
The Heiress of Canterbury

"Money, greed, and power can change a single person, and I will not let anyone who's greedy with money and power take over," Amelia said with confidence in front of his father. Amelia Chandler, a 19-year-old girl, who will fight for her right as an heiress, will encounter a lot of challenges alongside her brother, Kei Chandler. Little by little, they will discover a secret that was buried for 10 years when Alexander Ross, the Chandler siblings' classmate, entered their life. Amelia and Kei slowly felt attached to Alexander as the days go by. The three of them have a chemistry that no one has ever seen. One day, sudden flashbacks of her altered memories showed up. She will slowly become active in finding the treasure that will uncover the whole truth but Amelia's life was suddenly in trouble. Someone will come for her life again and will do everything just to eliminate her. Her life turned upside down when a man from the past eventually show himself and claims that he is the rightful owner of Canterbury. Will Amelia be able to find out the whole truth? How will Amelia claim her place against the person she loves the most? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to a real name, place, events, or incident are purely just a coincidence. Also, this story may or may not contain some mature scenes and words and many grammatical and typographical errors, so read at your own risk.

ACistus · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Their Tricky Encounter Pt. 2

The school bell rings.

"Okay class, make sure to review all your lessons for the mock exam next week. Remember to have fun while studying, keep it balanced and also work smarter not harder everyone that's all."

"Thank you, ma'am," the whole class said in unison.

"At last, the class ended," Jake said.

"And thanks for the upcoming exam, we don't need to stay here until the evening comes," Tiffany added.

"But still we have an exam next week, and it's just two days… two days before the exam. Can I prolong the weekend?" Jake gloomily said.

"Enough with the drama Jake, hurry up and fix your things," Michael said.

"If you don't hurry within ten seconds, we'll leave you," Roxanne said.

I just quietly watched them right in the front door.

"What a pain in the ass," Kei suddenly blurted.

"What did you say?" Jake asked him.

"Are you deaf or what?" Kei said.

"Are you really Amelia's brother? Because you are way different from her," Jake added as he angrily pushed his forehead toward Kei's forehead.

Tiffany, Roxanne, and Michael sighed in unison. Right before I went towards them to stop Kei and Jake, I noticed Alexander quietly enjoying the scene while smiling. But he seemed to notice me staring at him and hurriedly moved out of the classroom.

Why would he do that? It isn't necessary to watch those idiots bickering with each other in the first place anyway. He's really interesting.

I slowly walked toward Jake and Kei.

"If you two won't stop, both of your foreheads will get hurt," I said as I pull both of their heads away from each other.

"But he started…" both of them said in unison but I didn't let them finish their words.

"No more buts or else you want a smack from me?" I said.

Both Kei and Jake stopped bickering and went silent. Then, without any more trouble, we went home.

The six of us are enjoying the companionship with each other while walking to our own respective homes. Kei and I arrived home after a couple of minutes.

"Father we're home," both Kei and I said when we entered the house.

"I'm gonna step out for a while, some investors show up in the office. Eat your dinner without me okay," father said then he walked toward the door.

"Good afternoon young master Kei and lady Amelia," Mr. George greeted us as well.

"Okay, father. Good afternoon Mr. George," both Kei and I said in unison.

Both Kei and I followed father and Mr. George. We waited for them to leave before we entered the house.

"Don't forget to eat your dinner, my precious children," father said.

"Yes, father, we will. I think you should hurry, it's not manly to be late right?" I said jokingly to father and as a response, he just laughed joyfully.

"Oh, and Kei work on your assignments if you have one, and Amelia, do not spend too much time in the basement, okay," father added.

"Yes, yes," both Kei and I answered with a smile.

Father closed the window and the car started its engine. We waved to father as the car passes the gate. After that, we went to our respective rooms and changed our clothes, and eat our dinner.

After eating dinner, I went back to my room and watched some of my favorite anime. I did not notice the time and it was already past 8 o'clock. My tummy was looking for some snacks. So, I went to the kitchen and I noticed someone in the living room.

"Kei? Are you sick?" I asked him and touched his forehead.

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm not!" he said.

"Nothing, it seems that the old Kei was totally gone. Amazing!"

He put down the pen he was holding then sighed. "There you are again. Old Kei, old Kei, what does this old Kei differ from me?" he asked.

"Well, the old you is lazier, doesn't care about school too much, and a bastard."

"Amelia, you! For your information, I am not lazy, I'm just a slow turtle and I do care about school, I attend 4 hours every day before I transferred to your school."

"But school hours have a minimum of 6 hours," I sighed. "So, how about the last one?"

"Well, I do admit that I am a bastard, sometimes. By the way, why are you out of your room it's already past eight?"

"I want to eat!"

"Bad timing!"


"I already eat the snacks, sorry."

I did not say anything and went back to my room. I heard Kei calling out my name but... who cares? If he already finished the snacks then I'll go and buy some.

After getting my hoodie and wallet, I hurriedly went to the door then Kei suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Are you that hungry and you need to go outside and buy some?"

"Unfortunately, but don't worry. I can handle myself. So, go on and just do your things, I'll be fine."

"Okay, but don't be too late."


Then, I started to walk. It's really nice to have a quiet walk under the night sky. There was a convenience store not that far from our house and I went there. I bought a lot of snacks, chips, gummies, and some bread. Since my tummy was not gonna wait until I went back home, I also ordered some instant noodles and decided to eat there.

I was peacefully eating my noodles until some guys approached me.

"Hey there! Are you alone?"

"Yeah, so what?" I asked them.

"You're tough, I like you," the guy in a red shirt said.

"Well, sorry you're not my type."

"Hahahaha! You're not her type!" the guy in a gray shirt said while laughing at the red shirt guy. "Well then, how about me? Do you think I pass your standards?" he asked.

"Also a no. Well, guys, I am sorry but I need to go."

Just when I was about to turn my back to them the guy in a red shirt pulled my hand back and tripped me but he caught me and whispered, "Just be a good girl, or else we'll force you to turn into an obedient woman that we wanted."

His words made me shiver for a moment. I pick up a lot of courage and tell them," Please just let me go, I don't want to get into trouble."

The gray shirt guy laughed at me so did the red shirt guy. He made me stand but he doesn't let go of my hand. The guy in a red shirt did not take my words seriously and started to move his face toward my face and I can feel his hands slowly going down from my neck to my back.

I really do not want any trouble but these guys really piss me off. I just let my guard down and made myself ready for what might happen not until someone whacked the gray shirt guy with a bottle toward his head.

"She already begged you once to let her go, is it not enough?"

Alexander Ross?! What is he doing here?

"Trying to be a knight and shining armor? Are you her boyfriend?" the red shirt guy asked.

"Do I need any specific reason to help someone in need?" Alexander said.

The gray shirt guy came back to his senses and tried to attack Alex by also whacking a bottle to his head. Alex dodged it, which made the guy mad at him. With the commotion happening, I kick the red shirt guy's balls and release myself from him.

The guy in a red shirt was on the floor because of the pain. Then, Alex grabbed my hands and we both started to run away from the two guys but the gray shirt guy pulled up the red shirt guy and also started running to catch on us.