
The Harem Fantasy

After giving a fit of rage at the bad game he had bought, a 25 years old man was transferred into that game's world inside the Prince of Fortuna's body, Nero Claudius Amulius Augustus Ceasar or just Nero. Knowing the fate of the game, Nero definitely will go against the flow of the canon story. Follow Nero in his journey to survive the new world by using his knowledge and at the same time building a harem of mature women because why not? ****************** Heya, Alice here. This is my second story on this website. I am still a beginner at writing a novel and still improving. So, any criticisms are okay for me because I need them to improve the quality of my story. Note: I don't own the image on the cover. All rights belong to the original creator.

HereAlice · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The Captains

900 Slices of Meat, 60 Bag of Wheat, 900 Pieces of Lumber, 97 Barrels of Alcohol, 1200 Stones and 300 Irons. Nero doesn't know much about managing the supplies because he isn't really into War Strategy games, but from the look alone, he knows that the Amazonian Warriors can't survive even for a year.

"Diana, are these the only supplies that we have left?" Nero glanced at the Amazonian Warrior on his left side.

"Yes, Your Highness." She bows her head at him politely.

Diana is the one who manages the supplies of the army; just like the rest of the Amazonian Warrior, her face is covered with a ridged helmet. Even after years of playing an RPG game, he still doesn't understand why female characters always wear revealing armour. Not that he was complaining, but how did they even survive this far with such poor supply management and armour that barely covered their bodies?

"This is bad." He muttered. If these are the only supplies that they have left, then they are so fuck up. According to Clelia, the current numbers of Amazonian Warriors are around five thousand, two hundred and ninety-two. When Isaac meets up with Nero in the canon timeline, there are only approximately three hundred and forty-six of the Amazonian Warriors.

"What do you by that, Your Highness?" Clelia looked down at her left breast in curiosity. Nero looked up from her breast and stared at her in the eyes before muttering, "With these quantities of supplies, we can't even survive for eight months, let alone a year."

He can feel that behind the helmet, she and Diana widened their eyes at his answer. As he thought, the Amazonian Warriors were really powerful, but there were certain flaws about them which he noticed when he played the [The Heroic Legend of Isaac].

Irina and Claudia have the highest strength and endurance stats among the other character unit at [S+]. Still, their intelligence is only around [D], slightly below Isaac, with [C] as his intelligence stats.

"But, Your Highness. I think these supplies are more than enough for us-"

"Silence, Diana, are you doubting my words?" Nero scolded her before she could finish her dialogue. There is no doubt that both Clelia and Diana can feel his authority tone. Diana can feel his vermilions eyes staring deep down into her soul.

"Pardon me for my rudeness, Your Highness." her body shakes in fear of what the five-year-old prince will do to her.

"I will discuss this matter with the others in the strategy meeting. Also, Diana, I'm sorry for yelling at you." Nero can't help himself but feel bad for her. He noticed that she feared the punishment he would bestow on her.

"No, Your Highness. It is my fault for not being good enough at doing the job that Madam Claudia tasked me with." Seriously? Is this the advantage of being royalty?

"Also Clelia." Nero moves his attention from Diana to the woman who is carrying him with care.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"How long does it take from Amazonian Island to the Capital City of Ymir Mountain?" Nero asked in wonder.

"Hmmm...I think it will take us around 3 days by ship, and then it will take 2 more days to hike the mountain to reach the Capital City, Your Highness." Nero nodded at her.

"Thanks Clelia."

"Your Highness, I'm simply doing my job as your caretaker. I don't deserve such praise from someone as great as you." Huh...Such a pain in the ass. Nero really likes Clelia as a person, but she is too stiff. She needs to relax more.

'Maybe I should massage her breasts to make her feel more relaxed.' Due to being so close to her breast, Nero can't help but to have a lewd thought.

Ymir Mountain is the country of the Dwarfs and Vikings; it is a perfect place for them to restock some of their supplies. Not to mention due to the Dwarfs being the master of blacksmiths, it will be better if he upgrades his army equipment. Well, he is only interested in upgrading Amazonian Warrior's weapons and definitely not their sexy armour.

The armour was already good enough for them, and Nero definitely didn't want them to change their armour because it was durable enough to survive and not because he liked how sexy they looked in it.

"Clelia, bring me to the war room. I think all of the division captains are already there waiting for me."

"I understand, Your Highness."

(Amazonian Island - War Room)

There are five divisions of Amazonian Warriors. The five captains of each division, including Irina and Claudia, are waiting patiently for Prince Nero inside the War Room.

"You are kidding me, right, Claudia!? Didn't we already have a meeting this morning!?" One of them yelled in anger while pointing her finger at Claudia. She looked like a clone of Irina, although her hair was shorter and her breasts were smaller.

"It is the wish of his highness, Elena. Stop acting like a child." Instead of Claudia, Irina is the one who answers her.

"But big sister, the one who is a child is that bratty prince! Not me!" Irina glared at her little sister, who just looked away from her gaze. Yes, Irina Octavia and Elena Octavia are related by blood.

"Ara~ How can you call a cute child like his highness a brat? The bratty one here is you~." The women with the most enormous breasts size and the tallest figure in the room mockingly tease Elena. She has long dark blue coloured hair tied in a braid and a pair of blue eyes.

"Shut up, you milky bitch!!"


"Both of you, stop this childishness." Claudia scolds both of her underlings, who act like a child.

"But she-"

"Enough is Enough!" Claudia can't help herself but to yell at Elena. Claudia would pick someone else for that position if Elena wasn't the best Swordswomen among the other Amazonian Warriors.

"But I think Elena is right about that. We already have a meeting this morning, so why should we do it again?" Said the tanned-skinned woman with white hair and golden eyes. "It because according to the law, we can't have a meeting with a royalty approval."

"Oh, is that so? Wake me up if his highness arrived." She said lazily before resting her head on the table. She just wants to sleep and forget about anything related to work. Irina sighed at her fellow warrior. Unlike the other, this woman doesn't care much about a strategy meeting and is always the 'Yes, Sir' type of person.

"Serena, you are so carefree..." A woman with brown hair and hazelnut eyes muttered as she observed Serena snoring on the table without any care for the world. "Sophia, what do you think about the second meeting?" She asked, glancing toward the silver-haired maiden with a blindfold covering her eyes.

"I'm interested in what his highness wants to say to us," Sophia said with a smile. "From what I hear from others, his highness is a kind person. Do you think he will disagree with your plan Claudia?" Sophia is a blind woman who lost her sight in the Cold War between the Fortuna Kingdom and Yggdrassil Forest ten years ago.

"I honestly want him to agree with my plan to excute that vile man."

"Well, that brat lost his parents to that fatass so- ouch! What the fuck!? Big sis! Stop pulling my ear!!!!" Before Elena could finish talking, Irina pinched and pulled her left ear.

"Stop calling, his highness like that Elena!" Irina scolded her sister for rude behaviour. Sure, Prince Nero isn't in the room yet, but she won't let anyone talk about him in a disrespectful manner.

"Sigh..... I'm so tired of Elena's stupidity."

"Ara~ Camilla, don't we all tired of her? Why don't we just burn her and throw her to the sharks?"

"Lucia, I knew that Elena is annoying but please don't kill her." Camilla stared at her coworker, who had a mischievous smile on her face.

"So sleepy..." Serena muttered in her sleep. Sophia can't help but smile at Serena, she may not know how Serena looks like, but she treated Serena like a little sister.

(Outside of the War Room)

"Is this how the captains acted like?" Nero muttered. He is currently peeking inside the room. He expected them to be more mature, not in the body aspect but in the mental aspect. Their body aspect is already mature enough.

"Your Highness, I sadly don't know much about other captains. But, I never saw Madam Lucia act like that before." Clelia answered. She has never seen this side of her Captain before. In her eyes, Lucia has always been the noble and elegant Spearwoman she always looked up to and to see how Lucia acted with the Captain of the Swordswomen Division, she cannot help but feel weird about it.

'Can I really trust these people with my life?' Nero can't help but to doubt these so-called captains. Clelia felt more dependable than them, not because her breasts felt nice but because she acted more mature, except for Irina and Claudia, who were by far the most mature women he knew.

"Clelia, can you stay with me in that room?" Nero looked up at her. In order to keep his sanity, he needs Clelia to stay by his side.

"Your Highness, I'm just a mere Second Lieutenant; I don't deserve to be in the same place as- Kyaaaaaaa!" Clelia yelped as she felt her left nipple pinched by Nero, who had his right hand under her armour.

"Stop with this 'I don't deserve stuff'. If I told you to follow me, then just follow me."

I want to write until Nero talks about his idea to everyone in the room, but on second thought...I should just end here

HereAlicecreators' thoughts