
The Hex: New Dawn

"The people of New Dawn have magic, my boy!" A quote from the grandfather of Damien Grayson, both former residents of the Great Kingdom of Acumenos. It comes from a story that his grandfather used to tell him as a child. After the fall of Acumenos, the young man must earn enough to charter a vessel to sail over the Torrential Seas into who knows what, because that story may have more truth to it than it seems. *Volume 1 Updated Everyday at 12:00 MST* *Volume 2 Updates Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 MST* *Art created using Nightcafe's stable diffusion AI*

DKLands · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Chapter 31: Rival

"So, is there a reason you two came back with a couple of unconscious people?" Damien said once Raven and Krista met back up with them, "Though, if I were a betting man, I'd put money that they're Phive and Shix?"

Damien, Dante, and the rest had taken up residence in a relatively small inn meant for short rest. After the battle concluded with Krista's victory, the workday continued, and they were able to secure a place of rest. Damien took pleasure in seeing that these houses were no longer made mostly of wood like in New Dawn, rather they used more brick like material that he was far more used to back home. Meant there was a definite less number of invasive intruders scurrying about the floor.

"Long story, where is a bed, so we can put them down?" Raven and Krista laid the twins on a bed. Phive was moving around slightly, evidence that he'd probably wake up soon, but Shix remained completely motionless. "Darius, can we go somewhere private, there's something I want to ask you."

She sounded so timid and was barley audible, something may have happened while she was out, "Sure just give me a bit, I was planning on some more wattiez training with Amelia… and Matilda, so-"

Krista grabbed onto his hand, "Please, it's serious."

Something definitely happened, "Alright our room is around here somewhere we can go talk privately in there."

As they were going to leave the room, Krista was stopped by Raven, "I wanted to wait until we were in a safe place to ask, what exactly did you do to Shix?"

"Krisha did this?" asked Damien surprised. Other than a few marks on her body, Shix looked completely fine. If it was Krista who took her down, he'd expect a lot more injuries.

"I-I don't know, I'm sorry!" Krista stammered She should be fine though, probably, she'll be asleep for a while. Like for a week or-"

Shix shot up from her sleeping position, "Whoa! That was a rush. Raven, where am I at, and do you know where that girl-" Krista and Shix stared at each other, eye to eye for an awkward amount of time, "Krisha!"

She jumped out the bed towards them, pushing Damien out the way and grabbed onto Krista's hand.

"Whoa, hey. You're alright?" asked Krista.

"Better than alright! That thing before, I didn't know you could do that. It's like me, that's super cool! Let's try it again, I'll beat you this time!" Shix stared at her with eyes full of hope, but Krista's eyes were glued to Damien, who realized that private conversation was probably about this, "Krisha, come on, talk to me!"

This Shix girl just wasn't letting go of Krista. Rather than let the conversation drag on, Damien decided to take matters into his own hands. He walked behind Shix and put his arm under her own. His other arm over her shoulder and slipped around her neck, then he squeezed.

Shix grabbed at his arm, but she it looked like she was too weak to even use her wattiez, lucky him, "Krisha, I'll meet up with you later, for now go ahead and I'll deal with this."

Sensing this was for the best, Krista smiled, "Thanks!" before heading out.

"Now how do I deal with this?" pondered Damien.

"You know friend , I have the ability to sap energy from people, especially from people I touch. All I need is 10 seconds, and you'll be looking like my brother there," She tilted her head to the still sleeping Phive, devoid of color and expression.

"I'd rather not have that happened, but if that's what it takes for you to stop annoying Krista-" Damien called her bluff, squeezing her even harder. She started thrash, but he had a good hold of her. Ironic how she had Krista in a similar position not long ago.

"I'm not annoying her," she retorted, "I was just trying to have a friendly conversation with my rival! One that you so rudely interrupted, who even are you?"

"Her rival? she seems like the fighting bound type just like Krista, it actually sounds about right ," Damien thought, "Rival you say? What makes you think you're good enough to be her rival. I may be a bit biased, but she's kind of an amazing person."

Shix stopped thrashing around instead he felt her start shaking, "I know right! She was so cool in battle, and when she came with a griffin, I just couldn't believe it. The cherry on the top was the fact that she has an ability similar to mine. She's perfect!"

"Questions for later ," Damien thought regarding the information Shix just gave him, "Honestly, I think Krisha would welcome the thought of a rival. You seem a lot like her, and I think you two would get along swimmingly, but… you need to calm the hell down."

Damien let her go, but she doesn't go anywhere, "Yeah, you're probably right. We've only known each other as enemies so far. I may have come on a little bit too strong."

"Good, looks like you already get it. Krista's not in the right mindset right now, so give her a bit of space, you'll know when she's back to normal. My… wife's just that kind of person."

Shix grabbed onto Damien's hand. At first Damien thought it was supposed to be an understanding handshake, but then he started to feel weakened, "W-wife?" She looked angry

"Raven where are these two from?" asked Damien.

Raven was watching intently, probably just enjoying the show, "Comet, we were there not too long ago if you remember."

"Figures," retorted Damien.

Shix had an evil look on her face, "I'm sorry, I don't think I quite heard you correctly, would you kindly repeat yourself?" Damien didn't even have the strength to stand, let alone speak.

"Shix! What are you doing!" Damien was fairly sure that was Dante's voice, or maybe not, he couldn't quite see or hear clearly anymore.

"Darius, Darius are you okay?" This time it was most likely Krista.

"I'm okay, but how about the six of you?" he slurred.

"I'll fix this!" Shix quickly shouted. Damien suddenly no longer felt groggy. Shix's sizeable orange aura began to shrink; the energy she had taken was returning to him.

"So, hey Krista, Dante, good to see you again," Shix without any real conviction, she just wanted to blow the whole situation under the rug, but Dante and Krista both glared at her.

Before either of them could say anything, Damien decided to let bygones be bygones, "Forget it guys, we just got into a small altercation, no one got hurt so it's fine. I don't think I've even introduced myself yet. I'm Damien Colors hope we can continue to get along."

He held out his hand to her and she took it, this time without sapping his energy, "Shix and that's Phive, yeah let's get along."

Her grip was strong, looks like they wouldn't be getting along that soon. He could deal with that, what I'm more interested in was knowing what this Phive fellow was like. Like Shix and Jikan, he wasn't one of the Shining Twilight members he was familiar with, so he wanted to gleam as much information as he could. Especially information like, how could those dolls of his still move while he was unconscious.

"Shix be happy that Damien's forgiving you, that was quite rude," Dante scolded, "We're going to take a short break here, and return to traveling the day after tomorrow. Raven did-"

He responded before Dante could finish, "Phive and Shix succeeded then failed in their mission to persuade Rathina to join the summit, however, through Krisha's actions she will come."

Dante looked at Shix as if he was going to lecture her again, but sighed instead, "I'll at least wait until Phive's awake before I scold you again. Everyone get some rest, it'll probably be the last time until we reach Soaring Sun." As he was about to leave, Dante whispered something to Krista.

"Right, she wanted to talk about something," Damien thought, "Krisha, we have some time to talk, what do you need?"

She waved me off and moved to leave the room, "It's nothing."