

As he rode his dark brown horse, you could see his charming smile and happiness.. The weather is cool and refreshing.. The carpet grass as green as ever as doves hops up and down with their beautiful feathers..

He rode past her, a beautiful girl of 18 to 19 years with hairs blown by the winds as she plays and wave at him.. She smiles so beautifully which made him fascinated by how charming she looked.. He smile back at her and winked returning her wave while he tried to halt the horse so he coukd talk to her.. "Young lady" ! He said and she looked towards him still smiling.. He came closer and asked "whats your name"?.. She answered "my name is mary". He blushed and introduced himself as robert bush..

They spoke for a while and she asked if she lives their in which she replied yes and show him their home not far from where they stood.. I came to walk my horse just to while a way time as i was bored at home and decided to ride.. " What are u doing here alone"? He asked.. "I was doing same Just enjoying the weather like you" she said and they both laughed....