
2. The spirit of locket

Up to now you now that I went towards the school .

When I was going through the bridge my locket started to shining and then I touch locket the small sword (katana) suddenly started to getting bigger like a real sword then some buddy say me , "from now onwards you are Dragon Warrior you have responsibilities of managing balance between Demon and God ". And for that you have to collect four of the dragons stone and for finding all four stone I will help you and from now on wards your life will be full of danger then , at that time I ask him ,"who are you and what's all this is this happening which me "then he say ," l am spirit of the dragon king and I live in this dragon sword and you are the chosen one for this work and only you can do it and also a warning for you that you will not say all this to anyone else if you will try to say you will be not able to say a ward about it because of magical bonding you are bind with and you have to protect yourself form demon and god society", and then the brightness goes down and the sword become a locket again . Then I started thinking that when I was talking which sword the time didn't pass it was just like beside me all time was stopped then he say," from onwards we are going to talk by telepathy method and what you will think I can know it also and the time was not passing because I take you in a save place different from this world and I was saying that you are going to your school ",and I think that you didn't want to late in your first day then I say it is because of you I am late and then I run towards the school.

And when I reach to school gate I saw all new student are going in which them I went in with them and go towards the Assembly room and then after some time Assembly stated then after few min two girl came near me and both of them Seated left and right of me one of the girl was same as one on my dream went I was thinking that the sword say in my mind the red hair girl is daughter of demon king and blue hair girl is daughter of god king then I ask locket then my than red hair girl come in my dream .locket say me why you always saying me locket and why red hair girl came in your dream I don't know then I say him then , what I will call you then can I call you K10 then , locket say it is better than calling me an locket then it fixed today onwards I will call you K10 .

K10 I have an question why daughter of demon and god are in this human school then K10 replied that I didn't now any thing about it but I am just a sword it depends upon your ability to use me if they two are here that mean they now that the dragon warrior is in this school . But I am the only medium by which they can live in peace then k10 say no not at all if you will support one of them one of them will be erased from the history . It mean that they should never now how is dragon warrior . I am right K10 , yes you are but for now you should go near the board for knowing about you class .

When I saw the board and then I know that my call is Aa1 then I went towards the class and take my seat after some time demon and god daughter where coming in my class then K10 say why they are coming in your class if they now how are you then you are in a big danger. I replied,`Ooo no '.