I'm better than that. * She thought.

When the bell rang, all the students, including Vince, Victoria and Victor, headed inside the main building. Though on the outside, everything was divided, inside the main building, everything was mixed up. The black and white colors that represents each other's schools, were thoroughly mixed together.

*The book didn't say anything about how the interior of the school building looked like, but I must admit, this is some fine interior design. *

Though there were no assigned seating arrangements, the students of Light Magic sat opposite to the students of Dark Magic. The divide between students were a clear line, and it seems only Victor, Victoria and Vince were oblivious to it.

The trio sat together in the front, and since they sat there, no one dared to sit beside them. Leaving the whole front row quite empty.

*I guess this was expected. No one would try to sit next to us since we're an odd group. I hope this doesn't hinder Vince and Victor's performance in school, I would hate it if they became loners because of me. *

When Victoria was about to doze off again, a strange boy sat next to her. Victoria was surprised but somewhat relieved.

She tried her hardest not to stare at him, but her curiosity got the best of her.

She glanced at the boy who was sitting beside her and noticed that he had dark silver hair, red eyes, a dark skin tone and long eyelashes. The boy noticed her gaze, met her eyes and he gave Victoria a smile.

Victoria was taken aback by the gesture, but she was also relieved by it. Victoria gave the boy a warm smile in return and turned back to the stage.

"What's your name? " The boy asked.

"Oh, umm, I'm Victoria Clive, you? "

"My name is Augustus Ferdinand. But you can call me Gus. "

"Pffft, Gus? That's such a silly name coming from Augustus, I mean no disrespect, I think it's cute. "

"Haha, well yeah, my parents gave my siblings and I some pretty fancy names. Though I do prefer to be called my nickname, since I like it better. "

"Okay then. Nice to meet you Gus."

"Pleasures all mine Victoria. "

Gus and Victoria exchange a warm smile at each other.

"You know, it's my first time meeting another vampire my age. I'm happy that we get along so well. "

*Huh? *

"How did you know that I was a vampire?" Victoria asked.

Gus pointed at Victoria's neck.

"You're wearing a Hycinthian stone. "

Gus pulled out the same necklace from his shirt and showed it to Victoria.

*Wow, another vampire. *

"Huh, it's also my first time meeting another vampire my age! At least I don't feel so alone anymore." Victoria exclaimed.

"You're feeling lonely noona? " Vince interrupted from behind.

"What? No, that's not what I meant. We can't be together all the time because we're in different classes, so it's good that there's another vampire around that I can be friends with."

"Oh, thank goodness, for a second there I thought noona was getting tired of me. " Vince said as he clinged onto Victoria's arm.

Gus looked over at Vince. Vince's advances towards Victoria were making him uncomfortable, but he also couldn't understand why Victoria wasn't pushing him away.

"Can I ask why he's calling you noona? I mean there's no way you guys can be siblings, since you have dark magic and he has light magic. " Gus asked Victoria.

"Oh, his father and my father are business partners. So, we've known each other for years. "

"Oh, I see, well, you two are awfully close. " Gus commented.

Gus looked over Vince and noticed Victor glaring at him.

"Who's the other guy? " Gus asked Victoria.

Victoria turned to look at Victor. Victor was obviously uncomfortable with Gus.

*I should introduce Victor to Gus. I'd like them to get along. *

"His name is Victor. He and Vince are brothers." Victoria answered.

"I see. " Gus replied.

Gus leaned towards Victoria and whispered in her ear.

"I don't know if it's just me, but your friends don't seem to like me very much. " Gus told Victoria.

Victoria leaned over to Gus and whispered back at his ear.

"Don't worry about it. They're probably just jealous. " Victoria replied.

Gus and Victoria giggled.

Victor's patience ran out and as he was about to stand up from his chair to sit next to Augustus, the announcer called for the student's attention.

"Dear students! Welcome to the school of Light and Dark Magic! The names Amy Blossom and I'm your host for today!"

A cheerful, normal looking girl announced herself on stage.

"Now my fellow freshmen, I know you guys just can't wait to get the school year started! And for my Senior brothers and sisters, I know that you guys are just dying to get the hell outta here! So, let's not waste any time, shall we?! Let's announce this year's grade level representatives! "

The whole school clapped as the announcer readied her script.

"Let's start with the 12th Grade representatives, shall we? Coming from Astalorath and Crimson, the undefeated duo that has been partners for over six years! The partners in crime since their freshman year! Give a hand for Zeralora from the School of Dark Magic and Astorath from the School of Light Magic! "

The announcements went on like this for another half hour, but Victoria was on the edge of her seat. She quietly observed the students that were being called forth on stage. She tried to remember their names and note down if they were ever mentioned in the book. But most of all, she was waiting for Amelia and Arroyo.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for, the representatives of this year's freshmen students are none other than, PRINCESS AMELIA AND PRINCE AAAARROOYOOOOOO!!!! "

Prince Arroyo and Princess Amelia walked forth on stage as the crowd cheered for them.

"As you all may already know, the School of Light and Dark Magic is actually one school. This school is meant to unite the two kingdoms in hopes of regaining unity. "

The announcer's face darkened.

"But with the rising tensions between the leaders of the Dark Kingdom and the Kingdom of Light, we are still far from reaching our goals of unity. "

The announcer let out a mischievous grin towards the audience.

"That is why I'm proud to announce that, we will no longer need to worry anymore! Because right in front of all of you are the newly engaged couple, Princess Aurora and Prince Arroyo! Their hand in marriage will unify the two Kingdoms and bring peace to us all! "

And with that, the claps grew louder, but so did the gossiping voices of those who didn't believe in the unification of the Dark Kingdom and the Kingdoms of Light.

Victoria looked over at Amelia. If Victoria was being honest, Amelia was actually her favorite character out of anyone in the book, despite the book being cliche.

*The way the book describes her does not do her a justice. *

Victoria looked at Amelia with admiration. Amelia's long silver hair, was braided down to her waist, her golden eyes glistened under the light and her pale skin was like porcelain.

Though Amelia was absolutely stunning, Victoria could not ignore the gossips that she could hear from behind her.

'oh, my goodness, isn't she that princess who spoke against the king during court? '

'why isn't she wearing a uniform? '

'I heard that her powers aren't as powerful as the king and queen's? How can we trust her to be the next leader?'

'She's not that pretty.'

'Wow, she looks like a bitch. Prince Arroyo though, now doesn't he look hot? '

Victoria wanted to silence those voices and rip apart the tongues of those who spoke ill of Princess Amelia.

*Why the hell are they just talking shit about Amelia? What the hell did she do wrong in order to receive such a treatment like that? *

Victoria looked back at the stage, and noticed that Amelia's hand was trembling.

*She looks so scared up there. *