


Patton and Britt Gray


September arrived, and so did Britt’s wedding to Patton. My sister chose me as her maid of honor, and Sam will walk her down the aisle. I didn’t know what maid of honor entailed until I accepted the position.

I threw her a bridal shower with Matthew’s help and helped her pick out dresses. I’m thinking the idea of eloping isn’t such a bad idea. Life got crazier with assisting Britt while working and planning my wedding. I need a vacation from life.

Britt’s wedding day arrived, which meant I had to be on time. When you’re in a wedding party, you don’t have a choice. Plus, I was standing up with Paxton, who was Patton’s best man.

The girls gave Britt and me a few minutes alone before the wedding started.

/"Thanks for helping me,/" Britt said.

/"What good are sisters if they can’t enlist each other with their weddings?/"