
The Hateful & Loveable

The first time the sky turned red was the first and last time for most, leaving a tragic few alive to pick up the pieces. A few hundred years later the world had healed. But once more the darkness in the shadows stir, ready to lash out once more. The story follows the young man Samuel, the unfortunate young man thrown into an arena with gods and entities playing their own games. As Samuel tries walking the fine line of choosing his own fate.

SofaCouch · Fantaisie
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170 Chs

Training Some More - Part 2

"I really didn't want any problem at all, the only thing you had to do was take be able to take rejection princess!" Samuel said with anger. Anger that made his magical aura spread around the surroundings, suddenly the six that were approaching him stopped in their tracks. The power of his aura was really high for a second year student, but it wasn't something impossible.

Instead it was the raw emotion of the aura, the raw sinister feeling mixed with anger that they felt coming from the aura that made them stop in their tracks, even Amanda suddenly shut her mouth as she felt it. Inadvertedly taking a step back her eye twitching from the pressure.

"What the hell is this?" One of her followers said as he looked at the shadows cast on the ground almost flickering as if they were alive. The night sky cast darkness that was illuminated by the magical lamps around all the roads. Normally quiet and still shadows instead seemed to be dancing with Samuels aura.

In one swift moment many of the shadows converged unto a singular point behind Samuel and something slowly started rising from Samuels own shadow. It looked like a small shadow dragon, they all suddenly started taking steps back... While Samuel suddenly became confused as they all started backing off, it was indeed a silent night but he could hear something shaping behind him.

What he saw when he turned around was a creature several meters tall and wide that looked like a smaller dragon made out of living shadow. It had red eyes that seemed to stare with spite, Samuel couldn't help but take a step back himself and realized then that his own shadow was feeding into this creature making it grow even larger, ever so slowly.

There was something familliar about this creature though.... "Night?" Samuel whispered and the head of the dragon turned to him, inside his own head he heard her voice. "I have answered your summons!"

"Here I am, Master!"

The dragon suddenly reared its head and opened its mouth that was covered by many teeth and shadowy skin. Purple black flames gathered at her throat as she unleashed complete bitch black into Amanda and her followers, "No wait! Don't KILL THEM!" Samuel panicked and he could hear Night's voice chuckling, I can read your mind and I have seen everything that has happened... I wouldn't do anything to endanger my master! Silly Master!"

Samuel was stunned to hear those words and turned his look from her and back, he saw that the Shadow flames quickly dissipated leaving no damage on the road or lamps, he saw also saw his seven fellow students lie on the ground breathing albeit a bit shaky. "What did you do?" Samuel asked his big companion... "Also, I don't recall summoning you!"

Night quickly brought her dragon head down to her masters head and nudged it into his face, cool to the touch but a sense of kinship and warmth envelopped their souls. In the previous place of the big dragon, now instead sat a small dragon attatched to his arm, its tail just large enough to coil around most of it. She positioned herself on his shoulder with her lower body coiled around his arm.

"I simply put them to sleep Master! They probably won't remember much more than the fact that you did something to knock them all out... the minds of regular mortals are weak, unlike you and I!" The tiny dragon started snickering to herself.

"Yeah.... regular mortals, you know what I am, but what exactly are you? I thought you were a Night Mare? The shadow horses from the Shadow realms? But now.... Well?" Samuel didn't know how to continue. He just tilted his head trying to look at the dragon as he was walking away from the scene, they would most likely wake up in a few moments - he had discovered as he analyzed them with magic.

"Well to start with, all your anger and spite and you releasing your powerful and delicious aura is what helped me to summon!" The tiny dragon said proudly and flexed her small wings. "I knew you would figure it out eventually..." She tried giving him a toothy grin but it looked more like a tiny angry dragon.

"I take whatever form or shape I want Master! But I regret to inform you, that I have no idea what I am... suddenly I was needed and I came running to a young mans help, but the young man wasn't a normal human, no he was something more!" She said with a hint of pride in her voice as she gave him a small bow with her dragon head.

Samuel kept walking and looked around if anyone would see him. "So how do I... Unsummon you? Send you back?" He asked but Night shrugged, however well a tiny dragon could shrug.. but since their minds were connected in a way he could feel the intention of her movements.

"I am afraid I cannot tell you that! Because I have no idea... but if it makes you feel better! I can make myself visible only to you! Don't ask me how I know, I just know! But I would be careful about powerful wizards that are good at detecting things... Don't let them come to close unless you trust them with my existence!" The tiny dragon smiled inside his mind.

Samuel nodded whilst wondering just what this tiny creature really was. Perhaps she was something previously unheard of, he added another thing to his list of finding things out. It was always growing and had yet to become shorter since he started it. He couldn't help but sigh, both about the list and the fact that he had finally come back home.

"So I guess privacy was never in question...?" He asked as they walked up the stairs to the house. "Oh, it feels really good to be in my own body out in the mortal realm, but I don't think I can get too far away from you... but trust me when I say, I will not be here! At all.... I will be quiet as a mouse... I promise!" Night said with as much of a convincing tone she could muster.

But for some reason Samuel felt like it was not going to be like that at all, he sighed as he opened the door. As per usual these late evenings, none of the others were up and about, it was pretty damn late after all. Which meant that the others were most likely sleeping already.

Samuel quickly locked the door and took away some dishes that had been left unattended before he went up to his room. Once again it was pitch black but for some reason he could see every pretty clearly. In his mind he asked, "Night? How come I can suddenly see in darkness?" The tiny dragon yawned in response before jumping off his shoulder and started skittering along the floor.

"Probably because we share some of our senses, I can see perfectly well in pitch black darkness. So you have probably been gifted with a lesser version of my eyesight as long as I am summoned!" Night replied in his mind before finding spare blankets on the ground and dragging them to make a small lair underneath his desk.

"Now unless you want me to bite off your nose, don't disturb me while I sleeps!" The tiny dragon yawned again looking really tired before curling up into a ball inside her own makeshift lair. Samuel noted what she said inside his head and turned on a bed light.

This time he noticed that the bathroom was empty, he sighed and shrugged - perhaps Ulma had chosen to sleep alone tonight, she did so a few times ever since the worst of her nightmares had calmed down. Although she did come running if she had one, Samuel quickly changed his clothes and prepared the bed with some new sheets.

The moment he was done he heard a gentle knock on his door and it slowly opened. Ulma stood there with half closed eyes and slowly stumbled forward after shutting the door with her foot. She almost fell into his embrace and the moment she did she almost completely dropped because she was falling asleep.

Samuel gave the top of her head a kiss as he made sure she wouldn't fall and helped put her in his bed like usual, he started gently caressing her face with the back of his hand. To which she whispered, "I know I was annoyed at you today with the rest of the girls, but I honestly can't remember the reason... and thats... like really, annoying.. me! I love you!" She slowly said before falling asleep with the last words.

Samuel put the back of one hand on his mouth to stop himself from chuckling and waking her up. She could be really adorable sometimes, he knew his teammates were all annoyed at him for some silly reason. Which is why he tried not to bother getting involved unless it became unbearable.

"Goodnight my dear little thief queen!" He said and planted a kiss on her forehead, but as he tried to pull away Ulma put her two arms around his neck and dragged him down for a deep kiss, her eyes still closed and the moment the kiss ended she fell back asleep with a satisfied sigh.

Samuel slowly sat back up with a sigh, feeling like he was in love all over again with her... before realizing he had to sleep as well. But then he felt something hard in his pants and sighed, "Fuck!" He quickly went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face to calm himself down before going to bed.

Gently slipping into bed next to Ulma as not to wake her up from whatever nice dream she seemed to be having as he face had a big wide grin on it. Samuel lay on his side and could only look at her for a good few moments and smile himself at her before he turned off the night light.

The moment he did turn it off however, he could feel her arms wrapping around his chest as she snuggled close to his chest. "Good night love! Sleep tight little flower." She mumbled to herself in her sleep. As such another day came to a close as sleep eventually claimed Samuel as well.

The next day would be an interesting one because they would be training or doing whatever with their mentors instead of classes. Samuel looked forward to it as he dozed off to sleep himself.