
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime et bandes dessinées
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240 Chs

Chapter 18: Accident

"Welcome to my place, Sirzechs"

Lucias said as he entered the ruby palace together with Sirzechs and Rias. Looking around the large castle in a daze like little children.

"We don't have that many maids since most of them are deployed to the borders"

He said as he guided them towards the underground dungeon of the palace. A place that is used to keep all of the experiments and a few... questionable rooms from children's sight. Making both of the two red haired devils to follow him from behind.

"So this is where you live..."

Rias muttered before her eyes landed on Justice who was sitting down on the couch together with Modeus who was chained to the couch.

"Oh? you're back"

Justice said while waving her hand at Lucias who entered the living room of the palace.

"I'm back"

He said as he walked towards her and gave her a short kiss on her cheeks.

"So... why is she chained to the sofa?"

He asked while looking at Modeus who was guiltily averting her eyes from Lucias.

"Hmm? Oh, she was restrained by Judgement because she was teaching her daughter about the custom that original succubus like her have to follow"

She explained. Making Lucias frown as he stared at Modeus direction.

"Customs? What customs?"

"You don't know? Succubus follow a custom of having their parents give them the experience that they need when it comes to "feeding". She needs a contant supply of essence while she's maturing, so Modeus was teaching Albedo to rely on you for that in the future"

Justuce explained, causing Lucias to frown before glaring at Modeus' direction.

"What the hell are you teaching her?"

"Uh... I-It's our nature... E-Even though I didn't do it since I didn't have any parents. Albedo is still weak as a succubus so she'll need that to properly develop"

She quickly explained, causing him to sigh before lightly hitting her on her head. Making her cry out in pain before falling down on the ground headfirst.

"She's only a half succubus so she doesn't urgently need essence to fully develop. So don't teach her useless stuff like this"

"W-What if she needs them!?"

"A half succubus matures at the age of 20, I'm pretty sure she already has found someone she likes at that time. So don't do anything reckless. Even though I forgave you for corrupting the other girls in the harem. It's a whole different story when it comes to our children"

He said. Making Modeus click her tongue, turning her head to the side to avoid making eye contact with Lucias.

"It's not enough..."

She whispered causing Lucias to look at her in confusion.

"What's not enough?"

"I'm always sharing the essence that I get from you with Albedo, that's why I'm always getting hungr-"


Lucias said in a cold and deep tone, causing her to immediately shut her mouth as a chill ran down her spine.

"N-Nothing, I said nothing"

She quickly answered with a tearful expression on her face.

"This is getting interesting"

Justice muttered while watching her dig her own grave in amusement. Making Modeus glare at her direction but stopped as she saw the dark expression on Lucias' face.


Lucias called causing Modeus to guiltily bow her head down as she tried to explain.

"A-A succubus during her infancy and childhood needs a constant supply of essence from her sibling, mother, or father to reach her full potential before reaching the age of 10... I-I shared the essence that I get from you with her everytime we do it... B-BUT don't worry, I didn't give it raw!! I-I altered it a bit since I thought you would get angry... K-Kind of like letting her drink a diluted juice..."

She said, causing Lucias to grab her by the chains on her body and carried her on his back. To bring her to the underground dungeon of their palace.

"W-Where are you taking me, Lucias?"

She nervously asked while she hanged behind him with her limbs tied to by the chains.

"... The chasity belt that you bought years ago is still untouched... So why don't we use it?"

"F-For how long?"

"10 years. You endured living in abstinence for millions of years so I'm sure you can handle 10 years"

"W-Wait, T-That's because the seal blocked my succubus nature!! I-I'll starve to death if I have to wait that long!"

"I'll give you a drop per week to ensure that you wouldn't starve to death"

"B-But even Sandra is doing the same with their daughter!!"

"I don't care what other people do, what matters is what we do... Wait... Does Issei even know that she is doing that?"


"... I'll talk to him later"

He said before turning towards Justice who watched them with a large grin on her face.

"So why are you in the sofa with her? I thought this sofa was used by Judgement to detain Modeus and Cerberus when they do something stupid"

He asked causing Justice to grin as she leaned back on the sofa in a casual manner.

"I don't know, I just thought Alastor one of my mottos that can help him once he grows up"

"... What motto?"

Lucias asked in curiosity. Making Justice remove her sunglasses before looking at him with a large grin on her face.

"A slap in the face will teach a bitch to know her place. Alastor is pretty handsome... like me, so I thought him that to ward off any women with bad intentions in the future"

She said with a confident look, causing Lucias to look at her with a complicated expression on his face.

"... I now understand why Lucifer said that she can't trust the two of you when it comes to taking care of the children"


"Your place is quite... lively, Lucias"

Sirzechs commented while they walked through the underground dungeon. With Lucias carrying Modeus on his shoulder.

"You two can wait here, I'll deal with my fiancée first so I'll be back after a few minutes"

He said, causing Modeus to struggle but failed due to the chains covering her entire body.

"L-Lucias, I'm sorry! P-Please don't make me wear that thing!! I-I'll even stop doing it so please..."

She pleaded but recieved no response from Lucias who took her away from the scene. Leaving Sirzechs and Rias behind.

"I always thought that the atmosphere of this place would be strained... since he has more than 100 fiancées... but it doesn't look like that's the case"

Sirzechs thought before he glanced at Rias who stared at Lucias with a longing expression on her face.

"... You like him?"

He asked, causing Rias to nod her head in response.

"... but he already rejected me 5 years ago... I don't think I still have a chance with him... but... I still hope that he'll reconsider..."

She said. Making Sirzechs sigh before gently patting his little sister's hair.

"There are many more men out there, Rias... That's why waste your time too much in pursuing one man. You'll never find happiness like that if you just keep following him..."

He advised. Making Rias bite her lips as she felt something prick her chest, causing overwhelming sadness to devour her.

"... you're right... I'm the only one in my peerage who still haven't found a lover yet... even Issei, Akeno, and Koneko all have children while I'm still pursuing him for the last 5 years..."

She said before suddenly getting hugged from behind. Catching her by surprise as she felt something soft and big press against her back.

"Don't worry, Onee-chan will help you out!"

Sandra said while wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes. Making Rias look at her in surprise as she didn't expect to see her in this place.

"W-What are you doing here?"

She asked as Sandra seperated from her body. 

"I was called here by Modeus through a telepathic message. She said something bad is about to happen. So, I immediately went here while Issei is at home with our daughter"

She said before looking around the place to find Modeus.

"Where is she?"

"She was taken away by Lucias... I'm not sure if you should follow them since Lucias is pretty mad right now"

Rias said, causing Sandra to look at the direction that Rias was pointing to in suspicion. But decided to just shrug it off since it's the 10th time that Modeus made Lucias angry this year. So, she was already used to it.

Instead, she walked towards Rias and hugged her head. Caressing the back of her head before whispering something in her ear.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you how to win a man's heart!! That's why stay at my house for a while before you and Lucias go to America for the mission. You can use this chance to get him to say yes!"

She said, causing Rias to look at her with a grateful expression on her face while Sirzechs only watched them with a conflicted smile on her face.


Rias muttered as she hugged her. Accidentally pulling a few of her hair that got stuck to the buttons of her clothes as they seperated.


"It's alright"

Sandra said with a kind smile on her face before Sirzechs tapped both of them on their shoulders to get their attention.

"Let's enter inside... I'm sure Lucias is on his way back here"

Sirzechs said as he pushed the door open, revealing an empty room with no decorations. Only a magic circle that was engraved using Lucias' own blood on the floor.

"... What's this..."

Sirzechs said as he looked at the complicated runes on the ground. While Rias tried to pull of the hair from her buttons.

"Sorry, I'm late"

Lucias said as he entered the room while taking off his gloves and throwing it at the side. 

"Let's start, Sirzechs. Stand in the middle of the magic circle, and avoid stepping on it. Or else the spell might fail"

He said before he glanced at the two red-haired women at the side.

"Move away for a bit. We can't allow anything that contains your DNA to enter the magic circle or else it might affect the spell"

He said. Making both Rias and Sandra to walk back, not noticing the thin strand of hair that fell on the magic circle from Rias' buttons. 

"Sirzechs, are you ready?"

He asked causing him to nod his head.

"Then, I want you to sit down, crossed feet at one side and close your eyes. Try not to make any noise once my mana enters your body"

He said before he poured his mana onto the magic circle, causing it to illuminate brightly with blood red light as another magic circle appeared on top of him.


Sirzechs jolted as he felt scorching hot mana enter his body before it begun violently moving through his circuit. Making him frown as he bit his lips to avoid his voice from coming out of his mouth.


He said causing his mana to retract from Sirzechs' body as it pulled all genetic information and cells from his body.

Slowly it started to quickly duplicate itself several times before slowly forming the bones and organs of the vessle. 

"So this is creation magic..."

Rias said in awe as she watched an exact same copy of his brother appear beside his real brother. The only difference was that it didn't wore any clothes on his body. 

Making Sandra look down at his crotch before a dissapointed expression appeared on her face.

"... It's small..."

"... T-That's a bit harsh, Sandra"

Rias said before Lucias initiated the final step of the spell. 

"It's time to apply the changes..."

He said before pouring more mana to the magic circle. Making it surround the original Sirzechs as it started to alter his body.


He growled in pain as he felt his immense pain at his crotch and muscles. Making his body tremble in response. Not noticing the small piece of hair that was illuminating at the corner of the magic circle when Lucias applied the changes to his body.

"Hmm... Why is that spot shining?"

Rias asked while pointing at the small spot at the corner of the magic circle.

"... I don't know... You didn't drop any hair or body liquids on it right?"

She asked causing Rias to quickly look at the hair on her button.

"I-It's gone"

She muttered with a pale complexion causing Sandra to frown in response.

"What do you mean?"

"Y-Your hair... I-It fell somewhere when I was distracted"

She said. Making Sandra widen her eyes before looking at Sirzechs and Lucias with a panicked expression on her face.

"Oh no..."

She muttered as she watched Sirzechs turn into a woman. His chest started to expand while his body structure started to alter itself completely. Slowly turning into the body of a petite woman with normal size breasts. His face was now smaller and more delicate than before while his skin turned soft and smooth. 

His eyelashes were much longer than before while his lips became more pronounced. Showing a delicate shade of pink. And due to his smaller body, his clothes became loose and fall on the ground. Revealing her nakes body to the 3 people inside the room.

"T-That's my brother?"

Rias asked as Sirzechs slowly opened her eyes. Catching a deep breath before suddenly reached out to her crotch before showing a depressed expression on her face.

"... It's really gone"

She muttered before accidentally rubbing her fingers on her entrance, causing a wave of electricity to suddenly assult her body as a moan accidentally escaped her mouth.


She moaned as she quickly pulled her finger back. Confused as to why she was that sensitive to pleasure.

"... That's weird"

Lucias said with a frown while observing her body. Making Sandra nervously sweat in response.

"... You girls didn't... drop anything to the magic circle right?"

He asked before Issei suddenly entered the room. Surprising Sandra who was preparing to tell Lucias the truth.

"Issei! What are you doing here?"

She asked while looking at Issei who had a frown on his face. 


Issei muttered as he pinched her cheeks with a displeased expression on his face.

"What's this about feeding our daughter with my essence?"


She said with a nervous expression on her face. Not expecting for her husband to find out. 

Lucias on the other hand, stared at Sirzechs direction who shyly hid her body with her arms while looking at Issei with extremely flushed cheeks. 

"... This is... bad..."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

In times of war any hole is a trench so don't come crying to me

MissRiascreators' thoughts