


The holidays are a treat


Most people spend the holidays with a few family members. We’re not most people. I wish, but we weren’t. I had to visit both sides of the family. Have you ever gotten sick of turkey? I have when both families feed you.

I invited Conner. Yeah, that was a mistake. My family made a big deal out of it. When are you getting married? Will you have kids? You’re soooo cute. Why do families ask these questions? Find a hobby and leave my love life out of it.

After a while, I abandoned ship and took Conner with me. Yeah, I’ll admit I rescued him.

We returned to Kain’s house. I removed my coat and plopped down on the couch.

Conner joined me. /"Your family is.../"


Conner nodded as I snickered.

/"I wasn’t ready to answer a bunch of questions./"

/"It’s a typical family gathering. Family members ask the obvious questions./"