
[97 - A Dream that can never be the Reality]

Elijah chuckled when instead of waking up, the smile on Seraphina face widened and she shifted closer to him, her head resting against his thigh as she hummed in her sleep. Careful of the bandage wrapped around her forehead, Elijah continue to run his fingers through her hair, sometimes massaging her scalp.

He wondered if his actions were easing some of her pain but the smile on her face was clear indication that she was dreaming about something really good. He did not want to wake her up and let her sleep for a few more minutes so she could enjoy her happy dream to the fullest but she needed to eat the breakfast so that she could take the medicines that have been prescribed to her.

Reluctantly, Elijah shook her again, "Wake up, sweetie, you need to eat something." he said. But Seraphina head a different version in her dream.