
The Hell King

The story is about an orphan who does odd jobs to live his life. He is just the definition of ordinary guy. Has a crush, favorite novels, games... But a single incident changes his life, and he becomes a bad guy.. Seeing all the bad deeds he has done, without losing his character, he gets the attention of the devil, Lucifer. And Lucifer wants him to take up his mantle as the new king of hell. But he has to face the other devils, who want to usurp the throne. But the hero has a trusty system who would help him in becoming the king. Discord link: https://discord.gg/AXgypAWHyu

Mr_Flash_XO · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


And he remained with me, even when my relatives readily gave up on me, because of the things that the government had announced about my parents. I couldn't help but think about the past me, screaming at of of my lungs, the day when it was published in the news that my parents were terrorists, who had been undercover all these years and were developing secretly, so that they can fund the terrorist activities in the future. I remember how I screamed and cried that my parents were innocent. But that day no one listened to my words, and I was nothing more than the only child of two rich terrorists. Everything ended that day, but my life just became hellish.

I was even sent to many foster homes, and even orphanages. But because I am the son of two "terrorists", I wasn't given any attention or care, if orphans are given any. I had been beaten a lot in foster homes and orphanages. And the officials who came to check up on the orphans once a month, just ignored my injuries. And some even commented that I got most of my teachings from my parents. So it was probably me, who did something wrong for the fosters, or the dean of the orphanage to thrash me bloodily.

With a sigh, I shook my head to clear away the thoughts and said with a smile to the old guy coming towards me, "Joe, you should probably go easy on yourself. I am sure one day you might die because of high blood pressure, not if you die early than that, by some one who owes you money, and had been insulted by you. " Joe laughed when he heard my words, and replied, "Heh, if such people could kill me, they would have done that already. I am not as easy as you think me to be, kid. "

"Alright, have you worked on that engine?", Joe asked. I casually replied, as I walked to open the door of the car, "Everything's done. Let's check how this baby's doing. " Although it's just an old car, but after repairing it for the fifth time in such a short period of time, I felt quite close to the car. But the same couldn't be said about it's owner. That guy was probably the only person I don't want to see, after those bitches, who had thrashed me a lot when I was young.

The engine started, but soon it stopped. I couldn't help but slap the steering wheel in frustration. This was the problem with this car. It never works the first time. All the five times, I have worked on it, it has always been the same. But surprisingly when I slapped the steering wheel, the engine suddenly roared. It was quite similar to a beast's roar. I couldn't help but get stunned when I heard the loud roar of the engine. Even Joe was stunned. The reason was simple, and both of our mind were playing the same thing, "How can this junk of a car, have such a strong engine?"

The roar from the engine stopped, but unlike before, the engine stopped, as if it was turned off. That's when I heard the sound of someone laughing. I could recognise who it was, even with my eyes close. It was the original owner of the car, who had left the car to get repaired. I couldn't help but sigh and whisper to Joe, "Make sure, this time you take money from him. It won't be good for us to work for free. "

Joe nodded and walked towards the old man with deity yellow hair. Seeing his hair, I couldn't help but think, 'Do people have such hair color naturally?' I had never seen someone's hair as bright as the color of this old guy's head. I heard Joe's words, "Albertos, it's enough. You didn't even paid me the charges for repairing your vehicle for the previous three times. " Albertos nodded and said, "Yeah, I know. Here's the money. " Seeing the money, Joe's eyes twinkled in excitement. If it were me, I would have been the same. As Albertos was sitting in his car, Joe reminded him, "Why don't you just change your car? It's too old. With the money you are paying us, you better buy a used car. " Albertos instead shook his head with a smile and replied, "This car holds a lot of memories of me with my wife and kids. I don't think any other car could give me similar feelings. "

Meanwhile something else was going in my mind. So I asked him out of curiosity, "What's with the engine? Did you customise your car?" Albertos looked at me and gave me a nod with a mysterious smile. I couldn't help but ask, "You do know that if you are caught, you would probably behind bars for illegally customising the cars. The car company can do that, since this car isn't modified as per the rules of the government.

Albertos simply replied, "Sometimes, you have to get out of your comfort zone to do something. Like, you might have to go out to the cafe in front and ask that waitress out, to be in a relationship with her. " I blushed and said, "I don't understand what you are saying. " But Albertos just smiled and shook his head, as he sat down inside the car and turned on the car. With a loud roar, the engine started and soon he was gone.

Joe walked behind me and asked, "What did he say about the waitress girl? It isn't Natasha, is she?" I didn't reply for a minute, but then I said, "Alright, old man. There is a lot of work to do. Quit being such a lazy guy, or else you won't get a single penny. " Joe smacked me on my head and said, "You kid, this is my garage. I don't have to work, if I don't want to. There is no need for me to listen to your words. "

But unlike his words, Joe had started helping me with fixing the engine of another car.