
Yandere levi

It was a rainy day you first met him.you still remember the fragrance of peache 🍑 and lavender and the cold of the rain's on your skin.

XXX' please be a sweetheart go to the market for me.i want make some kimchi we are out of cabbage! You heard zheng's voice echo through the stairs. You were still in your pijama tired from cleaning room all night .but how could you stop while you clean the room only half? So you sat up sluggishly and yawned.

"Dear heaven! I didn't raise you such a sleepyhead! Zheng exclaimed, barging into your room "we have guests today ,but you forgot who they were actually you didn't care either since your studies and exams only you occupied your mind lately. She gave you uncertain look for before rushing you downstairs. You blindly reached out for black pull over and pair of denim jeans on the table."might as well pay Kristy a little visit"you hummed.

Even thought zhen was not your biological mother. She meant the world to you.under her hard days,there was something sweet and loving.she and her husband weng adopted you ten years ago when you were ten and life good ever since. You lived inside Seoul and law studies become to attorney. And so you decide to take tomatoes and go the marker after you ready to go pick up an umbrella with because it will helps you not getting soaked in a rain . So you leave the house watching for market buy the tomatoes while someone standing in alley in a wet cloths on a rain so you decide to help the man you go to him. he have pale skin and tall you cover with him your umbrella 🌂 and ask him do you need help and he looks your face for while you had a little embarrass 😳 again you ask what are you doing here do you need help he said in his weak voice yes I am thirsty so you tell him in this area have a special cafe you can drink some there so I bring you there. While you were two walking in a rain with one umbrella you can feel he breath and fragrance its little awkward to you share the umbrella with stranger but anyways you want to help him and you two end up the cafe you oder two coffee ☕️ he thanks to you helping him lot and he sip the coffee and ask your name you told him my name is peng weng you can call me peng and he chuckle a bit and said I know my name is something makes laughter he told no but you are you . You blush a bit ☺️.

And now you remember the tomatoes kimchi so you give your umbrella to him you said Don't get wet my mother is waiting for me it's pleasure to meet you and goodbye at him you ran a fast as home while you came to the house 🏠 door but you feel someone is watching 👀 you turn round make sure there is no one and you get inside to the house and giving the tomatoes to mother.

Why are you so wet while you bringing the umbrella 🌂 with you told there is someone really need it so I gave it to him and you go to upstairs while you change the clothes again you felt cold air touching your skin and someone watching you . And you close the window you hear zheng's calling you sweetheart I think someone you knew came to visit you .you take peek to door it's hime again you just standing why he is here .and he told I am levi