
The Hero Of Vengeance

"Kill them all...Burn it down..." Those are the words I heard echoing in my head ever since the day I woke up in Lorelei. The voice sounds familiar. I've heard it before. But would it be crazy if I said it sounded like me? Would it be crazy...if I said i remembered dying? Utterly rediculous. To repeat the same thing over and over, expecting a different result while changing absolutely nothing. I was the son of a Duke and a commoner in a foreign land. Through pain and suffering, I somehow managed to marry a beautiful Princess of that land. You know...after my father got eaten by a dragon. And after being locked in a dungeon and tortured by her insane sister... But none of that matters now. Because my world lies in ruins. Everyone I've ever known is dead. All except my beloved, who stands to protect me with her shield. But I don't mean to say that things have been destroyed... What I mean, is much simpler. Avernia is gone. Gone forever. Lost to the plague I called 'The Black Ooze'. But I'll avenge it. I'll kill the one responsibke for massacring my family and destroying my world. They'll regret having made an enemy out of me. Because the sword I wield is called Vengeance. The Overseer sword. The Omni-Weapon. No matter the cost...I will have vengeance. I'll kill them all. I'll burn everything down. Author's note: I sincerely hope you enjoy my work, but keep in mind that I am my own editor and I don't see everything. there might still be a few errors. Sorry! This is an original work.

DovahKean · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
326 Chs

Chapter 249: Payback

As I reached the bridge, I saw Stella charging straight for me.

"MASTER MIZIK!!!!" She shouted.


She nearly tackled me to the ground and began crying on my chest.

"You're alive!!! My beloved Master Mizik is alive!!! I'm so happy!!!" She cried.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Can you please calm down?" I said.

She slowly pulled back and dried her tears. She smiled joyfully.

"I'm so glad that everything is back! Even if that horrible curse is still upon you, it means I have the pleasure of serving my beloved Master! This is a joyous day for me!" Stella exclaimed.

Before I could respond, I heard the voice of Faith again.

[This woman is filled with a great adoration for you! She also holds amazing power! May I petition you to let her hold me, my Lord!?]

By the gods...fine...

[Aha! But is the Overseer not greater than any mere lesser god!?]

Please stop.

"Stella...I have a request," I said.

"Ah!? Does Master Mizik find me appealing? I can serve you in all sorts of ways, Master!" She said.

Suddenly, Cassandra looked at me and tilted her head.

"Hold this..." I said.

I decided not to respond to her. After all, even though Stella was beautiful, I personally didn't want to touch a woman that Jarbold had defiled so terribly. If I could restore her body and erase the stains of that monster, I would do so later.

I handed Faith to her and as soon as she reached for it, she 'accidently' touched my hand.


"Geez, calm down and take the damn sword!" I said angrily.

"S-sorry! Just being so close to Master Mizik is enough to make me-"

"Please just give it a rest!" I said.

She bowed her head with a smile.

Then she looked at the sword.

"Master...this blade is speaking to me. What is this?"

"That is Faith. It's one of the Deus Arms. If you accept it as your sword, you can fight my si-"

"YES! ABSOLUTELY!" Stella suddenly shouted.

She began breathing heavily and I looked back at Cassandra.

"Ah...she's so obedient to my darling Mizik! It makes me want to try harder!" Cassandra said.

I'm surrounded by insane women.

Stella unsheathed Faith and examined the blade. The runes shifted and it glowed brightly.

The gladius had a beautiful silver blade with a golden hilt. The runes and gems shone with a bright yellow.

"Oh? What does this say? She that trusts the Overseer is the Faithful one...?" She said.

The blade glowed brightly.

"Ah! I see now! Faith Form Two: Faithful Weapon!" Stella said.

Suddenly, a majestic angelic female knight with large beautiful wings appeared next to her.

The armor on the knight was silver mixed with gold. It had glowing bright yellow lines all over it. Her wings shone with a white light and were armored on the tops.

Immediately, the angelic knight flew over to me and dropped to her knees.


"Oh gods, why..." I mumbled.

"Even my sword is devoted to you, Master! I shall serve you well!" Stella said.

[My wielder! You must pay homage to the Overseer! It is customary for a new wielder to declare absolute loyalty to a wielder of Vengeance whom has unlocked the fourth form!]

"Yes! I shall!" Stella said happily.

She immediately walked over and sheathed her blade as she kneeled at my feet.

Faith continued to kneel.

I wondered for a moment if I was the first to unlock the final form of Vengeance. Then again, I also didn't care.

"Master Mizik Iratus, Overseer and wielder of Vengeance. I swear absolute loyalty to you! Any order you give, I will follow! And I will go with you everywhere as a blade to smite your enemies!" Stella said.

[Truly amazing! I may allow her to use my fourth form, mighty Overseer!]

"Stella, I appreciate your devotion, but I don't need you to follow me everywhere. If I have need of you, I'll call you. Understood?" I said.

"I am happy just to know that you will call upon me!" Stella said.

[My glorious Overseer! It is so wonderful to see your radiant might in its full glory again! GLORY TO THE OVERSEER!]

"GLORY TO MASTER MIZIK!" Stella shouted along with Faith.

I just shook my head.

"Is everyone on the ship? We're not forgetting anyone?" I asked.

"Darling, Malzekad is unaccounted for. Everyone else is currently onboard. I checked before we entered the bridge," Cassandra said.

"I honestly couldn't care less about that idiot. But...we did promise to let him join us. He's also absurdly powerful. We'll go get him later," I said.

"Of course, darling! Should we set a course for Delvandal?"

"Yeah. Use the anchor platform already located there to go faster. Get Rastair up here, now," I said.

* * *

We took the time to prepare everything and eventually, it was time to set off.

The system for activating an anchor platform was simple.

I looked at the control console housing the ship's AI, Virtus.

"Virtus, take us to Delvandal using the anchor platform," I said.

"Y-y-yes! R-right away, sir! I'll do my best!" Virtus said.

I'm also going to beat the shit out of Vakra for giving you such an unnecessary personality...

The ship shook and a portal opened beneath it. Several anchors shot out of it and connected themselves to the Cursebreaker's underside. We were pulled down into the portal by the anchors.

As soon as we passed the threshold of the portal, I could see that we had immediately warped to Delvandal.


We were surrounded by the remnant military troops and war machines.

Ground vehicles, airships, and the like.


I teleported out of the ship and landed on top of it.

The air ships readied themselves to fire, but, it wouldn't be a problem.

I pulled out Vengeance in its sheath and held it in front of me.

"Fury form," I said.

I felt the power of Vengeance course through me as I unsheathed it.

I immediately covered myself in the Aegis Armor, the Crown of the Hero, and the Cloak of the Mastermind.

"Multiply, hand cannon, remote weapon!" I said.

I created thousands of swords and changed them into cannons. I held them in mid-air as they aimed at the ships, soldiers, and vehicles.

"FIRE!!!" One of the soldiers shouted.

But...I had already prepared for that.

"Aegis Shield," I said.

I manifested thousands of overlapping shields in an area around the ship and myself. When the gunfire began, I found myself smiling again.

The pain made me smile even wider.

"Hahahahahah! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laughed.

I wanted to use Blast Nova, but I risked destroying the platform. Instead, I made use of my remote weapons.

"Eagle eyes, all turrets, auto target. RAPID FIRE!!!" I shouted.

The shields disappeared as my turrets began rapidly unloading on all of the surrounding enemies.

The remnants of the Elysium military were utterly annihilated.

"Come on, dumbass! You had to know that this wouldn't help you! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY, VAKRA!!!" I shouted.

Amidst the wreckage, there were very few survivors. All of them were terrified and began running away...those that could still run, that is.

I teleported back into the ship and looked at Rastair.

"Holy shit! You're the literal end of the world! That's...kinda hot!" She said.

"Disengage the anchors. Take us to Vakra's laboratory!" I said.

"Yes sir! I'm not about to argue, you handsome stud!" She said.

"Without the sexual harassment!" I said.

"That might be harder to do..." Rastair said.

I rolled my eyes as the ship disconnected itself and flew to the area where Vakra's lab was.

Once it had reached the location, I connected the heart stone in my chest to the ship after dispersing the aegis armor directly over it.

I took hold of the weapons console near Rastair and aimed every laser and blaster we had at it.

Then I unleashed a barrage of attacks at the lab and completely obliterated it.

There was some damage to the castle, but I didn't care at this point.

I disconnected and teleported out of the ship. Then I flew into the crater.

Immediately, I saw a form rise from the ground. Vakra began regenerating.

Currently, he was in his human form...

"You...BASTARD!!!" Vakra shouted.

He teleported to my front and threw a punch.

I had already planned for that.

My Cloak of the Mastermind gave me highly increased mental processing speed and analytical ability. I had already planned for every single scenario.

Before landing, I used Arms of Asura and caught his hand I one of my glowing, red spectral arms.

"Ngh...gah... Would you accept a peace offering...? I'm very sorry..." He said.

"Pay with your blood, betrayer!" I said angrily.

I crushed his hand and punched him through the face.

Vakra fell to the ground and began immediately regenerating.

He teleported behind me, but I didn't bother moving. He impacted a shield that I created and I caused it to explode. Completely obliterating him.

After he regenerated, he tried to attack again, but I bound him in chains and wires.

"Wow...you sure have a lot of tricks, Vakra. Not..." I said.

I shredded him to pieces this time.

After he regenerated, he paused for a moment.

"I'll just crush you, then!" He said.

Then I was assaulted by azure flames and gravity magic.

But this was yet another scenario that I had planned for.

I nullified his magic and he tried to open a pathway to escape.



* * *

I took my time with Vakra.

I killed him over and over and over...

I even allowed Cassandra to have fun with him as well.

Once we had killed him two thousand times, I finally relented.

"No more...please...I'm sorry... I just wanted my home back..." Vakra said.

"My bloodlust is sated. You've greatly inconvenienced me with your treachery. If you had talked to me about this, we could have worked something out!" I said angrily.

"I know that now... Please make it stop..." Vakra said.

"Because of you, I can't hold my darling Mizik in my own arms! How dare you!"

"Think of the good things! We have heart stones! The Cursebreaker! What about all the troops on board!?" Vakra said frantically.


"Ah... I...see the problem..."


"I was being selfish... If you'll let me, I can give you a peace offering..." Vakra said.

"I'm listening."

"Look...I don't know if there's a way to fix this or not, but give me a chance to try it. If I can bend reality to my will...it might be possible to remove your curse through reality modification...or at the very least ignore it. If I could do that, maybe you could separate those two? I just need the Oracle's body!" He said.

"Hm...I'll consider it. She's alive again and the Artificer managed to capture her. We can talk more later. Although...that won't be enough to satisfy me."

"Of course! Uh...how about I give Virtus an android body...?"


"What else can I give you!? I already apologized!" Vakra said.

"Yes. Hundreds of times. But Vengeance is already sated. You're right about this situation not being completely bad, though. Hmm...I want you to give me more heart stones," I said.

"Deal! Then maybe I can rebuild my lab... You destroyed everything and killed all my assistants!" Vakra said angrily.

"And YOU trapped Isabella in her sister's body while throwing my curse back onto me. You betrayed us! Your deaths, the destruction of your lab, and the passing of your assistants, are a suitable payment for your crime. But only if you make good on your word to help me with these two. You'll need to come to Excelsis again soon for that."

"Ugh...then I'll throw in a body for Virtus with the stones! Free of charge!" Vakra said.

"I don't want her to have a body! Weren't you listening!? She's weird enough as is!"

"I...already made one. It's in my spare lab," Vakra said.

"You're a degenerate."

"I...I know..."

Once that had been taken care of, I released Vakra and allowed him to use his powers again. He promised not to run away and slowly began transferring heart stones to the Cursebreaker.

The Elysium military had been almost completely wiped out at this point.

Apparently, Vakra wasn't fully aware of how much power I held in my Fury Form.

He knew I would come for him and decided not to destroy the anchor platform. This was because Vakra wanted to know where I would come from.

The military was around to stop us from advancing...but they weren't enough.

A week after the incident, something else happened.