
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 11

It is 11 o'clock at night. I am sitting on the study table after taking a shower from the bathroom.

Sitting and thinking about all the events that happened today.

The thoughts are so blissful that my body and mind are lost in a pleasurable ecstasy under the soft touch of that bliss.

Today there is a lot of cold wind outside, so I closed all the windows and sat quietly in the room. Martha is not here , so her bed is empty .

Looking at the Martha's bed and thinking - now , if Martha were there, then I could have discussed with her , as the first love of my life and the person I loved .

Yes, I now admit that I have fallen in love with Shadhin Raihan . I gave my heart to him.

Shadhin took me to his office today. When I went to his office with Shadhin, there was a commotion all around as soon as I entered the office.

Someone decleared with loud voice that Our Sir Shadhin is bringing his future wife — after hearing this , his colleagues gathered in Shadhin's office chamber.

They were behaving as if I had known them for a long time. I noticed that everyone in the office are ery respectful to Shadhin .

Love with respect for the Shadhin was seen in their eyes. Seeing the respect and love of his colleagues for Shadhin , my heart was also filled with love and affection for him .

After gossiping and eating at the office, we left the office around 8:30 pm.

While coming to the car, Shadhin asked me, Madam, am I still a stranger to you?

Do you still have objections to accept this stranger as your own?

I said, 'No', now there is no objection.

Shadhin said, then tell me, madam, how did you feel about the office of your future husband and his colleagues?

I looked at him and said, you are only in the list of my Familiar now .

But I have not decided whether you will be my future husband or not!

Then Swadhin said with his disappointed face, oh gosh , I have fallen on the threshold like a stone .

I can't hope anything to her .

I told him, you made a mistake in choosing the stone thinking of clay.

Now you have to pay for your mistake , haven't you, sir?

He stopped the car and quickly held my hand on his chest side and said, feel it dear that my chest is beating so hard.

And don't keep me in the dark side with huge tension my sweet heart Kuhon .

I really love you dear. please Don't play with my mind anymore.

I said to him , I will not play with your mind for long, very soon you will know the answer.

He asked me , when?

I replied , tomorrow.

Shadhin dropped me at the hostel and said, I will take you to another place tomorrow at four in the afternoon, you should be ready.

I asked him , where it is ?

He said, this is also a surprise for you, baby.

Later day :

It is twenty minutes past three o'clock in the afternoon. I fell asleep last night to thinking about Shadhin ,

làst night nothing happened with my studies. How to read, the whole mind was filled with thoughts of him .

It feels good to think about Shadhin ! Love is so sweet I would never have known about love of happiness if I hadn't fallen love with Shadhin .

I woke up in the morning , after exercising took a shower and went to the dining room for breakfast.

Even today, I was going to travel with Shadhin ,this joy was always in my mind.

That joy may have floated on my face, which came to the attention of many girls in the dinning room .

So some hostelmates asked me , is today a special day for you? You look very happy today.

I didn't know what to answer them.

But I was saying to myself, today is really a special day for me; Because today I will tell the most expensive words to my sweet heart .

After breakfast spent the whole time thingking about Shadhin in the Hostel garden .

I returned to my room after lunch. Today I am specially dressed up for him .

I am wearing a dark green silk long gown. I put dark orange lipstick on my lips.

I have wrapped around my neck a large green crystals necklace. I am wearing earrings made of the same crystal .

A leopard skin lady's jacket is worn over the long gown. And on the legs, I am wearing a dark orange high-hill shoes with matching the lipstick.

This is the first time in Oxford that I am going somewhere so dressed up.

I have brought all kinds of clothes, jewelry and beauty kit from my country.

Because I have brought the things I like from the country because of the doubt whether I will have time to shop here.

I took one more look at myself in the mirror and left for love tour with Shadhin .

As soon as I came in front of the gate of the hostel, I saw the chief cook of our hostel.

I see the main cook entering with food truck. I asked the cook, where did he come from with such a big food truck?

He replied , many guests will come today.

Many of them are descendants of this manor house.

Today is the 500th birthday of the founder of this manor house. On that occasion, so many events have started. For that, the small building next to the main gate tower is being decorated with lighting.

Mr Cook asked me , are you going out somewhere?

I replied yes .

He said, wherever you go, try to come back soon. Because the grand event is going to be held from evening onwards.

All the artistes of famous and expensive bands will come to rock the show. I gave a smile to the cook and came out from the hostel gate .

I came out on the road and saw that the sedan car was standing at that particular place, and my beloved man was waiting in front of the car.

I am looking at him. He is also looking at me with astonished eyes. Both of us are swallowing each other with our eyes.

Today Shadhin is wearing black jeans, black shirt, white Jacket and white sneakers.

he looks like a Hollywood movie hero.

His personality is such that he seems like a hero.

I never imagined that such a handsome man would be the love of my life.

As I approached Shadhin , he gave me a sweet smile. he opened the door of the sedan for entere me into the car.

Then he entered into the car through other side door of car.

I couldn't fasten the car seat belt, because of my tight fitting gown. He understood that I was having difficulty in fastening the seat belt.

So he fastened my seat belt himself. While fastening the seat belt, Shadhins face came so close to mine that I could feel his hot breath on my face.

So close! I have never felt so close to any man .

I don't know why, my body started getting hot after getting Shadhin so close.

In this situation, we both looked at each other for a long time.

Sometimes he looks at my eyes and sometimes he looks at my lips.

My breathing was getting heavy. I said to him, what is the matter, do not start the car? Or sit here all day?

Shadhin fastened his seatbelt and started the car.

I asked, where are we going now? But I did not get any reply from him .

I understand that the moment that happened a while ago is still not over. Even on this cold day, I saw sweat running down from his cheeks.