
The Haunting Of Good Hills High School: The Haunted School of Kyoto

In a collection comes the horror short story , "Good Hills High", the newly reopened school in Kyoto is haunted by ghosts, demons, and urban legends that terrorize the students. The school was abandoned during World War 2 and now the students who attend the school are being haunted by the spirits that roam the halls. The story revolves around the children and their experiences with these supernatural events, which will keep the readers on the edge of their seats.

ItsukiYamamoto · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
80 Chs

Chapter 36: The Masked student

Hime had just moved to Kyoto with her parents, and she had started attending Good Hills High School. It was a new school for her, and she was excited to make new friends. However, Hime had a peculiar habit - she always covered her mouth with a mask, even during classes. She never talked to anyone and sat alone during lunch breaks. Her classmates found her strange, but they never bothered her.

One day, during a chemistry class, a boy named Taro sat next to Hime and started teasing her. He pulled her mask off and shouted, "Hey everyone, look at the freak!" The class burst into laughter as Hime covered her face with her hands and ran out of the room.

The next day, Taro didn't show up at school. The teachers and students thought he might have fallen ill, but when he didn't return even after a week, they filed a missing person's report.

Nanako, one of Taro's friends, couldn't believe that he had disappeared without a trace. She decided to investigate on her own and went to Taro's house to look for clues. As she was searching his room, she found a strange diary. It was filled with pages of gibberish and symbols she couldn't recognize. But, there was one page that stood out - it had a drawing of Hime's face with a caption that read, "The monster in disguise."

Nanako was intrigued and decided to go to the school to talk to Hime. She found her sitting alone in the library, and she could see that Hime was nervous. Nanako approached her and asked her about Taro's disappearance. Hime denied knowing anything about it, but Nanako could sense that she was hiding something.

Nanako tried to befriend Hime and learn more about her. She discovered that Hime never took off her mask because she was afraid of exposing her true self. She didn't want to be bullied and rejected like she had been in her previous school. Hime revealed that she had razor-sharp teeth, which made her different from other people. She was afraid that people would be scared of her or make fun of her.

Nanako was surprised to hear this, but she didn't judge Hime. Instead, she decided to help her and be her friend. She convinced Hime to remove her mask and show her teeth. Hime was hesitant at first, but she finally agreed. Nanako was shocked to see that Hime's teeth were indeed razor-sharp, but they didn't scare her. Instead, she found them fascinating.

As the two girls were talking, they heard a strange noise coming from the hallway. They peeked outside and saw a group of boys running towards them. Nanako recognized them as Taro's friends. They were angry and wanted to know what Nanako was doing with Hime.

Nanako tried to reason with them, but they didn't listen. One of them, who was bigger than the rest, pushed Hime to the ground and shouted, "We know what you did to Taro! You're a monster!"

Nanako tried to intervene, but the boys were too strong. Suddenly, Hime's teeth started to grow, and she let out a loud roar. The boys were scared and ran away, leaving Hime and Nanako alone.

Nanako was in shock. She had never seen anything like this before. Hime apologized for scaring her, but Nanako told her that she didn't have to apologize. She was amazed at Hime's powers and wanted to learn more about them.

From that day on, Hime and Nanako became inseparable. They shared their secrets and their fears, and they helped each other overcome

their weaknesses. Hime started to trust Nanako and opened up about her past. She revealed that she was born with these razor-sharp teeth and that she had always felt like an outcast because of them. Hime had spent most of her life in hiding, afraid of being rejected by people.

Nanako, on the other hand, was always fascinated by the supernatural and paranormal activities. She was excited to be friends with Hime, someone who had powers beyond human capabilities. She started to research Hime's condition and found out that she was not the only one with such powers. There were other people like Hime who had extraordinary abilities.

Together, Hime and Nanako decided to explore the world of the supernatural. They went on adventures, learning about different creatures and phenomena. Hime used her powers to help people in need, and Nanako documented their experiences in her journal.

As they were going on these adventures, Hime's powers started to evolve. She started to control her razor-sharp teeth and learned to use them to her advantage. She could cut through anything with ease, and her speed and agility were beyond human capabilities.

One day, while they were on an adventure, they came across a group of people who were being attacked by a creature. Hime quickly jumped into action, and with her razor-sharp teeth, she defeated the creature. The people were amazed and grateful for her help.

Word of Hime's powers started to spread, and soon she became known as the "Razor-Sharp Heroine." People from all over Japan started to seek her help in dealing with supernatural creatures and phenomena.

Hime's life had changed completely from the day she met Nanako. She was no longer afraid of being rejected by people. Instead, she was loved and appreciated for her unique abilities. Hime had found her true calling, and she was living a life of adventure and excitement.

In the end, Hime realized that her powers were not a curse but a blessing. She had a unique gift that she could use to help people, and that was her purpose in life. Hime and Nanako continued to go on adventures, discovering new things, and helping people in need. They were an unstoppable duo, and nothing could stop them.