4 Part 4

"So how was your day so far Charlotte?" asked principal Matthew

"It was okay" I responded back

"Listen, I just got a call from your parents that someone broke into your house"

"Was anyone there that time?" I asked starting to panic a little

"Everyone's fine and fortunately no one was there but your family jewel, the red ruby has been stolen"


"You heard me right Charlotte"

"But that was the last gift that my grandma gave me before she passed away. She told me to treasure it because it was significant to the entire family and could even change our history" I said almost bursting into tears.

"I understand and that's why your parents are coming to pick you up, try to be strong okay" said principal Matthew before answering a phone call and leaving me to my thoughts.

Why would someone steal an old ruby secured by modern technology. Just then my parents came in.

"Charlotte, it's alright we'll get the ruby back"assured my mom.

"Why don't you take the day off?"said Mr. Matthew.

"Okay"was all I could say. I texted my friends explaining briefly about the situation and asked them to come over after school.

John POV

My phone vibrated in the middle of the class. I checked it out to find a message from Charlotte. I was surprised after reading the text.

Thankfully since it was the last period, I could catch up with Kelly and go to Char's house. Kelly looked just as shocked.

"Why would anyone steal one jewel instead of robbing some shop?" asked Kelly

"Maybe it's more valuable than we think it is" I replied

We reached Char's house and found her busy with her computer. At least she's trying to distract herself from the theft I thought.

"What are you looking at?" asked Kelly.

"Plane tickets" she replied hurriedly

"What for?"

"Going to meet Rita Stevenson in Paris"

Rita is this songwriter and singer who is a good friend of ours. She once did a collaboration with Charlotte for a song. She's pretty amazing. But why such an odd timing?

"And why are you meeting Rita again?" I asked

"Fine, I'll tell you guys. I went to the room to check out the mess that the thief created but there wasn't much. But then I found out this chit of paper with an address written.

It said Paris, Louvre museum and 21:05, 21st April. Guessing that their next spot to rob has to be there so I took it to the officers and all they said was "thank you ma'am, we'll take care of it" thinking that they'll do as they say

I left but later I overheard them saying that it was probably a trick since the thief was clever enough to hack into advanced security at our place and they also said that they weren't going to do anything much about it except ask the security to be aware on the 21st night" she said

"So you're going to Paris and prove them wrong right? What if it's just a trick" Kelly asked and I couldn't agree more

"Well then, yes! You are right about the fact that I am going to prevent any more thefts from taking place and if it's nothing serious then I'll just explore Paris and spend time with Rita okay?"

"I don't know Charlotte"said Kelly

"Listen, just assure my parents that I'm meeting Rita please?"

"Fine but be safe alright" I said, right after which Kelly gave me a disapproving look.

"The flight's scheduled tonight at 10. Thank you so much guys" she said before hugging both of us.

That was when an uncertainty rose in my thoughts but then again I was reassured that Charlotte was strong and who knows, maybe nothing will happen after all but man was I wrong.

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