
The Heir Husband Love

Jocelin Thambrin, an independent and resilient woman, is reunited with her former lover, Jeremiah Halim, who harbors deep resentment towards her due to a misunderstanding. Jeremiah, a wealthy heir to an aviation company, initially had affection for Jocelin but turned into a vengeful person. Jocelin's struggle to rectify the misunderstanding culminates in the revelation of a secret she has been tightly guarding from Jeremiah's life. Will this secret melt Jeremiah's heart? Find out the full story in "The Love of the Heir's Husband."

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8 Chs

Chapter 6. You Don't Deserve to Live Happily

Here is the translation with good grammar:

"I don't have a dad, but mom always says that my dad was very handsome. And I think you are quite handsome and would be perfect to be my dad, which is why I stopped in front of you," Kiel explained.

Hearing this, many questions arose in Jeremiah's mind.

'Is this child from Jocelin's affair with the doctor? Or did Jocelin deliberately take him from the orphanage? But why is this child still saying he doesn't have a dad when his dad is a doctor?' Jeremiah wondered.

"Kid, if I may ask, what year were you born?" Jeremiah asked.

"Kiel!" Jocelin shouted in panic when she saw Kiel with Jeremiah.

"Mom," Kiel replied and ran towards Jocelin.

"Why do you like to wander off without telling me? You made me panic," Jocelin said with a sigh of relief.

"Mom, I'm grown up now, and besides, I already feel like this hospital is my home, so I won't get lost," Kiel replied smartly.

"Alright then, let's go back to the room," Jocelin said, hastily taking Kiel away from Jeremiah.

"See you again, Handsome Uncle," Kiel shouted, waving his hand.

Hearing that, Jocelin quickly pulled her son's hand and walked faster, gently urging him to walk faster. Jeremiah watched them silently.

"What a disgrace, living a good life all this time," Jeremiah said with a vengeful tone.

"So you're here. I've been looking for you everywhere," Hardy said, just arriving from the restroom.

"Why did you take so long? Hurry up, or I'll be late for the meeting," Jeremiah replied, becoming emotional.

Confused because he suddenly seemed to be scolded by Jeremiah, Hardy looked at the clock and showed that there were still three hours left before Jeremiah's meeting with Jocelin.

Meanwhile, Jocelin, who had just arrived with Kiel in her room, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, why were you walking so fast just now?" Kiel asked.

"Huh? No, I was just walking normally," Jocelin replied, still trying to calm herself down.

Suddenly, Dr. Ronald came in with a large package for Kiel.

"Wow, what's that..." Kiel asked, curious about the gift package.

"Hold on, this is for later. You can open it after the operation," Dr. Ronald said.

"Alright, I will definitely play with it," Kiel replied with a bright smile.

Seeing her son's sweet smile, Jocelin felt so peaceful, but she remembered that her son was going to have a major operation today. Of course, she was worried, but she couldn't show it in front of Kiel.

"Fortunately, you came. Can I leave Kiel with you for the next two hours?" Jocelin asked, needing to attend a meeting with Jeremiah.

"Of course, but where are you going?" Dr. Ronald asked.

"I have some business to attend to, but I'll try to finish it quickly," Jocelin said, packing her bag and walking towards Kiel.

"Kiel, mom has to go for a bit because of work, but I promise I'll be by your side before you go into the operating room," Jocelin continued.

"Alright, mom, be careful," Kiel replied while playing with his old toy.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Thank you for looking after him for me," Jocelin said before leaving.

"Of course, go on, or you'll be late," Dr. Ronald replied.

One hour later,

Jocelin arrived at Jeremiah's office and planned to have the meeting very quickly before 11:30 AM GMT +8 because Kiel would be entering the operating room. It would be better if Jeremiah didn't mind having the meeting earlier.

"Ms. Jocelin, isn't your meeting with Mr. Jeremiah scheduled for 11 AM?" Hardy asked, surprised to see Jocelin coming out of the elevator.

"I know, but can you ask Mr. Jeremiah if we can have it earlier if it's not a problem?" Jocelin asked, pleading a little.

"Mr. Jeremiah is out right now, but Ms. Jocelin, you can wait and sit down," Hardy said.

"Just call me Jocelin. I don't really feel comfortable being called Ms.," Jocelin said.

"Alright, Jocelin, please have a seat," Hardy replied, walking away.

"Ms. Jocelin, would you like some tea or coffee?" the female secretary asked.

"No need, I won't be long. Thank you," Jocelin replied with a friendly smile.

Meanwhile, Hardy approached Jeremiah, who was playing with his phone.

"Jocelin is here. Can we have the meeting earlier?" Hardy asked.

"What time is it? Is her watch broken so she can't tell the time?" Jeremiah replied curtly.

"She knows it's supposed to be at 11, but she asked if you could have it earlier. She seems to be in a hurry..." Hardy explained.

"She thinks she can do whatever she wants whenever she wants. Let her wait," Jeremiah said, focusing back on his phone and then on the computer screen.

Hardy was confused because Jeremiah actually had an empty schedule, making it very possible to have the meeting earlier.

Time passed, and it was already 11:00, but there was no sign of the meeting starting. Jocelin planned to enter Jeremiah's office but was stopped by the female secretary.

"Sorry, ma'am, but you can't enter this area," the secretary said.

"I want to ask, where is Mr. Jeremiah now? Is he on his way to the office?" Jocelin asked.

"I don't know either. Please wait over there," the secretary said politely.

"Alright, thank you," Jocelin replied, starting to panic a little because she needed to leave soon.

Time kept passing, and it was now 11:10 AM GMT +8. Hardy suddenly came out of Jeremiah's office.

"Hardy, I want to ask, when will Mr. Jeremiah see me?" Jocelin asked.

"It won't be long, please wait a little longer," Hardy replied.

"But he made an appointment with me at 11:00 AM, and now it's 10 minutes past," Jocelin said.

"When will Mr. Jeremiah arrive? Has he finished his meeting?" Jocelin asked.

"I can't be sure about that," Hardy replied.

"You don't know anything, do you?" Jocelin asked, a bit annoyed but still polite.

"How about you wait a bit longer? Or should I reschedule for another day?" Hardy asked.

"Try calling him and ask him to hurry up," Jocelin replied.

Hardy immediately went to Jeremiah's office and reported.

"The director of IT Solution Win Pro has been waiting for over an hour. How about..." Hardy asked cautiously.

Jeremiah just gave a sinister look. Seeing that, Hardy knew Jeremiah's answer, which was to keep Jocelin waiting.

"Alright, I'll make her some coffee," Hardy said, walking away.

Meanwhile, Jocelin received a call from Dr. Ronald.

"Where are you? Are you on your way? Kiel has been looking for you," Dr. Ronald said.

From afar, Jocelin could already hear Kiel calling and looking for her.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as possible. I'm sorry for the delay," Jocelin replied.

Jocelin quickly packed her things just as Hardy arrived with a cup of coffee for her.

"Jocelin, here's your coffee..." Hardy said, surprised to see Jocelin leaving.

"No need," Jocelin replied spontaneously.

Meanwhile, Jeremiah was ready to ask Hardy to call Jocelin.

'The hour you waited for me...won't come easily,' Jeremiah thought with a sly smile.

"Hardy, ask Ms. Jocelin to come in," Jeremiah said, calling Hardy.

Hardy, hearing that, immediately ran to tell Jeremiah.

"She just left," Hardy said.

"What did you say? Left?" Jeremiah replied, confused and even more upset.


All place names, companies, and character names in this story are purely the author's fiction.

"Hello readers, aren't you curious why Jeremiah hates Jocelin so much? Curious about their past? Just follow their journey, HAHAHA."