
The Hateful & Loveable

The first time the sky turned red was the first and last time for most, leaving a tragic few alive to pick up the pieces. A few hundred years later the world had healed. But once more the darkness in the shadows stir, ready to lash out once more. The story follows the young man Samuel, the unfortunate young man thrown into an arena with gods and entities playing their own games. As Samuel tries walking the fine line of choosing his own fate.

SofaCouch · Fantaisie
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170 Chs

Potential Candidate - Part 3

The male human professor that took the headmasters spot quickly cleared his throat and spoke clearly. "Now for our agenda of the day, you will be split up into groups of four, you better learn how to get along because your teammates will be working alongside you for all group tasks for the next three years. But do not worry, your individual scores and class choices will remain the largest part of your stay here!" All the mentors walked to their respective student and stood behind them.

"Now you can call me professor Leipeg!" The old looking professor said and wrote his name on the large blackboard. "Your first year here will mostly consist of basic lessons without specialization classes, but individual classes where you can train your specialties will be run by your respective mentors. Just like with your teams consisting of four people it also means that your mentors will form teams to teach you whenever necessary." The older man started walking back and forth.

"But most of the remaining information and first classes will be held tomorrow, for the rest of the day you will be split into your teams and be shown around the college common grounds and classes." The professor made his name disappear from the blackboard by using a cantrip of cleaning and then started overlooking some papers.

"A clean number of 8 teams for this years class. I will take them in order, so when I call your name you come up here and collect your papers and take your leave into the courtyard with your respective mentor. I want you all to stay with your team for the remainder of todays time!" The professor overlooked the class real quick before going back to his notes.

Meanwhile Samuel had sat there with a horrid expression, 'Teammates, why did it haveto be teammates' Samuels inner antisocial self was screaming and swearing in his mind while the professor had started calling out people by their full name which also made Samuel surprised as he wondered if he had been signed up with his full name by Bregane, but he didnt even know if Bregane knew his full name as he had never told him. But then again Bregane had known his birthday and he must know Alsian pretty well for that, (It was the only explanation Samuel had.)

Soon enough all the teams had been called except for the last two, leaving only eight students in the hall with their respective mentors. "Well well well!" The professor said as he looked at the list of the remaining names. "Sonya Excavar Boo!" Was the next name he read, making most of the remaining students sit more straight suddenly, Samuel was just too busy to remember the headmasters unusual last name so he was the only one who acted uninterested in the name.

But he still gave a quick look to the person walking down, she was something Samuel had never seen before, like a mix between a devilkin and dragonfolk, with the purest of pink skin tone but it seemed almost scaley in spots like dragonfolk had all over their body. But then she had the typical devilkin horns protruding from her forehead.

Samuel was unable to see more details as she descended the stair case, but he could almost see the greed in others eyes when they looked at her. Which made him shudder a bit. The next name called did not faze him or the others so he just went on inwardly cursing his luck of being put on a team. "Ulma Bel Askara" Was the next name called and although Samuel felt like he had heard a similar name before he didn't bat an eye. It was simply a beautiful half elf, that looked like a really well dressed noble, with the hair and everything put up in a perfect way.

She was cute but Samuel felt more like dying on the spot rather than paying attention to people. The next name called was in fact Erica's so Samuel gave her a nod as she left, before finally Samuel Fayt was called, no one seemed bothered by it except for all the mentors remaining. They seemed to have known about the headmasters daughter/relative already just by seeing her.

Samuel felt the eyes of the remaining mentors all look at him with interest, wondering just what his last name actually meant. Was he some kind of secret royalty or his family filled with criminals, it made him stressed, but Bregane quickly put his hand on Samuel's shoulder and nudged him forward, which snapped him out of it and he quickly retrieved his paper and left the hall with Bregane behind him.

They once again reached an outdoor courtyard where the students had assembled in their teams with their mentors. Some of which were already in the process of leaving with assistants that seemed to guide each a respective team and mentors.

Samuel quickly walked up to Erica who was standing in silence but jumped with joy when she saw Samuel! "I was hoping we would be on the same team!" She jumped and embraced him quickly before backing away with a big smile on her face while their two mentors just stood a bit to the side.

"Well, of course we would share the same mentor team! Why wouldn't we huh!" Was the voice the snapped all four of them out of their moment and they looked over to their two teammates and their respective mentor. Both mentors were glaring at eachother and their apprentices were glaring at eachother also.

Bregane walked close and put himself on ear level to Samuel and Erica, "That one there on the left" he whispered. "Thats Teric!" They saw a male half elf with blonde hair, who was very busy carrying himself with grace in every action, standing next to Sonya.

Bregane nodded in the other direction to see Ulma and her mentor. "Sarmah" Bregane nodded to the mentor, and they saw a red scaled warrior built dragonfolk that carried herself with strength in every move. 'They seem like complete opposites.' Samuel and Erica inwardly thought and wondered about the future of their so called 'team' and sighed.

The two apprentices also seemed to dislike eachother as they threw evil glares at eachother, but they still stood there in silence letting their mentors do the talking. Bregane walked forward, "Its probably because you two dislike eachother so much that you have been put on the same team." He quickly said making all four of them turn to him. "Quiet shadow, no one asked your oppinion!" Teric quickly snarled at him, and Sarmah seemed to agree with her eyes - only being stopped from not wanting to publicly agree with Teric.

Tere quickly walked forward and glared at both Teric and Sarmah. "Now children, what did I tell you about silly behaviour!" Tere looked really disappointed and much to Samuel and Erica's surprise both the other two mentors became quiet and looked really ashamed. Making Samuel wonder just how old Tere was considering she was an elf and they were long lived - plus she had called the others children.

When they both became quiet, she quickly walked up to them both. She ruffled Teric's hair who looked like his graceful imagine had been ruined forever, but he also didn't dare say anything, Tere tiptoed to pat Sarmah on her dragon like snout and she whined a bit like a puppy and if she could become even more red she probably would have.

Both Teric and Sarmah's apprentices just looked on in shock horror, their once proud and mighty mentors defeated by such simple words and a touch. Tere quickly embraced both of them in a hug before taking a few steps back and leaning into Bregane. "It is so good to see you again!" Tere said with a large happy smile. "To think that we will have the honor of being on the same team!" She quickly giggled.

Suddenly her facial expression became quite a bit more serious. "So you better play nice!" She said in a stern voice. The words that came next shocked from Teric and Sarmah shocked all apprentices, "Yes mom" they said like children being scolded. "As long as you understand!" Tere said and started walking off to an assistant teacher that was waiting to show them around.

The entire group instinctively started following her like little ducklings would their mother.