
The Hidden Character

Emily has been diagnosed with cancer. It's already been two years, yet there seems to be no sign of her recovery. The only thing she does to pass the time in the hospital, is to read the books that her dads send her. Boy, they send a lot of books! One day, Emily caught her eyes on one particular book, "When the Light shines through the Darkness". It was a typical love story with an obvious ending, which she hated. But no matter how cringey the story was, she couldn't stop reading it. She fell in love with one particular character, which was the Villainess, Crown Princess Amelia. When she reached the happy ending of the story, she felt somewhat dissapointed and angry, because in the end, the Villainess, who suffered a great ordeal of pain, gets banished by the male lead. "I wish I could change this terrible ending. " Emily said as she closed her eyes. When Emily opened her eyes, she somehow ended up in the book she was reading! And even better, she could walk without pain and her body felt as light as a feather! When Emily looked in the mirror, she realized that there was a problem. She became a character who was fated to die before the story even begins! But Emily wasn't one to back down and complain. She died young once, she wasn't going to die young again. This time, she'll make sure she lives a long, healthy life!

Daoist463488 · Fantastique
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16 Chs

He's Always Observing

When the announcer announced that Princess Amelia and Prince Arroyo were engaged, all of the crowd's attention was on them. When the mic was passed on to Amelia, everyone inside the building stayed quiet.

*I guess she's gonna have to say something. I wonder what her voice sounds like? *

"I, Princess Amelia Romanov, the crown princess of light, swear my devotion to my people and do what is best for my kingdom. From now on, Prince Arroyo's people, are also my people, so let us all get along. " Amelia spoke in a stiff and monotoned voice.

*Haha, what was that? Pfft, she sounded like a robot! HAHAHAHAA! *

When Amelia finished, the mic was passed on to Arroyo.

*Hmm, I wonder if he'll sound the same. In the end of the novel, he banished all his subjects to the Nether Realm. *

"I, Prince Arroyo Velazquez, the crown prince of darkness! Swear my devotion to my people and promise to always do what is best for my kingdom! From now on, Princess Amelia's people are my people, let us all unite together and get along! "

The Prince's word was determined and stoic. In contrast to Amelia, Prince Arroyo sounded as if he meant every word.

*What a fake ass. If he really did care so much about his people, he wouldn't have banished them so easily because of a lover. *

Unlike every girl in the building who were swooning over the crown prince, Victoria's face did not hide an inch of disgust, and it seems as though Gus has noticed this.

"What's wrong Victoria? Do you not like what the crown prince said? " Gus asked.

"Huh? Oh no, I've no problem with what he said. "

"Then what are you so upset about? "

*Because the Prince cannot hold up to his word! *

*But I can't say that. *

"I'm not upset about anything, I'm just so disappointed in the fact that they have to marry each other because they want to force the two kingdoms together. "

"Ah, I see. But aren't these types of marriages normal? Don't most couples marry each other because of political reasons? "

"I suppose. But I hate the fact that people's lives are affected because of political connections and disputes. If those two do get married, then the two kingdoms will have to force themselves to be united, though it sounds benevolent now, who knows what disputes will arise in the future. A war might even come up if they decide to get married. "

"Yes, well, we can't really do anything about that can we? The subjects of the Kingdom are under the mercy of the King and Queen. And what they say goes. "

"Actually, there is a way to change that. "

"Really? "

"Yeah. It's called Democracy. Where the leaders of the Kingdom are voted in by the people. Instead of the King and Queen having the final word, it is the people who make the decision through a vote. "

"Huh, I've never heard of that. "

*Right, I forgot that everything here is under a monarchy. *

"Yes. It would make sense if you've never heard if it, because it doesn't exist, I made it up. "

Gus's eyes widened.

"Huh, you seem like a really brilliant person Victoria. I'm sure one day you will become very influential. "

*Is that why he's trying to get close to me? Because he wants to climb up in social ranks? That wouldn't make sense, since my status as a Clive isn't very influential at all. Plus, the fact that I'm hanging out with students from the School of Light Magic, makes me a target for gossip. *

Victoria stared at Gus and she could see that there was not a hint of insincerity in his eyes.

*I guess he was just praising me. I don't feel as though he has any hidden motives. I guess he really just wanted to talk to me because I was a vampire like him. *

"Thank you, Gus. But I'm not sure I'll hold up to your praises. All I want in this life is to be able to do whatever I want, when I want to. I've no desire to indulge in politics in the future. "

"Oh well that's a shame, I feel as though you can start a revolution of you wanted to. "

"Haha, thank you. "

The two exchange a smile, while Vince and Victor were glaring dart eyes at Gus.

When the school announcement was finished, each student was given a scroll. Each scroll held the student's homeroom information and class schedule.

"It's a shame you and I can't be classmates noona. I would've liked it if we were seatmates." Vince said sorrowfully.

Victoria patted Vince in the head.

"Make sure to join the art club. I want to see you try in showing off your talents." Victoria said to Vince as she continued to stroke his hair.

"Of course, I will! I haven't forgotten what we talked about last night. Make sure to visit me whenever you have time. "

"I will. "

Victoria gave Vince a reassuring smile.

"Then we'll see you at lunch time noonim." Victor said to Victoria.

"Yep, see you guys then! "

As Victor dragged Vince away. Victoria was left with Gus.

"Hmm, the three of you have a strange relationship. " Gus commented.

"Really? I don't think so. After all they're like family, so I'm used to it. "

That's a lie. I've never had siblings before, so I don't really know what's normal and what's not.

"So what class are you in?" Victoria asked, trying to change the subject.

Gus proceeded to open his scroll.

"I'm in class Grefaldia. You? " Gus asked Victoria.

"Let me see. " Victoria opened the scroll in her hand.

"WHOA, we're in the same class! " Victoria exclaimed delightfully.

"Really?! Oh man, talk about hitting the jackpot! "

Hand in hand, Victoria and Gus jumped up and down in excitement, and after that, the two of them headed to class.

"Oh, this is it! The Grefaldia classroom." Gus informed Victoria as they came to a halt.

Victoria looked at the door of the classroom. In the middle of the door, was a gold plate with an embroidered wording 'Grefaldia'.

*I'm actually kinda nervous. *

Victoria could feel her heart pumping faster and she could feel her hands starting to sweat.

"Victoria? Are you ready to go in? " Gus asked.

"Huh? Oh, Uh yeah. I guess I'm just nervous. "Victoria said as she continued to stare at the door.

Gus stared deep into Victoria's purple gaze, he has never seen a girl with such lonely, depressing eyes. Yet every time he meets Victoria's gaze, he senses a gush of overwhelming power coming out of her, like an aura of strength and danger. He has never felt such a strong aura come out of another vampire before, not even from those who wear Hycinthian stones.

Hycinthian stones are supposed to hide the wearer's power. Making their aura completely disappear as if they had no magic at all.

*I thought Victoria was just another vampire who was showing off her strength by releasing an unfathomable amount of magic. That's why I sat next to her, she intrigued me. But I was quite surprised to see that she was actually wearing a Hycinthian stone. *

Gus opened the door for Victoria and escorted her in. As Victoria looked for a place to sit, Gus continued to think.

*Even now, she's still releasing a huge amount of magic. That either means that her Hycinthian stone isn't real, or her power is too much that even a Hycinthian stone can't hide it. *

Victoria finally found a seat next to the window. She gestured for Gus to sit beside her.

*But weren't the two boys she was talking to the Everdeen's? If so, then Victor Everdeen is a descendant of the royal family, that means he must have Ethereal Magic. Shouldn't he have noticed the huge amounts of magic flowing from Victoria? *

Gus walked towards where Victoria sat.

*But it looked like he didn't notice at all. It seems as though he was just bothered by my presence and not by Victoria's magic. That means that the stone is working, but not to the extent that other vampires cannot detect her. *

As Gus sat down on his chair, he looked at Victoria straight in the eye.

*That means only vampires with ethereal magic can see her aura.... *

Gus smirked.

*It's been so long since I've seen someone with an extreme amount of power such as this. I'm not going to waste this opportunity and settle down as just her classmate. *

Victoria noticed that Gus was staring at her, so she tilted her head in confusion.

*Victoria Clive of Elizabeth, I will do everything in my power to find out who you truly are. *