
The heart of a Princess

After a war between two kingdoms that lasted thirteen years, princess Ayla is sent to the Kingdom of Nordmar to be a slave. She expects the worse, but when she arrives in Nordmar, home of King Rhobart, Ayla is never treated as a slave. In the beggining Ayla doesn't like the King very much, but as time passes and she gets to know him better she start to open her heat to him. When the Orcs, the enemies of the humans, are on the verge of starting a war against all the kingdoms, Ayla receives visions that will lead her to discover things she never knew about herself. Will the Orcs win the war, or will Ayla find a way to save the man she loves? And not only him but the entire world.

AmyT · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

Chapter 5

Between life and death, then and now, there and here, delirium and reality, nightmare and dream, whispers and more promises that Ayla could not remember, calloused fingers and strong hands, she gradually started feeling better.

It was during the day when Ayla opened her eyes and felt like she was alive and not trapped somewhere between worlds. She was lying in a bed that she didn't recognize, covered with soft animal furs. While she had been sick, Ayla forgot about the war and King Rhobart, but now that she was better, everything came crashing. She groaned, wishing she could be far away from Nordmar, buried her nose in the furs, and inhaled deeply. Milton's scent filled her lungs.

After she had her fill with that snow scent, Ayla moved her head left and right, trying to see if she was alone. When she didn't spot anyone in the room, Ayla tried to get in a sitting position, but she felt weak, like she had been sick for a long time. When she wanted to move her hands, Ayla saw they were trembling. Horror filled her, thinking she was still ill. What kind of sickness was this that left her weak as a newborn?

Being weak or showing weakness was not an option. Ayla was in a place where she was sure people hated her. Not because she was to blame for anything but because people would look at Ayla and see her as the daughter of the man responsible for the death of sons and daughters of Nordmar. So, Ayla tried to move and sit on the bed.

It took her a long time and a lot of energy to get into the position she wanted, and the effort left her panting and sweating. Ayla leaned against the pillows and closed her eyes to rest, just for a few minutes. When she opened them again, it was twilight. She started wondering for how long she had been sleeping when Ayla realized she was not alone. She heard Milton's voice before she saw him.

"You are finally awake!" the Fire Mage said in a cheerful voice and moved closer to the bed. "You scared me for a moment! And Rhobart he…. He was out…. Never seen him…."

Milton stopped for a moment, smiled at Ayla, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Ayla was curious about what Milton wanted to say about the King but decided not to ask.

She returned Milton's smile, "Like I died and came back. But I am glad to be alive. "

When Milton only nodded, Ayla added, "I feel very weak. How long have I been sick for?"

"A month. The sickness that we call Death-Shake can kill a warrior in days. Not many survive it. Count yourself lucky."

Shock hit Ayla. No wonder she was feeling weak. She didn't remember a time when she had been sick for more than a few days at a time. And surely, medical treatment had been used to save her life. How is she ever to pay the King for everything? She had nothing, was nothing.

"Is the King mad at me?" Ayla asked. What she really wanted to ask was how the King would make her pay for whatever herbs Milton had to use for her potions.

Ayla grabbed her mother's amulet and waited for Milton's answer.

Milton looked at her hand while he talked, "Mad? Because you were sick? He was rather mad at himself. I've never seen him…."

A knock on the door interrupted whatever Milton was about to say.

Milton muttered something about Inoss and timing before saying, "Come in!"

When the door opened, Kerra darted into the room, followed by a maid carrying a tray.

"Kerra!" Ayla said excitedly.

The snowcat jumped on the bed, went to Ayla, and started licking her face. Moments later, Kerra began to purr.

"I missed you too!" Ayla said while she tried to calm Kerra down.

The maid put the tray on the table, then went and said something to the Fire Mage.

"Excellent! Thank you! You can go; I will take care of the rest," Milton said to the maid, and she left the room.

Kerra stopped licking Ayla and decided to sleep on her lap. Ayla was never allowed to have pets while growing up, and while Kerra wasn't hers, the Princess started loving the snowcat.

Milton went to the table, picked up a bowl, and brought it to Ayla.

"While you have been sick, Kerra never left your room. Well, except today. She tends to get restless if she stays inside for many days. So Rhobart took her, well, hunting. I think. Hungry?"

Ayla was actually starving, so she gave a short nod and then looked at the sleeping cat, "I understand her. Back home, I went outside each day. I had a small garden, where I used to plant flowers and herbs. I got anxious if I didn't get to tend to my garden daily."

The Fire Mage wanted to hand over the bowl full of broth, but when he saw how her fingers trembled decided against it.

Ayla smiled bitterly, "I am afraid I am going to need some help. Sorry."

Milton shrugged like it was no big deal, "It is not the first time I am helping someone eat. During the war, I had to help those that were too sick or too wounded to eat. Some lost limbs and had to learn…."

Horror must have shown on Ayla's face because Milton muttered an apology, "I shouldn't speak of such things."

"Why? They are true, aren't they?"

Milton cleared his voice, "So you are interested in gardening?"

Ayla was about to answer him, but when she tasted the food, her eyes went wide, "By Adanoss! That broth contains dragon-roots! I can't eat it!"

Her finger went around the amulet once more.

Milton's eyes followed the movement of her hand, then looked at her, "Why?"

"Because it's rare and expensive. And because you shouldn't waste it on me!"

Milton chuckled, "This dragon-root is only for you. It will help you gain your strength back."


"It took a long time and effort to track down this dragon-root. And then the time to prepare the food. Now stop protesting and eat."

Ayla knew she shouldn't waste Milton's medicinal plants. If she didn't eat the broth, it would probably be thrown away, and it would be such a waste.

Left with no choice, Ayla ate while she told Milton about her books and her little garden. She told him how her mother and grandmother started teaching her about plants and herbs. Her mother died when Ayla was nine years, a month after the war started. Her grandmother died the following year, leaving her alone with her father and brother.

When Ayla finished eating, she realized that she was already feeling stronger. She moved a hand, and joy filled her heart when she saw that the trembling had stopped. But not only that, but Ayla was stronger than she was half an hour ago.