
Age five

It all started at the age of five atleast that's as far as I can remember. I had short dark hazelnut brown hair , and dark chocolate eyes , the world seemed to be endless and I had no care in the world . It was my single mother ,brother , papal and I , we lived in a very small town and in a very large house , always felt like a mansion my own private mansion . I had many great adventures in my back yard with my awesome sidekick Anna who was invisible, My mom said she was imaginary but I just think mom couldn't see her . My life was pretty simple I would go to school and come home to eat dinner and mom and my brother would be doing their own things my papal would be watching tv John Wayne of course , with a big cup of sweet tea and a nutterbutter cookie his two favorite things , I would occasionally sit on his lap and watch tv with him taking in the smell of pipe tobacco and chew kinda was the smell of home . Whenever my brother would go out he would always come home drunk or high from marijuana, it smelled funny and he always acted funny , somtimes it would give me a laugh other times it wouldn't do anything like that infact most of the time it frightened me . When I would refuse to go to bed like any normal five year old child my mother would call my brother to come put me to bed and even one time he came home and chased me around the house with a metal baseball bat because he had drank just a little too much tequila and tequila made him very very angry , so I would go hide under the cabinets in the kitchen where I would home he couldn't find me . Unfortunately for me he always found me and would grab my arm very rough like and pull be back to my room to force me in my bed and yelling at me to go to sleep , most nights i would cry myself to sleep when he did that .