
Chapter 1

Dear Diary, I believe there is good in everyone, even in the tyrant that lives on the other side of Ryonx's borders. My future husband. Today my virtuous father, King Hyron, sold his only child to keep his people safe from a war declaration made by the neighboring kingdom and I was the negotiation prize. My life for his people. I find it ironic that the hero of Ryonx easily traded his own blood for the safety of his kingdom. I feel disgusted with myself to think such thoughts, but I'm not ready to die. The so-called "king" of Lunarious has killed thousands if not millions of people to get to where he is today. Why would he hesitate to kill another noble's daughter? What if I just go ahead and ki-

In that instant, the ink from the calligraphy pen spills all over the page of my embroidered notebook. My pale hands pierced against the wooden walls of the horse dawn carriage trying to hold myself to the seat. I can hear the horses neigh and bang against each other trying to warn or escape from something. The black silk curtains shadow over the window not allowing me to take a glimpse outside. I feel my body beginning to shake once again. My feet become numb once again. Maybe this is how I die. At least I won't have to face the abuse of my future husband. The clashing of swords breaks me from my thoughts once again. I can hear the clattering of armor and voices panting from the heat of the battle. My hands finally gain movement again, so I gently reach for the curtain and draw it back just enough for my eyes to look outside. My vision suddenly becomes stained with red. Blood splattered across the carriage window. I feel all the color drain from my face. What is going to happen to me?

My hands draw back from the window trying to pull what little composure I have left in this feeble body of mine. Then suddenly, the wooden door swings open to a man stained in blood. His sweat dripped onto the floor of the carriage as he met his dark empty eyes with mine. My mouth refused to move along with my body. All I could do was clench my hands to my chest and hope that he would kill me quickly.

His gaze never broke from mine as he reached toward his helmet to remove it. "Everything is fine now. No need to worry." The raspiness of that man's voice sent chills down my spine. "Lunarious's borders are right over this ridge. Soon you will be home, your highness."

My voice finally regained its consciousness. "W-what is going on? You a-are covered in blood!" The crackling of my voice made the rugged man grin.

"An ambush is what is going on. Your so gracious father decided to send assassins to kill you before you made it across to our borders." He continued to smirk to himself. "Sadly for him, I won't be letting that happen. Kenzo has been waiting a long time to get his hands on you and I promised him your safe return home."

Kenzo. The name of the "Blood King". A strong powerful man who will do anything and everything to get what he wants. Someone who has no regard for another human being's life. But wait- what did he just say?

"Did you say my father send assassins to kill me?" This time my voice was more clear and seemed to surprise the soldier.

"You heard me right. Not to mention, they were pretty high-class ones at that. He must have really wanted you dead, huh?"

Those words echoed in my head as the soldier put the bloody metallic helmet back over his short brown hair and exited the carriage. He sold me then tried to kill me?! Are you serious?! I can feel my cheeks fluster with anger as my feet began to rumble from the horses beginning to pull once more. My dress has become wrinkled from my constant clenching of the fabric. The emerald colors begin to fade as tears begin to drip from my eyes. "Don't cry... Don't cry… Remember what mom taught you." My whispers of comfort began to fill the empty box that I sat in awaiting for my new life to begin.