
The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the pinnacle of a Xianxia Cultivation Story appears in the middle of a post-apocalyptic system and tower climbing setting, without having lost her powers, unrestrained, and invincible? Bing Xue spent eleven thousand years in the world of Murim, ascending to become the pinnacle after countless hardships, blood, and tears, and sacrificing her own humanity in the process. However, she was incapable of ascending into the Immemorial Primordial Void Realm; incapable of escaping the Heavenly Will's influence, she gambled it all on a single decision, escaping into the Outer Cosmos with her last remaining energies. Despite thinking her long journey was coming to an end, a black hole teleports her back to Earth out of nowhere! However, things on her home planet are much different than before. The Tower now exists, connecting Earth with countless other worlds. Monsters come out of Dimensional Gates, threatening humanity, and awakened people named Players climb the Tower in hopes of saving humanity from destruction. After learning that her mother and her sister are still alive, Bing Xue will use the overwhelming and supreme might she has cultivated for eleven thousand years to destroy the tower, slay the gods that govern it, and save Earth from its untimely demise. The System? She will fold it and make a fashionable scarf with it! The Administrators? They might become her new pets. The Monsters? Nothing but ants that die immediately by merely touching her Immortal Aura. The Hunters? If they behave, she might make them her disciples and teach them to cultivate the Heavenly Dao, so they don’t rely too much on the System. The Hostile Players? Just flies she’ll slap to death with a gentle wave of her hands. And the Gods? Merely aperitives for her ever-growing Divinity! During its serialization, this novel will be available for free forever, no premium. However, you can read advanced chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/pancakeswitch Copyright 2023 PancakesWitch. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a review. This novel is also being posted on Scribblehub and Royal Road. If you see it anywhere else, please let me know. Thank you.

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154 Chs

Chapter 6: World-Class Hunter Test


Yesterday's dinner was filled with laughter, amusement, and surprises from my mother and sister. I brought them inside my Inner Realm for a trip, where they met the Inner World that my Immortal Core had cultivated inside. It was around as big as the planet Mars by now, I would assume. It contained a lot of Immortal and Primordial Treasures that kept growing everywhere as I cultivated them for further extraction of their materials. They meet some of the creatures that guarded the area, and well, nothing else.

The whole trip by itself was incredible for them. I do not keep mortals inside my Inner Realm as slaves, unlike many other Immortals. So my Inner Realm was empty of any person; maybe I should have brought some in my journey here now that I think about it, but that cannot be undone now.

I cooked them a full course made with the best ingredients I could offer them, all part of my master plan to help them awaken as cultivators. Each meal they ate contained large quantities of Ki, which they consumed slowly. Their bodies, overnight, should have begun to change as their mortal bodies finally evolved into cultivators.

In Murim, there were several Ranks that Mortals, Immortals, and Primordial had to go through. Although a fancier name could be Realms instead of Ranks. Mortals, once they finally reach Rank 2, must learn an Elemental Technique which will become their Core Martial Arts and element. These two will shape how they grow from now on.

And they were:

<Mortal Realms>

Rank 1: Initial Ki Assimilation Realm.

Rank 2: Ki Core Formation Realm.

Rank 3: Physique Forging Realm.

Rank 4: Martial Soul Realm.

Rank 5: Martial Aura Realm.

Once they reach Rank 5, they must combine their Soul and Aura together to acquire an Immortal Spark within the core of their souls. Once that is done, they ascend into Rank 6 Immortals.

<Immortal Realms>

Rank 6: Immortal Soul Refinement Realm.

Rank 7: Immortal Physique Creation Realm.

Rank 8: Immortal Aura Intent Realm.

Rank 9: Immortal Core Formation Realm.

Rank 10: Nascent Immortal Soul Realm.

Once they reach Rank 10, they must assimilate the Essence of the Primordial Energies of the Nine Heavens, discarding their physique and body and destroying it in the process to obtain a new one.

When the Primordial Physique is attained, they become Primordial and must forge Primordial Techniques to further ascend, while awakening their Souls and Bodies to the Enlightenment of the Dao, which should be born of all the time they spent cultivating their Core Element and Martial Art.

<Primordial Ranks>

Rank 11 to 14: Elemental Primordial Realm.

Rank 15 to 18: Divine Primordial Realm.

Rank 19 to 20: Primordial Venerable Realm. There were only ten people in all of Murim's history to reach this Realm, they became the absolute gods of the world in their respective Eras. When I destroyed Fate, they were unbound by their lifespan and began to revive one after another. I had to kill them as I ascended to an even higher realm, using their bodies as materials for my growth. These were the last two thousand years in Murim, and perhaps the hardest of my entire life.

Rank 21: This is the Realm I achieved; it was called the Primordial Immemorial Venerable Realm; it was above all the old geezers that were never able to reach it. I became the pinnacle of the pinnacle, unparalleled.

Rank 22: And this was the theorized Immemorial Void Realm, which was supposed to allow me to become one with the Void and the Cosmos, forging a body capable of withstanding it all. I failed, but I will continue to aim for it.

And that's about it! Right now, my sister and my mother should already be at Rank 1 and should soon reach Rank 2 once they forge a Core and choose an element and martial arts as their core. I didn't ask their permission, but I am sure they won't mind. Ruby said she wished she had awakened so she wouldn't be looked down on in a society full of awakened people. So this should help her.

Judging Nicholas' power as a base, my mother should be able to become as strong as an S-Rank Hunter once she reaches Rank 3, without a doubt. She's already a Rank D hunter, after all. She could probably become a World-Class Hunter once she becomes Rank 5, though I still need to judge their full power.

I will make my family the strongest, so nobody ever messes with us. Only staying strong myself won't do. I need them to be powerful too, or they will bring disgrace to the family. I might be acting a bit harsh right now. I love them, but if I am ever away from them for something I need to do and they get attacked... I don't want to think about it.

For now, I left the Seven Layered Rainbow Protection Ward on their bodies while they slept peacefully; that should be able to protect them from at least a hundred lethal attacks! And it can regenerate by draining my own energy. This Ward is also perfect against creeps. If anybody attempts to touch them with bad intentions, the Ward will immediately electrocute them with high concentrations of Photon Energy.

"Ah, the sun is rising." I smiled, looking through the window of my old room. I had slept for a few hours. I had never slept so peacefully before. Knowing this world's people are so weak made me feel at ease. In Murim, I always had to sleep with an eye open. But here, I can fully immerse myself in my sleep. "A new morning—oh, right, this thing."

My mother had given me a new phone; it was the old one she was using before, and she said she'd buy me a new one later. There was a message already in there. Somehow, Nicholas has gotten the hang of my number already. Perhaps through espionage using technological devices? Anyhow, he was telling me to meet him in the association building at ten in the morning.

"And it is… 9:45! Ah, I must hurry then." I swiftly went to take a warm bath in the bathroom while listening to the music of this world. Some Green Days, Coldplay, and then even Metallica at the end. These songs and singers brought back so much nostalgia. I remember my many innocent years before I landed in Murim, when I was just another girl on Earth.

"Mother, I must go to the association for a conference with the Heavenly Court of the United States. I will come back in a few hours. Should I bring something to eat?" I asked her while she was half asleep.

"Hmm? Bring anything, honey." She groaned, quickly going back to sleep. It was the weekend, so she usually slept until late. "Good luck, please… behave, okay? No more building destruction."

"I will try." I winked at her, quickly leaping out of the window.

"D-Don't leap off the window! KATHERINE!" She screamed as I flew away.

I quite literally walked over the skies, quickly landing over the Association Building and then teleporting inside the entrance. I was greeted by Nicholas, who quickly led me inside a large hall, where many people were located. There weren't as many old geezers as I imagined; there were also many handsome men and beautiful women. I especially eyed the ladies; there were many beauties.

However, none of them was quite what I liked either. Too weak as well, and arrogant, too arrogant. None of them looked at me with honesty; everyone here just held immense greed within themselves. They are probably looking to use me as their weapon. The first world-class hunter in America's United States is indeed a big deal after all.

"So you must be Bing Xue." A blonde man with sharp and dull-looking blue eyes glared at me. "I am Mister Franklin, the Prime Minister of the United States. I've been called here to meet someone who, yesterday, managed to defeat the S-Rank Hunter and Chairman, Mister Nicholas. You were not only able to defeat him, but you did so effortlessly and could have easily killed him at any time. Yet you showed incredible mercy by healing him and all your attackers and even repairing the building? Is this thing right?" He stopped reading the paper in front of him.

"Yes, it is right, Prime Minister; I can testify for her." Nodded Nicholas.

"Alright then…" The blonde man sighed. "Bing Xue, you know that even though you did that in self-defense, you still attacked an innocent man and caused tremendous disaster? We will let you off the hook for now, but you owe a favor to the country now. You could easily get arrested and stay in prison for twenty years for what you did."

"I've lived eleven thousand years, son. I don't think that is much for me. But well, I doubt that would ever happen. If someone ever tried to imprison me, they would drop into a pile of bones and flesh before they could ever know what happened to them." I smiled gently. "The strength I possess will always be used to protect my own life. Do you understand, son?"

"What did you say?!" The Prime Minister muttered. "Is this a THREAT?!"

"Prime Minister, please calm down!"

"She's just being honest, I mean… It's not like we can imprison someone as strong as her even in a million years, though."

"Let us not be delusional here; we have to cooperate with her; don't try to intimidate her with your words, Prime Minister."

"As a Hunter, I can completely relate to her about this too. Sometimes you really think you have a lot of power over us, huh?"

"What… Shut up already." Sighed the Prime Minister, cleaning the sweat from his forehead.

It seems I was wrong; the government actually doesn't have as much political power as the hunters themselves. What an interesting society has been shaped out of this apocalypse! Yet this fool was still trying to trick me into believing I owed them something so they could control me and turn me into their weapon. What an adorable attempt—certainly not as good as the schemes of the Venerables, though.

"Now, now, I didn't come here to waste my time. Nicholas, you promised me this would be quick. Am I an S-Rank, a World Class, or whatever? I have a life, you know? I won't stay here for more than an hour." I said, as I quickly broke off the discussion.

"Well, yes. That's why I came here, you woman." The Prime Minister said it with a pissed-off face. "Let's move to the other room then. That's a specially designed test room modified by the White Void to be able to withstand world-class-level skills and spells. There'll be a simulation of a powerful S-Rank boss monster that once appeared in France; you will need to fight it and win. Based on how you handle that thing, we'll see how powerful you are."

"Excellent! Let's begin right away then!" I smiled.

As I walked inside the room, the rest of the people gathered around the seats, observing with curiosity and interest. The Prime Minister was rather angered still; I could tell that he was wishing I could fail or something.

The entire white space suddenly trembled as something appeared within it. A gigantic entity materialized out of pure condensed Mana. It took the form of a majestic and monstrous European Dragon. With red and black scales. It was as big as a hundred meters. With three heads, each one with sharp horns and many eyes.

It spread its gigantic wings as it roared back at me. It emanated a mighty aura. This Illusion Level was immense. No, this was a "simulation." To somehow completely imitate a living being's power and appearance of at least 90% accuracy is incredible. Not many Primordial could do this in Murim. I definitely need to learn this technique or skill!


As the Dragon roared, the Prime Minister spoke.

"The test will begin now, Bing Xue… Or should I say Katherine? Please defeat the monster. Let us see how much power you've amassed in these eleven years you were gone, the missing girl." He spoke with a slightly threatening attitude.

So they researched me to such an extent that it was impressive. I guess that was within my expectations, and it is not like I care either. The Venerable of Deep Dreams was able to predict the future through her Dream Domain and even read minds with a single glance.

As the Dragon flew towards me, I analyzed its power. It was decently strong, yes. Very big. Maybe I should show off a bit before these people? Just to show them that I mean business, as they say.

"Okay, I'll go a bit more serious." I smiled, my body overflowing with an Aura of Rainbow Light. I unsheathed my Yin and Yang Sword, channeling its {Aura of Eternal Harmony}, darkness, and light, encompassing and fusing with my Aura of Rainbow Light.

I disappeared from where I was a second before the dragon's claw impacted the floor, leaving a huge explosion of black flames behind. I appeared right above the creature, channeling Immortal Energy into my sword as I swung it carelessly against its back. It was very slow.


A single slash cut through its wings. Its powerful scales managed to resist a deeper cut, but they were already vaporized. The monster dropped to the floor, blood and rainbow flames covering its back as it groaned in agony.


With a mighty roar, it greeted me with a powerful breath attack, unleashing an endless storm of black flames. This time I decided to test their power, receiving the attack head-on. The black flames were pure mana—amazing. They had the power of Curses and Darkness and were trying to infect my body with deadly curses to weaken me. It obviously didn't work.

"These flames… I think I could copy them, yes. Like this?" I wondered; the black flames spun around my hands as they swirled into masses of black fire. I quickly imbued Mana and Immortal Essence into them, making them grow into a gigantic black sun. "Take it back."

The black sun impacted the dragon, and the beast, unable to escape with its wings and its wounded back, succumbed to an explosion that completely vaporized it. Oh well, that was quite dull! It couldn't even take more than two hits.


The dragon was gone, but I happily absorbed the leftover Mana in the environment, storing it inside my own body, and then slowly refining it into more Primordial Essence. More of these golden dew drops appeared within my Inner Realm. I would say this was a bountiful harvest; I farmed three whole dew drops of Primordial Essence with the dragon's mana alone!

[You have showcased great talent with the sword; you learned the [Basic Swordsmanship (C): Lv1] Classless Skill!]

[You have absorbed a large quantity of Mana and manipulated it with tremendous dexterity and mastery, to the point you can steal the spells of foes and use them against them. You learned the lesser version of this Spell, the [Cursed Flames (B): Lv1] Magic Skill!]

[Several Skills have Leveled Up.]

[You have slain the projection of a powerful S Rank Monster. Even if you cannot earn EXP out of it, you still earn 11.000 Credits.]

"I'm quite satisfied! Now… Huh? Why are you all paralyzed?" I wondered, looking around me.


"She killed it so fast?"

"Is this a new record?"

"In less than twenty seconds, are you seriously?!"

"Two hits… It took two hits."

"She stole the dragon's black flames?!"

"What is that sword she's wielding?"

The Prime Minister was left speechless; he wasn't even talking anymore, opening his mouth wide open. But I could notice greed quickly taking over his eyes more than ever before. He smiled back at me with a slightly cynical smile.

"E-Excellent, perfect, magnificent! You're… you're America's Pride, Bing Xue- No, let us simply call you Katherine! That is your true American name after all!" Laughed the Prime Minister. "With you by our side, we can do anything, ANYTHING! Maybe even… even invading- I mean, ahem! No, well done. Yes. You are without a doubt a World Class Hunter."

"I won't do anything for you," I said to him. "I won't invade lands for you either, and I will not be your America's proud weapon, Prime Minister." I appeared behind him. "I heard everything you said, and I can also read your thoughts by merely looking at your face.

"Uagh! D-Did you teleport behind me?!" He cried. "And what are you talking about, woman?! I never said anything—EEP!"

I grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the floor, staring him into the eyes. My energies quickly encompassed him completely.

"If you ever dare mess with my family, I will kill you and destroy this entire country." I answered with a simple threat. "Make sure to treat me very well from now on. And don't touch my family. I know people like you will do it. And I am fervently resisting the urge to kill you right now because that would upset my mother."

"E-Eek! Someone! Help me! I…!"

"Did you hear me?"


His eyes suddenly started to widen as I stared into his very psyche. He started trembling, pissing himself like a pathetic rat.

"Y-Yes, I understand… I-I will do anything to protect you and your family- I will tell them not to mess with you… or them. P-Please don't kill me. Please…" He started to cry. I felt the presence of a few S-Rank Hunters approaching me, but they were unable to even break my barrier.

"Let's make an oath then." I touched and grasped his soul with my hands. "Done."


"AARGH! W-What did you do to me?!" He cried.

"If you ever break that promise, you will die an agonizing death," I said. "Of course, it won't work on others, but I hope you can convince them to not commit suicide by going against me."

"Ugh… Y-Yes, I will… I WILL!" His greed was gone. The only emotion left was the innate instinct of survival—to do anything to live. Good, that is the purest form that a feeble little animal like him must feel at all times.

I let him go gently, and as he fell to his knees and continued crying, he was left traumatized. How amusing… I resisted my impulse to laugh. My barrier slowly dissipated as the Prime Minister stopped the Hunters from approaching me.

"L-Let her go… She did nothing… wrong. Ugh…" He groaned. A wave of golden light encompassed him, as he felt much better. I extended my hand toward him.

"Come, stand up, son. It is fine; you've learned your lesson." I smiled. "Protect the country and work hard for your people from now on, alright? I've decided to forgive your evil intentions. You must see this as a new opportunity to change and become a better person."

"A-Ah…" He started crying in front of me. "I'm sorry… I… I've been so foolish my entire life… It all started when my wife left me, and my son said he hated me… I am such a pathetic man…"

"There, there. It's alright. Let it all out." I patted his shoulders. An aura of light and healing encompasses everyone. Their minds felt at ease. "There is no need for rage or battle, everyone. Let us finish this day well. I don't want to take any lives." The hunters slowly stepped back and retrieved their weapons, leaving them in disbelief about how everything went.

As I walked outside once I was given the recognition of a world-class Class Hunter and a new Platinum-colored License, Nicholas was talking with everyone else.

"She did the same with me. She teaches you a lesson and then heals you. It was an incredible, spiritual feeling I've never had before. Bing Xue is a wonderful woman, not someone we should hate, someone we must admire and look up to." He explained to the people were still in doubt.

"Hmph, he sure is a good bootlicker." I laughed to myself. "Oh?"

However, blocking my path were two hunters who were not afraid of me. A short-haired blonde woman with sharp silver eyes, and what seemed to be her bodyguard, a tall, bulky man with messy red hair, holding a giant great sword.

"You must be Bing Xue; I came rushing here the moment I heard you were taking the Prime Minister hostage. It looks like everything ended fine, though." She spoke with a Russian accent. "What exactly are you?"

"Oh my! Just the person I wanted to meet! You must be the White Void, Yanisse, isn't it?" I greeted her. "And yes! I am a human; don't worry."

"She's not lying." The man whispered to her. Maybe he had a lie-detection skill? "She is truly… a human. Her status says she is, at least."

"Hmph…" The Russian girl, probably not older than her mid-twenties, looked up to me again. "You're overwhelmingly powerful, and you know it, and you're not afraid of anything… You're perhaps the first person I've ever met who is capable of all these things. Yet instead of using this power to further destroy our world, you seem to be dedicated to healing it and helping us instead. Even when you threaten us, you heal us afterward. You're odd—very odd. Strange, even. But… I like you."

"Hm?" I muttered in confusion as she walked towards me and looked up at me, directly into my eyes. "I know it's early in the morning, but want to go for a drink, Bing Xue?"

"Oh my…" I giggled. "Well, gladly."

I have to definitely not mess this up; she's a beauty I am too interested in to lose this opportunity. I must create a strong connection with her at all costs!

"Tch…" However, that burly guy only glared at me with anger.

So annoying; why can't he leave? It's not like the World-Class Hunter even needs a bodyguard.


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