
The Hero Of Vengeance

"Kill them all...Burn it down..." Those are the words I heard echoing in my head ever since the day I woke up in Lorelei. The voice sounds familiar. I've heard it before. But would it be crazy if I said it sounded like me? Would it be crazy...if I said i remembered dying? Utterly rediculous. To repeat the same thing over and over, expecting a different result while changing absolutely nothing. I was the son of a Duke and a commoner in a foreign land. Through pain and suffering, I somehow managed to marry a beautiful Princess of that land. You know...after my father got eaten by a dragon. And after being locked in a dungeon and tortured by her insane sister... But none of that matters now. Because my world lies in ruins. Everyone I've ever known is dead. All except my beloved, who stands to protect me with her shield. But I don't mean to say that things have been destroyed... What I mean, is much simpler. Avernia is gone. Gone forever. Lost to the plague I called 'The Black Ooze'. But I'll avenge it. I'll kill the one responsibke for massacring my family and destroying my world. They'll regret having made an enemy out of me. Because the sword I wield is called Vengeance. The Overseer sword. The Omni-Weapon. No matter the cost...I will have vengeance. I'll kill them all. I'll burn everything down. Author's note: I sincerely hope you enjoy my work, but keep in mind that I am my own editor and I don't see everything. there might still be a few errors. Sorry! This is an original work.

DovahKean · Fantaisie
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326 Chs

Chapter 155: The Isabella Cult

After Irwin returned, he brought us to our rooms and once we entered, we noticed something odd.

There was a beautiful bed laid out on the floor. It was covered in clean silken sheets of the finest kind.

It smelled heavenly and it looked wonderfully soft. It had a beautiful design of flowers on it. The sheets were lined with pink lace and icy blue threading.

In the corner was a rather plain and unwashed bed that looked more suitable for a man half my size...a child...perhaps even a dog. It didn't even include a pillow and was hastily dropped on the floor.

Yeah, they get one more chance. If they blow it, the shooting starts.

Isabella could see me glaring at the shitty bed in rage and gently hugged my arm.

"Don't worry, my love. You'll still be sleeping next to me. I'll just throw that old rag out," she said.

She quickly rolled up the old bed and threw it out of the door. Then she closed it and cast a barrier in front of it.

Although the entire room flashed.

"Hmm...that should do the trick," she said.

She quickly walked over to an old journal next to our bed and opened it up as she laid down.

I sat next to her and read as well.

The language looked strange to me, but thanks to Iris' blessing, I could read it.

Entry 1

This cannot be happening!

I was a perfectly normal high school student living in Kyoto Japan. My name is Jin Takemoto.

I went to the toilet to wash up after getting mud thrown at my shirt by the guys that usually bully me and...

When I came out, I was in another world!

It's just like the isekai mangas I read! I'm going to have a harem of beautiful girls, soon!

"What is this guy talking about?" Isabella said while furrowing her brow.

"I don't know. Is he insane or something? And is Japan a country or a world? I thought they said it was called Earth...right?" I asked.

"How would I know that!? Well...let's keep reading..."

Entry 2

I discovered that I was given a strange power to predict the future.


I've already used it to predict the futures of many people in this village. They're worshipping me, here! I can't say this is what I wanted, but at the same time, it's way better than getting bullied in that other old world!

I do miss air conditioning, though...and running water...

But this world is going to be amazing!

Entry 3

I finally did it! I got a girlfriend!

Hopefully the first of many girls swooning after me. If I just play it cool, I'll have so many beautiful girls after me!

Aside from that, this world is very interesting! There's magic and all sorts of other cool things.

Apparently there's this country called Elysium run by a terrifyingly powerful warlord called The Mad Admiral... Scary! I don't want to meet him...

The rumor is that he eats people from other worlds!

Entry 4

Okay, I asked around and the Admiral doesn't actually rule Elysium. He isn't a Demon King and he probably doesn't eat people...probably. Apparently he's been here for around a few hundred years or so...

I will try not to meet him if I can help it. In other news, the people of this world speak another language that I can understand, somehow.

They can't read Japanese, thankfully.

Laleri, my girlfriend, tried to read my journal and said it looked like bunch of nonsense.

Ha! That's my world's language! Everything here is secret!

Entry 5

Laleri dumped me because I wouldn't stop talking to other girls... I am devastated...

But I won't let that stop me! I'll convince her to love me!

I'm also trying to find ways of strengthening my power...

Entry 6

Delvandal...the name of this world is Delvandal. This island and the mountain on it are both called Gahu.

There are objects called Heart Stones used to increase magical power! I'm going to find one and use it!

Entry 7

I found a Heart Stone.

Actually I just asked the village elder and he gave one to me.

That was easy...

Entry 8

This crystal is...surprisingly powerful.

In fact, it's so powerful, that it let me see the entire life of one of the people I read the fortune of.

I just kept that part secret. I wonder if I could use it on myself... No...on the world!!!

Entry 9




Entry 10

Isabella is so perfect! I can't stop staring at her in my visions! I have decided to make a religion based on her! Everyone will know of her beauty and radiance!

Entry 11

Everything! SHE IS EVERYTHING!!! She must be mine... But I have no idea how long before she appears...

I saw other things.

Like some bastard with green eyes being hugged by her! I HATE YOU! DIE DIE DIE!!!

I no longer wish for Laleri to come back.

All I need is Isabella... Yes...she's so perfect...

Entry 12

I have learned of her actions while on this island. She prevents pirates from invading just before going to this very village.

Before sleeping, she will read my journals. They look kind of old...I hope I'm not dead by then...

Hi Isabella! I love you! You're so beautiful!

Then she'll...sleep in the arms of the green-eyed bastard... I hate him so much. IF YOU'RE READING THIS, A THOUSAND CURSES ON YOU! I HATE YOU!

The next day, Isabella will heal the wounded and sick just before climbing the mountain and banishing the fire demon with a terrible case of eighth-grader syndrome.

Then she'll go to the temple atop the mountain and unlock its secrets after preaching to the monks!

There isn't a temple right now, but hopefully one will be built...

I know! It'll be a temple based on Isabella!

And after that, she'll get a really powerful heart stone just before going off to banish a great darkness.

For some reason my vision is darkened after that... Something is interfering... Some kind of dark evil... Huh...I felt someone laughing at me for a second.

Oh well!

Hold on, Isabella! I'll be there soon!

Isabella slammed the journal shut and threw it at the wall.

She looked like she was shivering.

"Umm...wow..." I said.

"Eww...eww...eww...EWWWWW!!! THAT PERVERT WAS WATCHING ME!?" Isabella shouted.

"What the hell is eighth-grader syndrome...?" I mumbled.

"Mizik!" Isabella said suddenly as she grabbed my shoulders.

"Yes...?" I said.

"I need you to pin me down and-"

I held up a hand to stop her before he said anything dirty...

"If we do that, he'll see you. As much as I wouldn't mind being intimate, the thought of someone watching us...other than Cassandra, I guess...really pisses me off. You understand, right?" I said.

Her eyes went wide in realization.

"That's so disgusting! Ugh!!! Maybe that's why the people here don't like you... They said you were a green-eyed demon, didn't they?" Isabella asked.

"I suppose Irwin did. Although they acted like no one should touch you at all...freaks..." I mumbled.

Regardless, I laid down in the bed prepared for Isabella and she cuddled close to me while laying her head on my chest.

"Please just hold me tonight... I feel so dirty after reading that cursed journal... What kind of sick pervert does stuff like that!?"

I gently stroked her hair and kissed her head...ignoring the stabbing pain in mine, of course.

If Isabella was feeling uncomfortable, I needed to be there for her.

We fell asleep shortly after laying down.

* * *

The next day, we heard commotion outside of our room.

"She's in there!"

"Really!? Our goddess has finally arrived!?"

"That means he Green-Eyed Demon is here too! He must be executed!"

Try it. I dare you.

"Nnn...so noisy..." Isabella said as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Sounds like they want to execute me," I said.

"I dare them to try."

I'm glad we think alike.

We got up and I readied Vengeance in the form of a rifle.

Isabella dispelled the barrier protecting the room and suddenly people began flooding in.

They stopped as soon as they saw her protecting me.

"Lady Isabella!" One man shouted as he dropped to his knees.

Many others followed suit and a few just glared at me.


I aimed and rested my finger on the trigger.

"ALL OF YOU, SILENCE! NOW!!!" Isabella screamed in rage.

There was a low rumbling in the room.

Everyone instantly got quiet and bowed down.

"First of all, this man is my husband. He isn't a demon. The one who wrote those journals was simply obsessed with me. Continue to worship if you like, but I will not stand by while my beloved is insulted and threatened!" Isabella said angrily.

Everyone remained quiet.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves for targeting an innocent man! What is wrong with you!?" Isabella continued.

One man bravely spoke up.

"We were only following what the prophet Jin said! He commanded that the Green-Eyed Demon be executed the day after his arrival!"

"Your prophet is a pervert! My husband isn't a demon!" Isabella said.

"But he looks so menacing! Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! I wouldn't marry a demon!"

The people didn't seem convinced.

"We will forgive him on one condition..." Irwin said as he pushed his way to the front.

"Forgive him!? He hasn't done anything!" Isabella said.

"Yet..." I mumbled as I kept my finger on the trigger.

"Put that down!" Isabella said as she pushed Vengeance down.

I reluctantly put it away and she looked back at Irwin.

"Please...we have many people suffering from sickness... Some have even been wounded in accidents. Please heal our people!" Irwin begged as he dropped to his knees.

Isabella sighed.

"Bring them all to me. I'll heal everyone..." She said.

Everyone started cheering and praising Isabella.

By Iris, this is a weird situation...

* * *

It took several hours, but people who were sick, dying, and wounded were brought over to Isabella.

Luckily, no one tried to make her resurrect the dead.

As strong as she was, Isabella could not revive the dead.

The sick and wounded were all healed, and the people praised Isabella so much that she began simply ignoring them.

She didn't like being called a goddess, anyway.

Jallah and Rune just stood by and watched in confusion.

I decided that I would tell them later...

Once the people had been healed, they prepared a feast for us, which we saved a large portion of in our inventories. Then we began climbing the mountain.

"I'm so glad to finally be away from these weirdos..." Isabella muttered.

"There are two more villages on the way up... The temple is also suspect, so don't let your guard down yet," I said.

Isabella groaned in frustration.

"Can I just let Cassandra take over?"

"You're our ticket to getting through this. Put up with it and I promise to do anything you want me to-"

"Deal!" Isabella said.

After that, we walked quietly until we spotted an area ahead that looked like it had been badly burned...

Oh, right...the demon... This should be interesting...