

Nalini was born a village girl. Along with her mother she ran away due to a misunderstanding. Fate brings them into the palace circle and changes everything. The new king-to-be falls madly in love with her. However, the difference in status becomes a formidable hurdle for their love to come together. Once again, love will find its own way. With her clever mind and ability to become a healer, Nalini struggles to fulfill her destiny.

Serafey · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Gift from Queen Padma

Seeing Nalini's earnestness, Mbok Dhira smiled slightly. A sense of pride and anxiety filled her heart.

"Do you want to prove your mother's innocence?" asked Nyai Dhira, raising her eyebrows. She herself had never thought of doing that.

"Yes, ma'am. I will prove to the people of the village that Nyai Dhira, my mother, is innocent. Those who were sick were infected by the plague, not poisoned," Nalini answered firmly. Her eyes flashed with the passion that radiated from her chest.

Nyai Dhira remained silent. She did not know what was in her daughter's mind. Her daughter was different from most girls her age.

The two of them continued their busy work preparing herbs for Queen Padma.

Several other servants who were in the palace kitchen began to get acquainted with them one by one. Just like Nyai Dhira and Nalini, they also came from the villages and were brought into the palace by their relatives. 

Each of them had a different task, some were in charge of cooking, some worked cleaning or tending to the garden. Nalini now understood why the houses and gardens in every corner of the palace city were neatly and beautifully arranged.

Arriving at breakfast time, the attendants on duty were ready with appetizing breakfast menus and side dishes. 

Nyai Dhira and Nalini were ready in the back row. A jug of water and herbs along with a cup were in their hands.

The procession of court ladies moved slowly towards Queen Padma's room. The path was uniform and as if it had been arranged. Nalini and Nyai Dhira often looked to their friends to imitate the way they walked.

"Shhh, you guys look down," whispered a maid beside Nalini. It bothered her that the girl had been ducking all this time.

Nalini grimaced as she nodded apologetically. 'This is how difficult it is to be a court lady, there must be rules for walking', she lamented.

Padma Queen was waiting for them in her room. She had already changed her clothes. Her face was a little brighter and less wrinkled. Her smile weakly welcomed the maids who entered.

Wordlessly, she accepted the court ladies' treats and ate a little. The same went for the jamu that Nyai Dhira brought. The queen only took a sip. 

Nyai Dhira was about to remind her lord to drink it all but was hurriedly nudged by the servant beside her. As a rule in the palace, court ladies were not allowed to interrupt or be insolent to the royal family.

After serving breakfast, the maids and servants returned to their respective positions. They eat together in the kitchen while joking around. It was a lively atmosphere that Nalini and her mother rarely encountered. The two women listened more often than they interrupted their jokes.

Despite serving only the queen, the courtiers at Kaputren palace were busy all day long. Nalini rarely saw them sitting around. Even if there was no work, they would sit in designated corners of the palace. They sat on their knees and were ready to wait for orders at any time.

It had been a few weeks since Nyai Dhira and Nalini became the attendants and healers who served Queen Padma. They began to get used to all the hassles and rules in that special place.

Padma Queen's health began to gradually improve. The queen's body gradually began to fill out again although she still occasionally experienced whooping cough.

One afternoon, the queen called Nyai Dhira and Nalini to her specifically. There was something important that she wanted to talk to both of them about.

Nyai Dhira and Nalini walked hurriedly to Queen Padma's residence. There was a hint of fear lurking in their minds. What if the queen was not pleased with their service? Nyai Dhira wiped the cold sweat dripping down her forehead.

Inside her chambers, Queen Padma was already seated in her oversized chair waiting for them. She smiled when she saw them kneeling in front of her.

"Get up, Nyai. I have something important to discuss with you," said the queen.

Nyai Dhira and Nalini immediately sat upright but their heads were still bowed. They were ready to wait for Ratu Padma's next words.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty. What is the reason for calling us?" said Nyai Dhira while worshiping. She dared to ask and raised her voice to be heard.

"Nyai, don't you see? I'm getting healthier now. I'm starting to gain weight. My head rarely feels dizzy anymore. What herbs do you use to treat me?" asked the queen.

Hearing the queen's question, Nyai Dhira and Nalini's faces instantly brightened. There was obvious relief there. They then looked at each other for a moment before answering.

"Mercy, your majesty. We only use rhizomes as usual. There is ginger, turmeric, ginger and other cough medicine ingredients. Also gingseng to increase stamina," Nyai Dhira replied.

"Yes, I know, Nyai. But you guys are great, I only took a sip of the bitter herbal medicine and felt its efficacy," said the queen happily. She smiled again.

"We use only a little water when making the jamu, so the jamu solution is more concentrated and then we filter it. So, even though Kanjeng Ratu drank a little, it was enough to be an effective medicine," explained Nyai Dhira.

Padma Queen seemed satisfied with the explanation. She nodded and signaled the emban on her right to come closer.

The old servant approached while carrying a small cloth bag. The Queen accepted it and took out two gold pieces and held them out to Nyai Dhira and Nalini.

"Accept this as a token of my gratitude. You have taken good care of me. I hope to be completely cured with your help," said the queen. Her words were soft and sounded sincere to the ears.

Nyai Dhira and Nalini's hands trembled as they accepted the gift. This was the first time they had seen and held gold coins. They knew how precious it was.

"Many thousands of thanks to you, Your Majesty," said Nyai Dhira as she bowed and worshipped Queen Padma. Nalini followed what her mother did. Her heart was mixed accepting the Padma queen's kindness.

"Already, you stand up. It's just a small token of my gratitude. If the maharaja hears that I have recovered, I am sure you will receive an even greater boon," said queen Padma cheerfully. She knew her husband was a very caring king.

"Oh yes, I am being kind. If you have any requests for me, say so. I will make it happen," said the queen again. She sat back in her chair gracefully.

Nyai Dhira and Nalini looked at each other. A request? Is it appropriate for courtiers to make requests?

The chief servant in front of them then gave directions. "Ask for whatever you want, but observe the limits of politeness," he said with a stern warning look. As the chief steward, it was his job to keep the courtiers in check.

Nalini blinked her eyes. She felt it was time for her greatest wish to be expressed in front of the queen. She looked at her mother and nodded. 

'I will ask the queen, Mbok'. That was the signal Nalini gave to her mother.

Nyai Dhira nodded her approval. She knew her daughter would not go too far.

"Forgive me, my queen. My daughter, she really wants to be a qualified physician. She wants to learn palace medicine so she can heal more people," said Nyai Dhira as she looked down.

"Oh, that's very nice. Your name is Nalini, right?" asked Ratu Padma. "Tell me what you want to learn," said the queen. Her soft eyes greeted the young girl in front of her.

"Mercy, Queen. I want to learn to read and learn medicine from the books of the healers in this town," said Nalini timidly. Her lips trembled at the words.

"You're only asking for that? Alright, I'll grant it. There are great healers in this palace, they have their own place. I will send you there," the queen said lightly. To her it was a light request and very useful in the future.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you." Nalini repeatedly prostrated and worshiped. She was very happy that her request was granted.

"Wait a minute, did you say you can't read? Then how do you want to learn the books of medicine?" asked the queen a little surprised.

Nalini was again confused but determined. She was very sure of what she wanted. "I will learn to read, Queen," she said.

"I see, all right. Go ahead. Whose teacher will you learn to read the characters from? There are several teachers in this palace. They teach the young sons and daughters of the kingdom. Do you want to learn with them?" asked Queen Padma, a little amused. A small smile played on her lips.

Nalini was silent for a while. She was again confused, is it appropriate for her who is only a maid and an adult to learn with children?

In the midst of her confusion, Nalini heard a voice from behind her. A voice that she had faintly begun to forget.

"I will teach him, Queen." Arya Dipa's distinctive heavy voice.

Nalini turned her head. She could not believe that the young man was standing behind them. "Prince Arya?"