
The Hex: New Dawn

"The people of New Dawn have magic, my boy!" A quote from the grandfather of Damien Grayson, both former residents of the Great Kingdom of Acumenos. It comes from a story that his grandfather used to tell him as a child. After the fall of Acumenos, the young man must earn enough to charter a vessel to sail over the Torrential Seas into who knows what, because that story may have more truth to it than it seems. *Volume 1 Updated Everyday at 12:00 MST* *Volume 2 Updates Every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 MST* *Art created using Nightcafe's stable diffusion AI*

DKLands · Fantaisie
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91 Chs

Chapter 20: What in Vitnova’s name was that

"What in Vitnova's name was that?!" Krista whispered shouted as she set up their tent alongside Damien, "Were you trying to blow our cover or better yet, get yourself killed?"

Damien winced under his friend's quiet fury, "Far from it, actually. Honestly, I probably made things easier on us."

"Oh, really?" Krista mocked, "Would you so kindly explain how telling these people from Shining Twilight that you want to kill their leader is a good idea?"

"Because I really do want to kill him," Damien said calmly only to be met with a fist to the shoulder from Krista, "Let me explain, normally I'm a fairly calm person, even under extreme circumstances, I can keep the appearance of a well-balanced human being, but even I have my limits."

"You didn't even last a day, though," retorted Krista.

"Fair, but it wouldn't have taken long before something like this happened. A few days, a week, maybe even a month, but eventually boom! Unfortunately, by then they would have been used to the kind of person I was faking to be, the nice little quiet guy who didn't really make any trouble-"

"Suddenly turned into the loud and violent psycho who wants to kill their boss, I'm starting to see where you're going with this."

"Right, now I'm simply an outlier, someone to be watched and acknowledged, but any action I take will be chalked up to vengeance for my 'family in Soaring Sun'. Honestly my identity is far safer now than before, yours too."

Damien presented Krista with a snide smile, emphasizing the fact that he thought he argued his point well, unfortunately for Krista, she thought so too, "Fine, I'll let you go this time, but you're sleeping outside the tent."

"Hey, no wait! There's clouds outside, what if it rain?"

"I'll give you the big sleeping bag. Take care now." She said as she zipped up the now finished tent.

"What an idiot!" Krista thought still furious over the decision her partner had made, " He just does whatever he feels like, doesn't he? He could have at least discussed this with me first, but no, he went and ran his mouth, and the worst part is that he's probably right!"

In a fit of rage, she started to let her fist fly anywhere, picking up and tossing whatever she could get her hands on. Krista only stopped when she noticed the extra-large sleeping bag she said she'd leave to Damien was still in her hands.

"Okay, maybe I was being too mean to him, I should probably let him sleep in the tent… Sleep in the tent…" Immediately Krista's face went flush, "Shouldn't I be sleeping with Amelia or something, why am I paired with him?!"

The thought hadn't fully occurred to her until now, but since they were playing the part of husband and wife it only would have made sense for them to share a tent, much to her chagrin, "Grand Auntie, you had to know this would have happened, so why did you do it? It's… it's just too early."

She didn't even have time to sulk as she heard someone scratching on the outside of the tent. Most likely Damien begging to be let back in before it rained. Taking a deep breath, Krista decided that she was being too harsh on Damien and was going to let him in, and for no other reason.

"Fine, fine, I'll let you in, but stay on your side of the ten- Seeker?" The noise Krista heard was not made by Damien's feeble begging, but by Cassandra's huntinghawk, an incredibly fast bird with the ability to stealthily track targets over impossibly long distances, and on his leg was a small note.

Krista, just checking in, making sure you're all right. Is your travel to Soaring Sun going well? Seeker, here, is how we're going to stay in contact. Every once in a while, I'm going to check in with you. Since he's a huntinghawk, don't worry about leaving him a trail.

Whenever you get the time send a letter back, so I know that you're okay. If you're ever in trouble don't be afraid to tell me; I'll come down myself to make sure you and Amelia are safe. The boy, too. Just write a note and attach it to Seeker's leg, when you do, he'll make his way toward me. Stay safe and have a good night! Don't forget to burn this note!

She read those last words over and over, have a good night. Cassandra didn't just know this was going to happen, she was actively setting it up! Krista was left to feel conflicted over whether or not she could even be angry at her Grand Auntie because, in spite of angered appearance, she felt more excitement than anything.

"Grand Auntie, you old crone! What are you expecting from your grandniece? Calm down, what am I even worried for, this won't be the first time I slept in the same housing as him. Fine, I just need to go out there and talk to him, so we can come to an agreement… Damn it girl, just what kind of agreement are you hoping for?!"

In her panicked state, Krista hurriedly wrote a letter back to her Grand Auntie relaying whatever information she gleamed from the Shining Twilight members and the predicament Damien had left them in. She taped the note back onto Speed's leg and left the tent to see him off. As Speed flew off, Krista wondered just how long her Grand Auntie spent plotting all this.

"Johnsie, I'm so sorry for leaving, please take me back," A voice feebly cried next to Kristina, Damien's voice to be precise. He laid completely straight on his back staring blankly towards the sky with his hands holding each other. Repeating his words, Amelia sat beside him while rubbing his shoulders, a bid to comfort him.

"Should I ask what happened here because I kind of don't want to know," asked Krista.

"Well, after you kicked him out of your tent, Matilda decided to hold an extra impromptu lesson for me and Dmitri," explained Amelia

"That doesn't really explain-"

"With Darius being her personal assistant."

"That'd do it, but how did she manage to keep him there?"

"Matilda showed us some real interesting things that you can do with life wattiez, including the ability to use plants to restrain and manipulate people."

Kristina took another look at Damien still reciting that same mantra about somebody named Johnsie, "This is going to be a long trip."