
The Haunted hospital

Max explores an abandoned hospital with her friends but what she doesn’t know is that ever since she first entered the hospital, she has already endangered her life including her friends. The three will go on adventure and continue with school. That is their destiny

Ancient_Riku · Horreur
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Max and the Kidnappers.

Three weeks have passed since the kidnapping of Max's friend.

Max was devastated and didn't know what to do but she kept on planning and kept her hopes on, hoping that her friends are still alive and doing okay.

Max tried to figure out where the kidnappers might've taken her friends and then she tried to figure out how many people could there be, does she have to sneak around or can she just enter without trouble, Max had so much going through her head that she couldn't think straight anymore.

Then after 20 minutes of doubting herself and the plan, someone knocks on her door.

It was her classmate Lucy.

Lucy knocked on the door and asked straight away if Max was doing okay and if she needed help with anything.

Max then opened the door, smiled and then said thank you but she didn't need any help, with that Lucy slowly left, Max then started to think and said loudly " But! I could use some company", Lucy then went back, entered her room and closed the door behind her.

Lucy then sat on Max's bed and watched as Max was planning on how to rescue Nathan and Chloe.

Lucy just sat on her bed, just watching Max planning.

* 2 hours later *

Lucy stood up, walked up to Max hugged her from behind and whispered into her ear " why, don't you take a break, lay in bed rest a little "

Max then turned around, looking at Lucy, Max had a feeling that Lucy liked her and she was right.

Max looked Lucy in the eyes, then hugging her.

She said thank you, Lucy didn't know what to say but kept hugging her and smiled.

Lucy was happy that she was able to be in Max's room all alone and hug her, no one disturbing them.

Lucy wanted to go to the next level so she then looked at Max and Max looked at Lucy, Lucy came closer to her face, ready to kiss her.

Max knew what was happening and came in closer as well, Lucy then was so close that she was able to kiss Max and that's what she did.

Lucy expected Max to stop her but she didn't. Max kept on holding her and kept on kissing her.

Max kept on pushing on Lucy, making Lucy back up and then finally falling on her bed, Max crawled on top of Lucy, kept kissing her and slowly taking her clothes off and Lucy doing the same.

* 60 minutes later *

Lucy was still lying in, sleeping, naked, while Max was still awake, already dressed and continued planning on how to rescue her friends from those kidnappers.

She was stuck, she didn't have a clue on how to rescue her friends from those people.

She kept on thinking but she was in the dark, How could she rescue her friends when she doesn't even know where they are or how many people there are with them.

After a while Lucy started to wake up and Max was still working on her planning. Lucy stood up not covering herself, walked up to Max and hugged her from behind.

Lucy asked if she was almost done with the planning, Max shook her head and told her that she was stuck and didn't know how to continue.

Lucy told Max to take a break, she has been working on her plan for three weeks straight without a break. Lucy told her that she deserved a break.

Max stopped, looked at Lucy and nodded her head and said in a tiring tone " Yeah, you're right".

With that she Stopped her planning and spent the days with Lucy in her room, doing nothing but sleeping together, making out, watching movies and going out on dates.

In time Max started to forget about her planning on saving her friends and the kidnappers.

2 months later and Max forgot about the planning, since she hasn't been in her room for a while but when she went back to her room she saw the board and slowly remembered about her friends and the kidnapping, She then started planning again but for some reason she felt like she didn't need to plan anymore, she then ran back to Lucy's room and asked her for help.

Lucy looked at her and knew that she wanted to find her friends, with which Lucy nodded, and started packing her things.

After 20 minutes of getting ready, Max and Lucy head out to search for her friends.

Max and Lucy then encounter some trouble with the principle, he asks the two girls where they are going at this time of night.

Max explains that they had to go to their parents house because they had some trouble with their neighbours and they needed Max and Lucy to sort things out.

The principal then looks at the pack-back and asks about that.

Lucy then replies, saying that the parents ask her to bring some things for them so they can give them to the neighbours so that they can leave their parents alone, the principal was sceptical about what they said but still let them pass.

Max and Lucy then kept on running trying to find where the kidnappers might have kept Max's friends.

While Max was thinking about where the kidnappers are, Lucy was holding onto Max's hand and following the traces she has found, not knowing if they are from the kidnappers.

After a while Max finally noticed that they were in a building and Lucy was crouching and so was Max, she asked Lucy what was going on and were they crouching in a building.

Lucy looked at Max and then pointed with her fingers to the directions of where two men are.

Max then asked if they are the kidnappers, Lucy then whispered saying "I'm guessing that they are the kidnappers" but she wasn't sure if they were the right people.

Max then saw her friends in another room, Max then started to mumble to herself, planning on how to save her friends from those people.

Lucy then took out something out of her bag, when max looked over to see a gun she was shocked and signed asking Lucy what she was planning on doing with that, Lucy tried telling her to calm down and that the gun was a fake, she was going to use it to make noise so the kidnappers would go and check it out.

Lucy then went ahead and threw the gun out of the window hoping it would hit the metal containers, and it did, the kidnappers then went out to check if anyone was there, Max and Lucy then took the opportunity to go safe Max's friends, when They entered the room, they didn't find Max's friends in there but dolls that looked like them, they then hear the door closing behind them and a deep voice screaming " Y'all won't be leavin anytime soon."

Max looks at Lucy and then replies in a soft but loud tone " Wh-What did you do with my friends ?"

The Deep voiced man quietly responded " We let them go before y'all came to rescue.. They are probably now back on campus. "

Lucy then replies in a louder and confident tone " What do you want with us ?"

The guy didn't reply. Lucy then went and sat down on a chair, so did Max.

Two hours have passed since Lucy and Max got locked up in the room.

The only noice they hear are the sounds of there wind and the bird chirping, after a while Max tries to break the door but didn't get much, she mostly just hurt herself by slamming into the door, Lucy then decides to take a crowbar from her pack-back and crack open the door, before she could get near the door they heard keys jingle.

They went back to their original position to fool the kidnappers, when the door slowly opened, Max and Lucy then realised that it wasn't the kidnappers but her friends, Chloe and Nathan who opened the door, Max then also saw two cops standing behind them arresting the two kidnappers, Max runs towards Nathan and Chloe and hugging them out of relief, Lucy then walks out, holding to Chloe's shoulder and whispering Into her hear ' you better not make Max sad, if you do, I'll kill you' and with that she walks away leaving Chloe speechless but Chloe then decides to turn around and shout ' I wont! I promise I won't! '

They all then walk away.

Three weeks have passed since Max and Lucy got freed from the kidnappers, everything went back to normal, no one bothered Max by asking her how she felt after being held by the kidnappers.

All that Max ever said when asked those questions were ' it was okay '

Max didn't want to talk about what happened while she was there with Lucy.

She needed to stay away from people. That's what she did, After five weeks, Max, Lucy and Chloe Disappeared, Nathan and some other students got worried.

Nathan found a dead body.

He got scared for the three of them.