
The Hex: New Dawn

"The people of New Dawn have magic, my boy!" A quote from the grandfather of Damien Grayson, both former residents of the Great Kingdom of Acumenos. It comes from a story that his grandfather used to tell him as a child. After the fall of Acumenos, the young man must earn enough to charter a vessel to sail over the Torrential Seas into who knows what, because that story may have more truth to it than it seems. *Volume 1 Updated Everyday at 12:00 MST* *Volume 2 Updates Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 MST* *Art created using Nightcafe's stable diffusion AI*

DKLands · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Chapter 6: The Drunk

Sheildon's royal castle, a relatively small and compact structure which prioritized security over grandeur. Guards everywhere, gunmen and archers lined out on the top of the buildings, traps were set for invaders and thieves, and everyone held a general hate for trespassers. Just trying to sneak in wasn't going to work. No, Darius had a different plan, infiltration.

Darius already had some experience working for the military. Hopefully enough to pass as a guard, he just needed to look the part. Kori would be more of a liability on this job, so he was going in alone. That's where Lucky's Drinks came into play. A favorite among the local guard population, and himself. Darius had this place cased for nearly a month looking for someone who'd make a decent disguise.

A heavy drinker, this guard fit most of the requirements Darius had for a target. The man would drink and converse with his fellow guards but always left alone. He wore light mail armor than looked easy enough to move it, but fully obscured his body and face, he had similar proportions to Darius being only slightly taller and wider, and he had some rank, based on the strips he wore on his armor a first lieutenant or even maybe a captain. High enough for the rabble not to bother him, but low enough to not be called upon for decision making… if he was lucky.

Today the guard seemed to be pissed. Something about a Claire and a Selena, also a… yeti? His words quickly slurred as he continued to drink, it didn't help that Darius sent over the occasional highly alcoholic beverage.

Hour after hour of drinking caused the guard to lose control of himself. His drinking buddies did their best to reel him in, but they were tipsy themselves and could do little more than trip and fall over themselves.

Eventually the barkeep had enough, a young woman by the name of Lucina, Lucky's daughter. She'd find the most drunk among them and manage to find ways to throw them out. The first by tricking him into thinking he left his oven on, another by getting her to believe that she lost her nose and needed to go find it, and the last she just physically threw out. Darius respected Lucina's tact. More importantly she made his job much easier.

The guard continued to yell and cause a ruckus, blissfully unaware that all his compatriots were already gone. He was slamming his fist on the table ordering his invisible friends to get him another drink, getting angrier by the second when he didn't get one. It was already nearing midnight and Lucina must want to close up around now, especially before the guard broke anything.

"Lucina, that guy causing you problems?" Darius slyly asked.

"No… I mean yes… I mean, you're one of the Don's boys, aren't you? Your name is…

"Darius, and no, I'm not one of the Don's "boys" I just work for him, a freelancer.

Lucina eyed Darius cautiously, Lucky's was one of the few places out of the Don's grasp, hence Darius's proclivity for this place, and Lucina would prefer to keep it that way

"Can't say I appreciate the stink eye, but I get where the feeling is coming from. Charles is scum, take it from me."

Lucina let loose a sharp but audible gasp, "You shouldn't say that. You're never really alone."

"Don't worry, I'm special. Me and the Don go way… Whatever, do you want me to take care of that guy or not?"

Again, she eyed Darius with suspicion, "You're not going to hurt him, are you?"

Darius eyed the drunken man, and a smile touched his lips, "Of course not."

"So, what do I do with him?" Darius had the man, Captain Mackenzie, age 27, unmarried, with a military career spanning 2 years according to his ID, unconscious in an alleyway. He must be a pretty well-respected guy considering how fast he rose through the ranks. Unfortunately for the guard, his rank didn't protect the back of his head from the blunt end of a dagger.

"Sweet dreams, I hope."

He needed to keep Mackenzie out of commission for at least a day while he worked. Mackenzie waking up only to find himself tied up and naked could cause problems if he managed to get himself out. Darius also didn't want to kill the man. He was willing to do a lot to get what he wanted but murder, especially for the Don, was a line he wasn't willing to cross… he hoped.

"I should really think things through more."

Planning ahead was never really his strongest suit, he always preferred to take things one step at a time. It was probably due to the regularity of plans going awry that caused this behavior.

Glancing out the alleyway a lone statue settling in the middle of the square. The first Chancellor of Sheildon, Shaia Pavise, a life-sized replica made in her likeness. Unfortunately, Shaia was known to be extremely reserved, shy even, and would never have commissioned something like this statue. Instead, one of her descendants had it commissioned based on stories about her.

That came with the side effect that the statue looked too beautiful, perfect even. Instead of capturing the essence of a person, they immortalized her ideal form. A lone woman with long flowing hair, standing tall and proud. Not a blemish on her person, not a crease on her clothes.

It made Darius sick, really. Reminded him of some of the more gawdy pieces of art in Acumenos. Looking around the statue, he noticed not too many people were walking about. The sun had barely risen at this point, still just before five. Darius brain raced with ideas until he landed on just one. It wasn't the best one he could come up with, but with one last look at McKenzie, he was sure. The smile on his face said it all.