
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 3

<p>I said to Martha, "You know, our class teacher, Max Well, sir has given me the famous occultist, Elipas Levi 's the world-famous book, The Mystic Magic, to read. <br/><br/>Martha was shocked to hear this news. When Martha was surprised, she looked very nice, the pearls in her eyes sparkled. <br/><br/>Rose like her pink lips pressed together and obviously she looking beautiful .<br/><br/>Martha heard The news and said, "You really look like a genius dear Kuhon . If you not genius, no teacher at Oxford would have let someone read this book from their library so easily. <br/><br/>It's very rare, but there's something special about you. Otherwise, why would an Oxford teacher give you a book from their library?" <br/><br/> Let me read the famous book of this famous author I asked Martha how did you know that the book The Mystic Magic was given to me to read from the private collection of Oxford University? <br/><br/> Martha told me that the book you have been given to read, the book and the author of the book are very famous, so famous that history has been made about the author and his book .<br/><br/> And since I am studying sculpture, I am very happy to know about famous people and what the reason of they are being famous. <br/><br/> You know it feels awesome , because of I'm sharing my room with a very beautiful and very intelligent girl like you .<br/><br/>Do you know kuhon , the combination of these two qualities is not an easy match, very beautiful people can not be very intelligent and very intelligent people can not be very beautiful .<br/><br/>That's why I consider you are a very special person for me . <br/><br/>I heard the compliments about me to Martha , I also said to her that you are also very beautiful and intelligent, so you are also special, aren't you? <br/><br/>Hearing her praise, Martha got shy and changed the subject. <br/><br/>Then Martha started talking about her boyfriend and we talked for a long time.<br/><br/> While talking, we didn't realize when the evening got dark and exactly 15 minutes later the bell rang at eight o'clock to go to the dining room.<br/><br/> Now we will have dinner in the big dining room of our girls hostel. <br/><br/>The big dining room is fully decorated with rows of tables and chairs. <br/><br/>The seats of the chairs are made of oak wood. Cloths are placed on the table in front of each chair with blue on white patterned plates, cups, saucers, cutlery sets and soup bowls and it looks like the entire dining table is covered in bunches of blue flowers as the light from the huge chandeliers overhead reflects light from every corner of the dining room. <br/><br/>It is enlightening that about 200 people can eat together in this huge dining room.<br/><br/> Since this hostel was once a manor house and the manor house was always full of people, they needed such a big dining room.<br/><br/> The dining room is like as a festival place . <br/><br/>When so many people gather in a festival area, the place actually gathers in a fair of different colors of different countries. <br/><br/>All the hostel girls come to eat together in this dining room .<br/><br/>and always it is luxurious dinner for us . <br/><br/><br/>In the every lovely evening with lovely girls in gorgeous dining room for luxury dinner it is just amazing for all the hostel girls .<br/><br/>The food menu has about 20 to 25 items always one arranges the food on their own plate according to their taste no doubt it is a very good arrangement everyone eats their food and after eating go back to their room .<br/><br/>After dinner many girls are walk to the garden then go to the room .<br/> Those girls who walk in the garden I'm one of those people who doesn't want to sleep .<br/><br/>Sometimes Martha also Joins to walk in the garden with me. <br/><br/>Today, Martha and I are walking in the garden. A girl named Natalia came to know me. <br/><br/>Natalia lives on the third floor of our hostel. I'm still not familiar with her . <br/><br/> But she already knows Martha, because there are many girls in our hostel, it doesn't get to know everyone .<br/><br/> And besides, everyone is busy with their own work and studies. <br/><br/>Natalia is Russian, her English accent is a little different. Calm and sociable nature. <br/><br/> Her complexion is white like snow and her hair is red like fire .<br/>The pearls of her eyes are small and dark blue .<br/><br/>She has a fatless tall body . I as a girl , I'm going crazy seeing her beautiful image .<br/><br/> I can't think what happens to boys when they see the most beautiful and fairest girl in our hostel .<br/><br/> although Martha is very fair, and Martha's whiteness looks very pale in front of Natalia. <br/><br/>I think I must look more pale in front of Natalya .<br/>Because of her white color, anyone who sees he or she must say wow. <br/><br/> Natalia the fairy like beautiful girl joined us for a walk and she wanted to know about me and I cane from which country ?<br/><br/>Do I have any relatives or not in London?<br/> Will I be staying in London this holiday or not ? <br/><br/>To knowing her interest about me I'm also being interested about her .<br/><br/>After introduction between Natalia and me <br/> suddenly, Natalia asked me for beauty tips and asked what can I do to get such a soft and glowing skin like yours,<br/><br/> how smooth your skin is, there are no spots anywhere, it looks like artificial wax skin. <br/><br/>I am Shocked to hear because I myself feel jealous of her fair complexion and she is asking me for beauty tips !<br/><br/> Martha replied to Natalia on my behalf that it was Kuhon's Natural Beauty. <br/><br/> We are sharing a room together. So far I have not seen Kuhon doing any kind of special beauty care.<br/><br/>Martha also said to Natalia, I also thought like you that Kuhon takes special care of her skin, that's why her skin is so perfect, <br/><br/>But believe me, I have never seen her to much care with her skin . <br/><br/>Natalia said , after listening to Martha, how is this possible? <br/><br/> If you don't take much care of your skin, then how can you have such a beautiful skin? <br/><br/>This time I said to Natalya, we Bangladeshi people are from tropical region. <br/><br/>In our country, there are different types of tropical fruits available in different seasons. <br/><br/>In other countries of the world, such types of fruits are not easily available. <br/><br/>Maybe our skin is smooth because of those fruits. <br/><br/>After hearing this, Natalia said, I see you are very lucky.<br/><br/> One day I will go to your country.<br/><br/> I said of course , our country will welcome you. <br/><br/>After walking for a while Natalia went to her room. <br/><br/>We came back to our room and noticed that Martha was looking very sad.<br/><br/> I asked what happened Martha. Martha sitting in her bed now, I closed all the windows when I went to have dinner.<br/><br/> Martha told me to open the windows to let air into the room. <br/><br/>She is suffocating.<br/><br/> I opened only one window because it is very windy outside.<br/><br/> If the frosty air enters the room, it will be colder. Martha told me , dear Kuhon I warn you that not to associate with that witch .<br/><br/> I asked which witch are you talking about? <br/><br/> She said that white ghost Natalya , I started laughing listening to Martha she mockingly called Natalya as a witch , though I don't like to mock or make fun of anyone good or bad .<br/><br/>I'm laughing because to feel about Martha's jealousy ness .<br/><br/>Martha doesn't want to share my friendship with someone , she always keeps me catch to her so that no one can be too close to me so she always guards me.<br/><br/> To me Martha is like an elder sister kind of love in her careful ness about me .<br/><br/> Martha saw me laughing and said, "What's wrong with you?" Why are you laughing ?<br/><br/> I said , I'm laughing because listening to you the way you keep me going I think you are my boyfriend . <br/><br/> Martha said : until your real boyfriend comes into your life I will do his duty. <br/><br/> Actually you don't know how dangerous these kind of girls are ? <br/><br/> I asked what kind of dangerous ?<br/><br/> Martha said leave that silly talking today , now I am very sleepy , another day we will talk about these things . <br/><br/>Then she wrapped her blanket and lay down on her cozy bed .<br/><br/> I turned off the light in the room and lit up my table lamp and sat down to read The Mystic Magic book which given by Maxwell sir.<br/><br/>I was so engrossed in studying that I didn't even notice when it was 2 am. <br/><br/>I felt very cold when I closed the window. <br/><br/>I noticed that it was 2 am. <br/><br/> The window is open and very cold air is entering our room .<br/><br/> When I was about to close the window, surprisingly I saw a big round full moon is lightening in the sky.<br/><br/> It is said that during the Queen Victoria's time, the lake was beautified with various types of trees, flower beds, crafted light posts and the lake side street , made of stone to enhance the beauty of the street and rows of cherry trees were planted along the side of the street . <br/><br/> Even if the Cherry blossom trees reduce their age to a hundred years, nowhere else in London can't see such a thick huge cherry blossom tree. <br/><br/>The cherry trees those be more than 100 in row .<br/><br/>Under each cherry tree, a white marble bench is placed.<br/><br/> As the moonlight falls on the cherry trees, it looks like the pink cherry blossoms have a pinkish golden color. and the water of lake is glittering with moon lit night .<br/><br/>When I close the window, my eyes are stuck.<br/><br/> I don't know why I want to get someone very special for this moment . <br/><br/>Still I have no boyfriend but I have a Secret desire to have my Prince charming .<br/><br/> Martha almost tells me , You are so grown up then why don't you gotten a boyfriend yet ?<br/><br/> After enjoying the beauty of the moon and panoramic heavenly view of the lake for a while, I went to sleep.<br/><br/> I woke up in the morning, exercised in the garden, had breakfast in the dining room, <br/><br/>And back to the room and started ready to go to the university. <br/><br/>At that time, Martha told me that she will not go to the university today. She has another job today, so she is going out of Oxford now. <br/><br/>She left me saying that and she will come back and then talk about .<br/><br/> After a while, I also left for the university. <br/><br/>From our hostel, I always walk by the university. <br/><br/>Walking is a very beneficial exercise for the heart and brain .<br/><br/> I am very conscious about my health.<br/><br/> If the health is good, the brain works very well.<br/><br/> The occult science subject is such that you have to remember everything, so it is very important to keep the brain active. <br/><br/> I reached the class within half an hour from my hostel. <br/><br/>I came to the class and saw that many students have come today.<br/><br/> However, there are not so many students every day. <br/>But today is enough students are present in the class because of , <br/><br/> The holidays will start from tomorrow for fifteen days .<br/>For that reason most of the students have come to get their homework on the occasion of the holidays .</p>