
The Haunting Of Good Hills High School: The Haunted School of Kyoto

In a collection comes the horror short story , "Good Hills High", the newly reopened school in Kyoto is haunted by ghosts, demons, and urban legends that terrorize the students. The school was abandoned during World War 2 and now the students who attend the school are being haunted by the spirits that roam the halls. The story revolves around the children and their experiences with these supernatural events, which will keep the readers on the edge of their seats.

ItsukiYamamoto · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
80 Chs

Chapter 71: Stalker

As the sun set over the small town of Kyoto, a young girl by the name of Yumi walked home from her school, Good Hills High. Yumi was a pretty girl with long black hair and big brown eyes. She had a good heart, but was always considered an outcast at school. That was until one day, when she had an accident that changed everything.

Yumi had been riding her bike to school when a car suddenly cut in front of her, causing her to crash. She had been badly injured and was lying on the ground, bleeding and helpless, when a boy from her school, Yuuki, came to her rescue. He had seen the accident from his classroom window and had rushed to help her.

Yuuki had always been considered a nerd by his classmates. He was smart and introverted, with thick glasses and a love for video games. But Yumi had always found him interesting, even before the accident. He was kind and caring, and had always been friendly to her, even when others would tease her.

After the accident, Yumi became obsessed with Yuuki. She would watch him from afar, following him home from school, and even standing outside his window at night. She began to believe that Yuuki was in love with her too, and that they were meant to be together.

But Yuuki was completely unaware of Yumi's feelings. He saw her as a friend, nothing more. He didn't know that she was following him or watching him. He just went about his life as usual, oblivious to the danger that was lurking in the shadows.

One day, Yumi's obsession became too much for her to handle. She decided that she needed to confess her feelings to Yuuki, no matter what the cost. She wrote him a letter, pouring out her heart and telling him how much she loved him. She slipped the letter into his locker, hoping that he would read it and realize that they were meant to be together.

But Yuuki didn't react the way that Yumi had hoped. When he read the letter, he was shocked and frightened. He had no idea that Yumi felt this way about him. He didn't know what to do.

The next day, Yumi confronted Yuuki at school. She was dressed in her best clothes and had her hair done up in a pretty style. She had a big smile on her face, but Yuuki could sense that something was off.

"Yuuki-kun," she said, her voice shaking. "I need to talk to you."

Yuuki was nervous. He didn't like the way that Yumi was looking at him. It was like she was staring straight through him.

"What is it, Yumi-chan?" he asked, trying to sound calm.

Yumi took a deep breath. "I love you, Yuuki-kun," she said, her eyes locked onto his. "I have loved you for a long time. I know that we are meant to be together."

Yuuki was stunned. He didn't know what to say. He had never thought of Yumi in that way. He had never imagined that she would feel this way about him.

"Yumi-chan," he said, trying to be gentle. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way. I think of you as a friend, but nothing more."

Yumi's smile disappeared. She looked hurt and confused. "But how can you say that?" she asked, her voice rising. "You saved my life, Yuuki-kun! You must feel something for me."

Yuuki shook his head. "I don't. I'm sorry, Yumi-chan. Please don't be upset."

But Yumi was already upset. She was angry and hurt. Yumi's eyes narrowed as she glared at Yuuki. "You're lying," she said, her voice cold and distant. "I know that you love me. You just don't want to admit it."

Yuuki's heart sank as he realized that Yumi was not going to back down. He could see the fire in her eyes, the determination that she would do anything to make him hers. He knew that he was in trouble.

For the next few days, Yumi followed Yuuki everywhere he went. She would show up at his classroom during breaks, stand outside his window at night, and even wait for him outside the school gates. She would try to talk to him, to convince him that they were meant to be together, but Yuuki would always turn away, afraid of what might happen if he engaged with her.

Yumi's behavior became more and more erratic as time went on. She would lash out at anyone who tried to get in her way, even her own friends. She would scream and throw things, unable to control her anger and frustration. Yuuki could see that she was becoming more and more dangerous, and he knew that he needed to do something to protect himself.

One day, as Yuuki was leaving school, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see Yumi walking towards him, a knife in her hand. She had a crazed look in her eyes, and Yuuki knew that he was in serious trouble.

"Yumi-chan, put the knife down," he said, his voice shaking. "Please, let's talk about this."

But Yumi was beyond reason. She lunged at Yuuki, the knife flashing in the sunlight. Yuuki dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the blade. He ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he needed to find help, or he would be in serious danger.

As he ran, he saw a police officer standing on the corner of the street. He ran up to the officer, gasping for breath, and explained the situation. The officer immediately called for backup, and within minutes, a group of officers had arrived to take Yumi into custody.

Yuuki felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized that he was finally safe. Yumi was taken to a mental institution, where she received the help that she needed. Yuuki moved to a new town, determined to leave his old life behind and start anew.

But even now, years later, he still thinks about Yumi, and wonders what could have been done to prevent the tragedy that occurred. He knows that he will never forget the look in her eyes, the crazed determination that had driven her to the brink of insanity. He knows that he will always be haunted by the memory of the yandere girl from Good Hills High school in Kyoto, who had stalked him relentlessly, driven by a love that had turned to madness.