
The haunting of a lonely little girl

michaelparsons354 · Horreur
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The next stage of this living nightmare

The images that couldn't leave my now corrupted, broken lifeless mind was the bodies, the dead, eroding bodies of little girls and boys hanging from dark, shadowy, evil trees. These poor little infants and kids were hanging by their necks, hanging from the most vile, blood stained vine like ropes that held then up, that ripped away at the flesh of their inanimate bodies.

The same flesh that was getting eaten away from the bugs and insects that found its meal and the same flesh that soon would no longer exist. I didn't know what to do any more, I couldn't cope at all, I just wanted out of this never ending nightmare. I jus wanted to die in a pool of blood because I knew I couldn't live with the things I had seen.

The constant images I would see all the time, at night, in the dark and even when I just close my eyes, the images of all this blood and flesh, the poor innocent childrens lives being taken. Their soul being eaten up and their bodies destroyed to the point burial wasn't even an option. If you even you even touched them you would most likely get a disease or deadly virus it was that horrifying.

The things I had seen were too much and I wanted it to stop. I Couldnt live with these in my head and I just wanted to die as I thought it was the only way to end the most terrifying nightmare ever.

But then...

The images, they were no longer jus images but now were voices racing through my head, hundreds of voices screaming and crying, screams and cries that make even a full grown man cry. The screams the horrible screams that were slowly breaking me, slowly making me go insane, eating away at my positivity and my soul.

It was all way too much, the thoughts, the voices the visual images I was seeing, this thing was playing tricks with my mind and I really didn't agree, I didn't want this, I didn't want to go crazy because of a lonely little girl fucking with my head. I couldnt cope, every day was getting harder to live, every person was getting harder to talk to in fear they would find out.

This was no nightmare this was real life and making me paranoid about everything, making my head worse and worse with every images or voice.