
The heroic stories of Elemental Woman

The many tales and adventures of Elemental Woman

Robert_Mox · Urbain
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2 Chs

Ch1. Here comes Elemental Woman

It is a beautiful spring day in Boston. The end of April is soon, and the large amount of rain the city received last week finally stopped, allowing the sun to recreate rainbows through out the sky and on the drying puddles. Birds chirp and the trees are full of green leaves. This brought a smile to Lucy Skepter's face as she walked around Jamaica Pond. She loves walking through the many ponds and reservoirs that are in Suffolk County(MA) and surrounding area. It makes her happy, unlike her cubicle job that crushes her soul. How she wants a more outdoorsy job, but can't receive one, because working for an insurance company pays more, allowing her to afford her already expensive apartment.

She endures her terrible job, because she has an ability no normal woman has in this city. She is a superheroine, going by the name of Elemental Woman; as she can control any natural element. That's why she loves the outdoors so much; she is able to feed off nature's energy to power up her own abilities. With the power to control the elements, she is able to fight crime in the city; that was expected to be the ideal scenario.

The problem is that Lucy is always nervous that her identity might get revealed. It is hard to be unrecognizable when you are six feet tall with long blonde hair, blue eyes, a muscular body, big breasts, and a big butt. Even though when she transforms into costume, her powers throw a veil that makes peoples minds struggle to tell the difference between Lucy Skepter and Elemental Woman. Some of Lucy's friends have even stated that she an Elemental Woman must be doppelgangers. Still this nervousness of her identity being exposed, makes Lucy only fight crime that people will never or rarely see.

However, right now she isn't looking for crime to fight, she is walking around Jamaica Pond, allowing the nature's energy fuel her powers. Lucy gives a big smile as she sees two ducks waddle quickly into the water. How she wishes to be care free like them, but alas today is Sunday and she must go to back to work tomorrow. However, she puts that dread aside and continues her walk around the pond.

Eventually sunset comes, and her nature adventures must end. Lucy heads back to apartment in the Back Bay. She enters her apartment; a one bedroom one that allows her to have the privacy she wants. The cost is very high, but being near the Charles is always "worth it" in Lucy's mind. She goes into the kitchen cooks a meal for dinner, some left over chicken with pasta, then sits down to eat, turning on her small television to watch the news.

She always watches it during dinner, because that is when good stories come on; mainly good crime stories that she can solve during the night. The police may have deemed her a vigilante, but Lucy has always heard people praise Elemental Woman for stopping crime: with her fire balls, or making the earth chain criminals down, or bringing down sudden rain to put out a fire the fire department can't get too on time. It brings joy to Lucy's heart knowing that the people, not the government of Boston, love her superheroine acts.

As Lucy eats her dinner, the TV blasts a news report.

"Today three men broke into a small bank, stealing six hundred thousand dollars. The robbers were able to get away from police, but have been chased into the Concord area. Local authorities there have been told that a tall portly man and two average looking men, wearing all black are hiding out there driving dark gray car. The bank states tha…"

Lucy turns off the TV. That was enough for her to hear. She was going to fly over to Concord and detain the three men. She has always been weary of banks—they can be so mistrustful in her eyes—but this was a small local one. One that was created the serve Bostonian citizens interests, not the interests of Wall Street that the big banks serve. Lucy finishes her dinner then transforms into her costume. With a clap of her hands followed by the clenching of her fist, her casual clothes disappear, and the costume of Elemental Woman comes on: a teal spandex unitard that comes over her hands and feet, with yellow boots and gloves covering her legs and arms, a yellow belt connected by triangle wraps around her waist, and a multi-colored circle appears on her unitard (to represent the many elements she commands). Once she transforms, she goes to her bedroom, to see the casual clothes she was once wearing sitting neatly on her bed.

"Amazing how they always do that," she says to herself. It is amazing, that any clothes Lucy wears will disappear on to her bed, then reappears on her body when she is done with her transformation. However she has found out that if she is too physically exhausted the clothes won't come back, and she will be left naked if she wishes to transform back too normal. This can make some aftermaths of battles tricky, as Lucy has to sneak back into her apartment in full costume without getting noticed. Good things she lives on the top floor, so it is easy to get in without people noticing.

Elemental Woman then leaves her bedroom, opens the window in her apartment, flies out, closes it, then flies off to Concord. It only takes her a few minutes, as her control over the air lets her breeze over the land with ease. She arrives in Concord, the area is very dark except for the lights of street lamps and a few houses. As she lands on the top of a church, she can see flashing sirens of the police searching for the robbers.

"All right where could they be?" she mutters.

Elemental Woman begins to fly around in the darkness, looking for any area that would stand out as good hiding places for fugitive thieves. Most of the town looks to cozy and well-mannered for a thief to hide out in, but one place on her search stands out. An abandoned looking barn appears before her. She doesn't see a car, but when she lands she hears low footsteps and creaks come from the barn.

She creeps her way to the door, but it's closed. Elemental Woman touches the door, allowing her powers to feel the wood and metal of the barn. Her powers allow her to sense from the other side that the door is barred shut with a crowbar. This doesn't worry her; however she must decide to either go in guns blazing, or find another way in. The information from the dead wood and metals of the barn reveal to her, that there is an opening in the roof. Elemental Woman decides to fly up and sneak in through there.

Going through the hole, she lands as soft as possible on the hay that covers the ground, but she doesn't control her decent well, allowing her to be heard. She hears the click of a revolver, but turns around, emitting a flame from her hand to see where the shooter is. One of the thieves stands right in front of her, the gun pointed right at her face.

"Put away that flame and let us easily bind you. Or we kill you," he threatens.

"Do you know who I am?" Elemental Woman asks.

"Yeah you're that elemental super bitch," a thief says from her side. She can see from the corner of her eye that it is the large portly one, pointing an illegal machine gun at her.

"And we ain't scared of that nonsense you bring," the one with the revolver says. "I'd like to see you try and stop us without you brains being blown out."

"Where is the third member of your party?" Elemental Woman inquires.

"Don't you worry about it. Now put that flame away, submit, or else," the thief with the revolver threatens.

"Okay," Elemental Woman says, making the flame disappear, then shooting electricity out of her hands.

It hits the thief with revolver hard, making him scream in agony as he falls to the ground. The tall thief shoots at her, but she puts up her hand, making the bullets stop in motion. With control over the metal, Elemental Woman make the bullets hit the wall. She then quickly shoots a bolt of electricity at the tall portly thief, making him fall to the ground. She was about to search for the third one, but his bullets found her first, three of the ten he fired her hitting her in the arm. Elemental Woman gasps in pain, but resists the urge to fall. She controls the water in her blood, to super heal her wounded arm, while flinging the bullets out of her body.

She creates a small flame to uncover the location of the hidden thief. Spotted, he ducks behind a hale bale; she can hear him struggling to reload. With the flick of her wrists, Elemental Woman summons the crow bar off the barn door and makes it hit the hidden thief. He yowls as it constantly whacks him into submission. Then she uses her powers to collect more metal, have it form with the crowbar into a long string of metal. She controls the long string to collect all three thieves and binds them with it. Once bound by the metal, Elemental Woman does her interrogation. Meanwhile police sirens can be heard in the back ground.

"The police are coming, tell me where the money is so that I can easily give it to them," she says, towering over them.

"F-you," the thief that once had the revolver says, spitting at her, but missing. "It will be hidden until we get out of prison,"

"Fine, then sit put until the police arrives. I bet it will be an easy search for them," she says, then takes off.

As Elemental Woman flies away she see the police arrive at the abandoned barn, and barge in. She continues flying away until she arrives back at her apartment, going in, and transforming back into her normal clothes. In the morning Lucy turns on the television as she eats breakfast, to hear a special report.

"Last night the three thieves were arrested in abandoned barn in Concord. They were found bound by long stringy piece of metal. The police were able to find the money stashed in their getaway car, hidden a few hundred yards away from the barn. The money will be returned and thieves sit in jail awaiting trial. Police were unsure who captured the thieves, until one was heard screaming "Fuck you Elemental Woman" as he was put in a police car. Concord police and Boston police confirm that only Elemental Woman could have done this, as she has been noted in stopping crime in the area. Once again this mysterious superheroine stopped a crime, but police say that she shouldn't get involved and th—"

Lucy turns of the TV, a big smile coming from her face. She could see the joy from the news reporter's face as he told the story. She did good once again. She changes out of her pajamas in to her work clothes, leaves her apartment, and walks to the insurance company she works at. As she travels to work she hears mutters from people praising Elemental Woman for stopping the thieves. This brings her more joy as she enters her soul crushing job.