
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 9

I am alone in the room. Standing in front of the big window looking at the lake side .

It is 10 o'clock in the morning.

Today is the date to meet with Shadhin at 11 o'clock.

I am all the time thingking about Shadhin . I don't know what happened to me ?

All the time I am speculating only about him . Am I in love with him ?

I don't know why it feels so good to think about him .

I don't know, I can't figure it out myself. In my ears I can hear the echoes of the laughter of him all the time.

And In my mind I can see his charming face all the time.

Someone seems to be knocking on the door of the room.

Who can be now! In the morning, the cleaner boy came and cleaned the room.

Who is tapping again ?

When I opened the door, I saw Natalia standing in front of me.

She greeted me to say Priviet / hello .

I also said hello to her.

Natalia said that she came to me on a very important matter. I asked Natalia to come to into the room.

Then I asked her , what is the urgent matter?

She said, she is in a lot of trouble. She wants to lighten up by sharing his pain.

I asked Natalia to sit on the couch and made coffee for her.

While drinking coffee, she said, I am in a big problem. I can not think what to do? I have no one here with whom I can share my sorrows.

I heard you are studying occultism . so I think you know many things about the Gods and godesses .

Natalia asking me , dear Kuhon ,

Can you tell me that people can meet gods and godesses by taking drugs?

I asked Natalya, who told you that you can meet the gods if you take drugs?

Natalia said, my boyfriend. I love my boyfriend very much. He also loved me a lot .

I asked her , now does not he loves you?

Natalia replied with a faint face, I really don't understand whether he still loves me or not.

I asked Natalia about their relationship.

Natalia said everything about her relationship with her current boyfriend .

After hearing everything, I realized that Natalia's boyfriend, Jeff Byron, has become a member of a secret organization called 'Black Grimoire'.

According to Natalia, her boyfriend is going out with some new people. Natalia had never seen her boyfriend mixing with these people before.

Natalia saw all of her boyfriend's new friends, they all had special tattoos on their bodies.

Tattooing on the body, it is a currently popular fashion . But special types of tattoos are drawn only by special people of special organizations.

Different organizations use different types of tattoos.

I asked Natalia, what kind of tattoos do you mean by special type of tattoo?

Natalya did not answer my question and moved on to another topic.

Natalia began to say that Jeff Byron was very polite and very elegant. He is the founder of several banks in England and outside of the England too .

Jeff's passion was researching the primitive and ancient cultures of different countries.

It can be called a hobby of him . Jeff met Natalia in a five star hotel in Moscow.

They have been in a relationship for about a year and a half.

Natalya was attracted to Jeff after seeing him as gentle and elegant.

And Jeff was also attracted by Natalia's charming beauty.

Natalia often spends time at Jeff's apartment in London .

Natalia has been noticing for two months ago that many people with tattoos are coming and going to Jeff's apartment.

When she asks Jeff about them, Jeff says that they are his new friends.

Natalia said that all of Jeff's new friends are drug addicted . Natalia forbids Jeff from hanging out with such people.

Jeff directly told Natalya that he was also taking drugs himself.

Jeff says he wants to see gods and goddesses by consuming drugs .

And seeing gods and goddesses is possible only by consuming drugs.

So Jeff became addicted to drugs. Natalia is worried about Jeff. She loves Jeff so much, she will be worried.

Natalia said to me, you are studying occult science. You can tell how to get visions of gods and goddesses by taking drugs! Can you tell me what kind of drugs work on it ?

as much as i know about the drugs , I told Natalia what I read about drugs matter.

If someone taking drugs in his body , After consuming drugs, the sleeping neurons of the human brain become active and the active neurons become more charged and create hallucinations on human mind .

That time drugged addicted person can see in front of their eyes what they think in their imagination like very alive and real .

Hallucinations appear more realistic because active neurons are highly charged by consuming drugs . It is only an illusion of human imagination.

Not all drugs work the same way.

I asked to Natalia, if you can tell me what kind of drugs Jeff is taking, I can explain it to you more.

Natalia said that she does not know what kind of drugs Jeff is taken .

I told Nataliya, visions of gods and goddesses are available, I have read about such drugs.

But such ancient drugs are no longer available in modern times.

Natalia asked me, what kind of drugs are you talking about?

I told Natalya, I learned a little while reading the theory of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics stones.

As written in the history of ancient Egyptian cults, ancient Egyptians people's used different types of perfumes on their bodies while worshiping gods and goddesses.

The fragrances were very strong; So strong that it was addictive. Perfumes were made from an unknown variety of herbs.

The blue lotus was considered a very precious and very sacred plant to the ancient Egyptians.

They invented a perfume from the extract of the blue lotus. They used this perfume to worship the goddess Isis and the god Osiris.

They also invented a perfume from the extract of the blue lotus. They used this perfume to worship the goddess Isis and the god Osiris.

Only holy people were allowed to use this perfume. Priests and Pharaohs were called Saint of Egyptian goddess Isis and They received some messages from the Gods or Goddesses.

They used to sit in meditation to concentrate on the worship of gods and goddesses through meditation, they used to get visions of gods and goddesses and along with the visions, they received messages or prophecies from gods and goddesses.

In modern times these are called hallucinations.

Since the destruction of the ancient Egyptian nations, all their cults, traditions and secret formulas have been lost.

Since that Egyptian period, no blue lotus has been cultivated in the present world.

There is no blue lotus, but if a new drug as strong as blue lotus extract is introduced, hallucinations like seeing gods and goddesses are likely to occur.

I told Natalia it's not too late, you can bring Jeff back to a healthy and normal life.

If You can explain to Jeff that these are narcotics and they are extremely life-destroying substances it can be possible to Jeff back his normal life .

What you have heard about these gods and goddesses have no basis in fact. In order to most of the drug , drug dealers make up these ridiculous stories to trap people and attracting them to take drugs for their drug business .

Since Jeff is an educated and intelligent person, he will surely understand you. You go and convince Jeff that he has stepped into a trap.

These new friends of his are actually drug dealers. Natalia said with a sad face, I explained a lot to Jeff but he didn't listen to me.

I said to Natalya, why don't you take the help of the law? Only law can help you best .

To heared about the law Natalya stopped drinking coffee. With she created a ferocious kind gesture on her face , she stood up from the couch and said , i go now I will talk to you again later. And Natalia left my room.

I don't know whether it was because of the strangeness or for some other reason, I saw that Natalia's white face became dark while she leaving my room . It seems that she is very disappointed to me .

The water in the lake is crystal clear . The water is so choppy that the pebbles under the lake are clearly visible. Many white swans are swimming in the lake. The intense light of the sun falls on the water, making the water glisten.

It is now half past eleven. I am sitting on a marble bench under a cherry blossom tree.

The cherry blossoms are fluttering in the spring breeze and spreading around me.

I have come to the bank of this lake for about five minutes. Swadhin didn't come yet .

It was almost noon, so the side of the lake was now deserted. A quiet environment is pleasant as well as a feeling of fear in such solitude.

Five or six hands away sitting on a bench, a couple , a young man and a girl are playing with their lips .

They held each other in a deep embrace. Now they are lost in the world of deep love.

There is no more care about this world. Seeing their deep relationship, I don't know why, my chest is heaving.

Being curious and wanting to know what honey is there in the touch of the lover's lips.

But the sad thing is that till now I have not been able to get any boyfriend in my twenty two years of life.

So far no one has offered me any love. I heard that love comes in everyone's life.

A stranger proposed to me yesterday. I like him too, but I'm afraid to love him. Because I don't know nothing about him .

if I make a mistake to choose a wrong partner in loving with him! It can be life destruction decision One wrong step will lead to life destruction purpose.

My father said, life is very important.

So Decisions in important matters of life should always be taken carefully.

A wrong decision and a wrong action can make people suffer for the rest of their lives.

A full life means not only living, but living well is called a beautiful life. I also want a beautiful life.

Whatever I do, I will do it with very carefully . Love, romance and marriage are very important to me.

Because, if I love someone in my life, I will marry him, otherwise I will spend my whole life alone.

So I will think about what I will do, I will calculate it. Emotions have no place in my calculations.

Looking at the water of the lake once and looking at the youth couple .

As I looked at them, it seemed that they had increased their level of love.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, I heard someone whistling from my back .

I thought, maybe a passerby is giving a tip.

I looked back after hearing him repeatedly giving the whistle .

I saw, not a pedestrian it is standing my favorite person Mister Shadhin Raihan .

Even today he came with flower bouquet and another gift pack in his hands .

Today, however, I filled the thermos and brought coffee for him . Every now and then he gives me gifts, something or the other,

I should also give him something — thinking that I made coffee and brought it.

Shadhin came and sat next to me, asked, how are you Kuhon?

I said with a sweet smile, I'm fine and what about you ?

He answered me with sweet tone , how can I be well, you have not put me in a state to be well.

I said, why? What did I do again?

He looked at me and said, don't you understand anything of love and desire ?

Don't you understand why I come to you again and again?

I said, I understand. He said, then why are you not responding?

I said, you are a stranger for me , and I am afraid to trust a stranger. Shadhin said, then try to know about me .

I said, how?

He said, I will take you to a place tomorrow, if you want to go with me .

Shadhin gave me the flower bouquet and gift the pack which he had brought for me and said, I have brought these for you.

I said, do you really need to bring a gift to meet me ?

He said, people love to give gifts to their loved ones.

I said with a smile, I have also made coffee for you.

He smiled and said thank you, now it will be nice to have coffee while talking with you.

I also said, of course dear brother, I would also like to have coffee with a gentleman like a brother .

Brother ? as soon as he heard the word, he stand up. He said who is the brother?

I said, you . aren't you my caste brother, you are Bengali, I am also Bengali so I called you brother.

Besides, you are older than me. Such a respected person can no longer be called by name so i called you brother .

I showed respect to you dear brother Shadhin .

You know that according to our Bengali custom, it is an insult to call someone big by name.

Swadhin said, thank you for your honor, this time please answer me for one question, according to Bengali custom, the husbands of Bengali women are usually older.

Then their wives call their husbands by name. Then why is it not disrespectful for Bengali husbands?

I said, the husband allowed to calls his wife by name. And besides, the wife no longer calls her husband by name when their child is born. Then they said to the husband, so-and-so's father do this, so-and-so's father done this .

I don't know if there was any humor in my words, Shadhin started laughing after hearing my words.

Stopping laughing, he said, I am asking you to call me by my name. And must call me so-and-so's father after the baby is born.

I look at the man like a fool, not knowing what to say. I finally said, what do you want to say?

He said, I love you Kuhon. And I want to marry you and be the father of your baby.

As soon as I heard these words of the man, my ears became hot. It seems like smoke is coming out of the ears due to heat .

When I Looking at him, I saw that he was looking at the youth couple on the bench next to us .

I also saw the couple after seeing his gaze and felt shivers all over my body as soon as I saw them . What they started is beyond explanation. And this shameless person is laughing with his teeth at the young couple .

I just stood up because of feeling uncomfortable, at that moment I was grabbed my one hand by Shadhin.

I am shocked to see the dare of the man. Without permission he held my hand again.

I looked at him with angry eyes. He is looking at me with a smile. He said calmly, sit down please .

I said, why did you hold my hand?

Don't you know that a girl should not be touched without her permission ?

He said, there is no problem, I will get permission when there is time.

He is still holding my hand. I felt uncomfortable, so I tried to remove my hand from his hand.

No matter how hard I try, his hand is getting tighter on my hand. Again he said in a calm voice, sit quietly dear .

If you don't listen, then I will start the making love with you without your permission.

Hearing this, I am in a state of losing consciousness.

I'm thinking, I'm in danger! I will scream for help from someone. There is no one like that around.

Except for these two shameless young man and woman.

' Sit down!

He told me to sit with a loud scolding.

Hearing the bullying voice the young couple beawared and ready for leaving this place .

I counted in my mind. If they leave, I will be alone with this man. and it is true the couple left , now I and Shadhin were the only two left on the side of this lake.

My chest is trembling with fear. This time I sat quietly next to the man. I am wondering what he will do with me now.

You can trust me. I know, you are afraid of me now. I will not harm you. And, sorry to bully you.

If I had not scolded you, the boys and girls would have done more heinous things. That's why I gave you the threat, so that they can regain their composure.

I was able to be a lot easier this time listening to him.

He said to me with mild voice, open the gift and see if you like the gift or not! This is the man who scolded me so loudly a while ago, but now he is talking about opening the gift pack being so sweet.

I opened the gift pack, I saw a small black box.

When I opened the box, I saw a neck chain as thin as a thread. There are many fine stones embedded in the thin chain. The white chain glitters in the sunlight because of the embedded stones.

I have never seen such fine stoned chains. I said, Wow, the chain is so pretty. And the stones are very shiny.

Shadhin said, they are not stones, they are all real diamonds.

I said, then this is a very expensive gift for me . He said, surely not more expensive than you?

I was really happy to receive such an expensive gift. I said, I became indebted to you.

Shadhin said, you can pay the debt if you want, your mind is a gift to me. to heared Shadhin s proposal ,

I don't understand what to say.

I said to myself, I have already given my heart to you but I will not express my heart without knowing you completely.

Shadhin said, you can also make a very good coffee! I had the best coffee of my life.

I mischievously said, I didn't make coffee. he looked at me like a fool and asked who made the coffee?

I said, I got it from our dining cook and started laughing at him for being fool him .

He asked, why are you laughing?

I said, so.

He took out a visiting card from his wallet and handed it to me and said, this is my card. It contains my contact number and email id, you can call me whenever you want.

European Department of Legal Information Organization is written on the visiting card.

I said, are you an information collector?

He replied, yes.

I asked , what kind of information do you collect?

He replied, when I got the order to collect such kind of information.

Collect information according to that order.

I asked, what happens with the information?

Shadhin said, a legal information is as

powerful as a bomb.

Information has taken the place of weapons in today's world.

The enemy being attacked using legal information.

The more information the nation has, the more advanced and powerful the nation is.

I said, there is a lot of risk in your work.

Shadhin said, in today's world it is difficult to lead a life without risk.

He told me, it's already noon, let's take you to the hostel gate. I said, I want to know more about you.

Shadhin said, that's why I will take you to a place tomorrow. If you trust me then tomorrow you will be ready and wait for me at the hostel gate, exactly at eleven in the morning.